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Item Database - Search Results

Nano formulas
Abduction AOE Nano -1 1
Access Notum Source -1 1
Access Notum Source -1 1
Access Notum Source -1 1
Access Notum Source -1 1
Access Notum Source -1 1
Access Notum Source -1 1
Access Notum Source -1 1
Access Notum Source -1 1
Access Notum Source -1 1
Access Notum Source -1 1
Accomplished Health Haggler 74 23 305 350 tra
Active Remedy 33 11 155 179 155 doc
Adaptive Ambient Regeneration 129 32 744 744 kee
Adaptive Ambient Restoration 1 1 10 10 kee
Adaptive Tone of Clarity 2 1 20 20 kee
Adaptive Tone of Harmony 126 32 750 750 kee
Add Leet One Spawn Nano -1 1
Add Leet Three Spawn Nano -1 1
Add Leet Two Spawn Nano -1 1
Adrenaline Pump 10 4 61 61
Adrenaline Rush 76 0 665 665 sol
Advanced Delayed Health Payment 123 38 523 578 tra
Advanced Health Freeloader 103 32 444 487 tra
Advanced Health Funnel 30 10 134 158 tra
Advanced Insurance Hack 103 17 528 377 377 fix
Advanced Medical Claim 175 25 809 605 605 fix
Advanced Policy Skim 142 23 709 543 543 fix
Advanced Software Hacking Shielding 200 20 1701 1701 1701 eng
Affected by Two-More-Hit Healing -1 1
Agility Boost 7 3 41 35
Alice's Enlargement -1 1
Alice's Reduction -1 1
Alien Rejuvenation 220 1 1351 1351
Alien Revitalization 220 1 1351 1351
Alleviate Pain 50 16 226 252 adv
Alpha and Omega -1 1
Amateur Health Haggler 4 2 26 30 tra
Ambient Alleviation -1 0
Ambient Alleviation 26 7 144 144 kee
Ambient Amelioration -1 0
Ambient Convalescence -1 0
Ambient Invigoration -1 0
Ambient Purification -1 1
Ambient Purification -1 1
Ambient Regeneration -1 0
Ambient Regeneration -1 1
Ambient Regeneration 156 39 824 824 kee
Ambient Regeneration 1 -1 0
Ambient Regeneration 2 -1 0
Ambient Regeneration 3 -1 0
Ambient Regeneration 4 -1 0
Ambient Rehabilitation -1 0
Ambient Rehabilitation 61 15 335 335 kee
Ambient Rejuvenation -1 0
Ambient Rejuvenation 94 24 536 536 kee
Ambient Renaissance -1 0
Ambient Renaissance -1 1
Ambient Renaissance 1 -1 0
Ambient Renaissance 2 -1 0
Ambient Renaissance 3 -1 0
Ambient Renaissance 4 -1 0
Ambient Renewal -1 1
Ambient Renewal 1 -1 0
Ambient Renewal 2 -1 0
Ambient Renewal 3 -1 0
Ambient Renewal 4 -1 0
Ambient Restoration -1 0
Ambient Restoration -1 1
Ambient Restoration 1 -1 0
Ambient Restoration 2 -1 0
Ambient Restoration 3 -1 0
Ambient Restoration 4 -1 0
Ambient Revitalization -1 0
Ancient Judgement of The Xan -1 1
Ancient Judgement of The Xan -1 1
Ancient Judgement of The Xan -1 1
Ancient Judgement of The Xan -1 1
Ancient Judgement of The Xan -1 1
Anesthetic -1 1
Anima of Fathomless Rage 110 3 410 410 410 met
Anima of Implacable Hatred 156 3 572 572 572 met
Anima of Maddening Wrath 189 4 698 698 698 met
Anima of Pure Malevolence 212 5 781 781 781 met
Anima of Relentless Fury 67 2 252 252 252 met
Anima of The Abomination 239 5 874 874 874 met
Anima of Unleashed Malice 37 2 148 148 148 met
Anima of Unrestrained Ferocity 14 1 58 58 58 met
Antiseptic -1 1
Apprentice Health Haggler 17 6 79 94 tra
Assist Aggression Subsystem 117 12 748 748 748 eng
Assist Combat Array 15 2 102 102 102 eng
Augment Agility 4 2 25 22
Augment Intelligence 4 2 25 22
Augment Psychic 4 2 25 22
Augment Sense 4 2 25 22
Augment Stamina 4 2 25 22
Augment Strength 4 2 25 22
Aura of Revival -1 1
Aura of Revival -1 1
Aura of Revival -1 1
Aura of Revival -1 1
Aura of Revival -1 1
Aura of Revival -1 1
Aura of Revival -1 1
Aura of Revival -1 1
Aura of Revival -1 1
Aura of Revival -1 1
Aura of the Immortal -1 1
Aura of the Immortal 390 1 167
Average Delayed Health Payment 44 14 196 220 tra
Average Health Freeloader 70 22 294 337 tra
Average Health Funnel 10 4 57 69 tra
Backyard Bandages -1 1
Backyard Revitalization 132 22 683 520 520 fix
Bane's Reimbursement 390 15 200 225
Basic Dressing -1 1
Basic Insurance Hack 4 1 26 21 21 fix
Basic Nanite Robot Protection 200 25 1001 751 1001 bur
Basic Omni-Med Enhancement -1 38
Basic Omni-Med Enhancement -1 38
Basic Omni-Med Enhancement 149 38 637 708 637 doc
Basic Policy Skim 66 11 345 247 247 fix
Battlegroup Heal -1 1
Battlegroup Heal -1 1
Battlegroup Heal -1 1
Battlegroup Heal -1 1
Battlegroup Heal -1 1
Battlegroup Heal -1 1
Battlegroup Heal -1 1
Battlegroup Heal -1 1
Battlegroup Heal -1 1
Battlegroup Heal -1 1
Belamorte's Blessing 192 1
Belamorte's Blessing - 720 390 1
Belamorte's Blessing - 722 390 1
Belamorte's Blessing - 724 390 1
Belamorte's Blessing - 726 390 1
Belamorte's Blessing - 728 390 1
Belamorte's Blessing - 729 390 1
Belith's Blessing 390 1
Belt Mission Reminder -1 1
Berens's Healing Over Time -1 8
Berens's Healing Over Time End -1 8
Big Bang Effect -1 1
Big Bang Looper -1 1
Bind Wounds 24 8 104 123 doc
Bio Feedback -1 1
Bio Regrowth -1 1
Bio Rejuvenation -1 1
Bio Rejuvenation -1 1
Bio Rejuvenation -1 1
Bio Rejuvenation -1 1
Bio Rejuvenation -1 1
Bio Rejuvenation -1 1
Bio Rejuvenation -1 1
Bio Rejuvenation -1 1
Bio Rejuvenation -1 1
Bio Rejuvenation -1 1
Bio Rejuvenation -1 1
Bio Rejuvenation -1 1
Bio Rejuvenation -1 1
Bio Rejuvenation -1 1
Bio Rejuvenation -1 1
Bio Rejuvenation -1 1
Biosign Rejuvenator 93 15 488 347 347 fix
Blackmarket Prescription 70 12 379 272 272 fix
Blessing fo the Redeemed -1 1
Blessing fo the Redeemed -1 1
Blessing fo the Redeemed -1 1
Blessing of Auto -1 1
Blessing of Life -1 1
Blessing of Life -1 1
Blessing of Life -1 1
Blessing of Life -1 1
Blessing of Life -1 1
Blessing of Life -1 1
Blessing of Life -1 1
Blessing of Life -1 1
Blessing of the Ancient Form -1 1
Blessing of the Ancient Machinist -1 1
Blessing of the Eternal Cleric -1 1
Blessing of the Eternal Craftsman -1 1
Blessing of the Immortal 390 1 99
Blessing of the Redeemed 390 1 230
Blessing of the Redeemed 390 1 400
Blessing of the Redeemed 390 1 400
Bliss 87 27 203
Blood Anvil of Restite 99 1
Blood Anvil of Restite - 720 390 1
Blood Anvil of Restite - 722 390 1
Blood Anvil of Restite - 724 390 1
Blood Anvil of Restite - 726 390 1
Blood Anvil of Restite - 728 390 1
Blood Anvil of Restite - 729 390 1
Blood Circle -1 8
Blood Circle -1 8
Blood Circle 24 8 108 128 doc
Blood Transfusion -1 1
Blue Nano Hit -1 8
Bodily Amplification -1 14
Bodily Amplification 43 14 192 216 192 doc
Bodily Reinforcement -1 3
Bodily Reinforcement -1 3
Bodily Reinforcement 10 3 48 58 48 doc
Body Boost 1 1 5 5 sol
Bomb Location Attunement Start -1 1
Bomb Location Attunement Stop -1 1
Boon of the Immortal 390 1 122
Boost Aggression Subsystem 174 17 963 963 963 eng
Boost Combat Array 77 8 479 479 479 eng
Boot Camp Toughness 17 6 96 91 sol
Bootleg Remedies -1 1
Bot Mass Migration 4 2 36 31
Bot Migration 4 2 25 22
Bot Reproduction 37 22 526 526 bur
Breath of the Immortal 390 1 208
Burning Proximity -1 1
BZMJ Playfield nano -1 1
Capable Health Haggler 34 11 143 167 tra
Cellular Crashcart 146 24 743 564 564 fix
Cellular Grafting 47 15 204 229 doc
Cellular Rebuild 86 27 370 414 doc
Cellular Reformation 83 26 350 398 adv
Cellular Restoration 146 25 492 420 doc
Change Form: Atrox -1 7 95 119 81 age
Change Form: Opifex -1 14 199 223 169 age
Channeling of Notum -1 1
Channeling of Notum -1 1
Channeling of Notum -1 1
Channeling of Notum -1 1
Chant of the Immortal -1 1
Chant of the Immortal 390 1 190
Charge Knockback -1 1
Cleanse Wounds 96 30 428 467 doc
Cloaked Alien Ambush Trigger Nano -1 1
Close Wounds 90 28 394 435 doc
Cocoon Counter Nano -1 1
Coherent Notum Web 90 28 422 422 379 met
Collector Teleport Nano -1 1
Colossal Health -1 31
Colossal Health -1 31
Colossal Health 116 31 503 556 503 doc
Combat Hardening 33 11 175 160 sol
Combat Mission Reminder -1 1
Commonplace Delayed Health Payment 37 12 163 187 tra
Company Policy 37 12 163 187 doc
Complete Healing 169 1 723 795 doc
Composite Attribute Boost 25 4 30 30
Composite Attribute Boost (2 hours) 125 4 61 61
Composite Attribute Boost (4 hours) 201 4 61 61
Composite Attribute Boost (8 hours) 211 4 61 61
Confound -1 2 19 41 met
Consummate Carer 106 33 455 500 doc
Continuous Cellular Reconditioning 126 39 543 603 543 doc
Coordinated Strike -1 16
Coordinated Strike -1 1
Corporate Insurance Policy 200 20 1501 1201 1501 bur
Corporate Strategy -1 30
Corporate Strategy 200 30 1801 1451 1801 bur
Counteract Damage 50 16 216 241 doc
Courage Of The Just -1 1
Courage Of The Just 20 20 120 120 kee
Course of Treatment 86 27 375 418 375 doc
Cripple Psyche -1 2
CrunchCom Code Sieve 10 4 64 64 64 nan
CrunchCom Nano Compressor 47 15 233 233 233 nan
CrunchCom Nano Compressor Pro 123 38 567 567 567 nan
Curatem's Shining Essence 169 1
Curatem's Shining Essence - 720 390 1
Curatem's Shining Essence - 722 390 1
Curatem's Shining Essence - 724 390 1
Curatem's Shining Essence - 726 390 1
Curatem's Shining Essence - 728 390 1
Curatem's Shining Essence - 729 390 1
Cure of the Tentacle 390 36
Curing Touch -1 1
Curing Touch -1 1
Curing Touch -1 1
Curing Touch -1 1
Curing Touch -1 1
Curing Touch -1 1
Curing Touch -1 1
Curing Touch -1 1
Curing Touch -1 1
Curing Touch -1 1
Curing Touch -1 1
Curing Touch -1 1
Curing Touch -1 1
Curing Touch -1 1
Curing Touch -1 1
Curing Touch -1 1
Curing Touch -1 1
Curing Touch -1 1
Curing Touch -1 1
Curing Touch -1 1
Cursory Examination 30 10 130 153 doc
Daring Syndrome 390 0
Deadeye Amplifier -1 1
Deathless Rebirth -1 25
Defender of the Immortal 390 10 701
Delayed Health Payment 70 22 300 344 tra
Detailed Medical Claim 73 12 384 276 276 fix
Diminish -1 21 301 321 281 doc
Diminish Agility 4 2 36 31
Diminish Intelligence 4 2 36 31
Diminish Psychic 4 2 36 31
Diminish Sense 4 2 36 31
Diminish Stamina 4 2 36 31
Diminish Strength 4 2 36 31
Distress Call Team Resolve -1 1
Distress Call Trigger Nano -1 1
Distress Call Trigger Nano -1 1
Doctor's Grace 7 3 39 47 doc
Dominator -1 2
Don't Fear the Reaper 76 0 665 665 sol
Drain Agility 10 4 58 48
Drain Intelligence 10 4 58 48
Drain Offence -1 1
Drain Psychic Badly -1 4
Drain Sense 10 4 58 48
Drain Stamina 10 4 58 48
Drain Strength 10 4 58 48
Dress Wounds 10 4 48 58 doc
Dr Hack 'n Quack 152 25 779 589 589 fix
Droid Damage Matrix -1 30
Droid Damage Matrix 200 30 1801 1801 bur
Droid Pressure Matrix -1 30
Droid Pressure Matrix 200 30 1801 1801 bur
Droid Repair 70 22 344 300 300 bur
Durable Bandages -1 0
Dust Brigade Attunement -1 1
Dust Brigade Attunement -1 1
Dust Brigade Attunement -1 1
Dust Brigade Attunement -1 1
Dust Brigade Rejuvenation 220 1 1501
Dust Brigade Security Encryption -1 1
Ease of Execution 24 8 118 118 100 met
Easing Touch 50 16 221 246 doc
Economic Nanobot Use -1 1
Ed Burton mission -1 1
Ed Burton mission -1 1
Einstein's Booster -1 1
Elementary Delayed Health Payment 31 10 130 153 tra
Elementary Life Booster 1 1 3 3
Emergency Backup Relay -1 16
Emergency Backup Relay -1 16
Emergency Backup Relay -1 16
Emergency Backup Relay -1 1
Emergency Backup Relay -1 16
Emergency Bandages -1 1
Emergency Stitching 4 2 22 25 doc
Emergency XP Loss Reducer: 30 47 15 233 233 208 bur
Encourage Regrowth -1 0
Encourage Regrowth 86 27 375 418 adv
End Mission Reminder -1 1
Enfeeble -1 26 361 401 doc
Enfraam's Cortex Accelerator 150 38 970 970 nan
Enhance Aggression Subsystem 158 16 903 903 903 eng
Enhance Combat Array 56 6 335 335 335 eng
Enhance Constitution -1 8
Enhance Constitution -1 8
Enhance Constitution 27 8 117 138 117 doc
Enhance Team Health -1 1
Enhance Team Health -1 1
Enhance Team Health 1 1 17 19 17 doc
Enigma Trigger Nano -1 1
Enlarge 37 12 167 191 167 doc
Enlightened Aura of Healing -1 0
Enlightened Healing Touch -1 0
Eremite Location Attunement Start -1 1
Eremite Location Attunement Stop -1 1
Essence Drain 390 15 200 225
Essence Flight 390 15 200 225
Essence of Boundless Health 33 11 160 160 enf
Essence of Cyclops 57 18 274 274 enf
Essence of Gargantua 123 38 571 571 enf
Essence of Might 24 8 115 115 enf
Essence of Vitality 14 5 74 74 enf
Event Item Spawn -1 1
Evocation of Fathomless Rage 85 9 520 520 520 met
Evocation of Implacable Hatred 115 12 734 734 734 met
Evocation of Maddening Wrath 140 14 853 853 853 met
Evocation of Pure Malevolence 177 18 975 975 975 met
Evocation of Relentless Fury 58 6 350 350 350 met
Evocation of The Abomination 200 20 1047 1047 1047 met
Evocation of The Cleansed 200 25 1501 1501 1501 met
Evocation of The Empowered 200 20 1501 1501 1501 met
Evocation of The Enlightened 200 20 1301 1301 1301 met
Evocation of The Enraged 200 20 1201 1201 1201 met
Evocation of The Pure 200 25 1901 1901 1901 met
Evocation of The Reinforced -1 25
Evocation of The Reinforced 200 25 1901 1901 1901 met
Evocation of Unleashed Malice 34 3 209 209 209 met
Evocation of Unrestrained Ferocity 16 2 107 107 107 met
Exaggerated Health -1 22
Exaggerated Health -1 22
Exaggerated Health 80 22 336 386 336 doc
Experienced Survivor 20 20 120 120 fix
Experimental Panacea 103 32 444 487 doc
Expert Health Haggler 97 30 423 461 tra
Face Graft 77 24 371 321 321 age
Faithful Reconstruction -1 1
Faithful Reconstruction -1 1
Falsify Medical Records 30 5 171 126 126 fix
Fanatical Regeneration -1 1
Fast Team Tissue Repair 80 25 345 394 doc
Feeble Delayed Health Payment 8 3 35 41 tra
Feelings of Mortality 90 5 509 468 sol
Field Dressings 10 4 57 69 doc
Field Workshop 120 37 518 572 572 eng
Flawless Medical Claim 129 21 661 492 492 fix
Flourishing Heal -1 0
Fluctuation of The Vivificator 123 1
Fluctuation of The Vivificator - 720 390 1
Fluctuation of The Vivificator - 722 390 1
Fluctuation of The Vivificator - 724 390 1
Fluctuation of The Vivificator - 726 390 1
Fluctuation of The Vivificator - 728 390 1
Fluctuation of The Vivificator - 729 390 1
Forms in Triplicate -1 1
Formula 22 215 1 1825 1825 eng
Fountain of Life -1 1
Fountain of Life 390 1 5500 5500
Fragmentation Grenades 100 30 500 500 sol
Freezing Proximity -1 1
Friendly Program Mission Reminder -1 1
Fury of the Immortal -1 12
Fury of the Immortal -1 12
Gallant Hero: The Aggravated Servant 71 7 448 397 448 bur
Gallant Hero: The Angry Servitor 110 11 697 637 697 bur
Gallant Hero: The Bitter Clerk 131 13 827 751 827 bur
Gallant Hero: The Enraged Drone 30 3 189 165 189 bur
Gallant Hero: The Incensed Retainer 173 17 959 887 959 bur
Gallant Hero: The Indignant Flunky 92 9 563 522 563 bur
Gallant Hero: The Infuriated Minion 52 5 305 278 305 bur
Gallant Hero: The Irate Attache 152 15 887 813 887 bur
Gallant Hero: The Vengeful Butler 199 20 1044 957 1044 bur
Gallant Slave: The Aggravated Serf 80 7 490 490 435 bur
Gallant Slave: The Angry Drudge 110 11 760 760 700 bur
Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal 170 13 910 910 825 bur
Gallant Slave: The Enraged Slave 30 3 205 205 165 bur
Gallant Slave: The Incensed Subordinate 190 17 1050 1050 975 bur
Gallant Slave: The Indignant Peon 100 9 620 620 570 bur
Gallant Slave: The Infuriated Thrall 50 5 390 390 305 bur
Gallant Slave: The Irate Chattel 135 15 975 975 890 bur
Gallant Slave: The Vengeful Toiler 205 20 1150 1150 1050 bur
Gear Mission Reminder -1 1
Gender Swap: Female -1 7 93 107 83 age
Get back in shape -1 1
Gift of the Immortal 390 1 167
Give Energy: 10 7 3 44 44 mar
Give Energy: 100 53 17 252 252 mar
Give Energy: 25 14 5 75 75 mar
Give Energy: 50 27 9 134 134 mar
Give Life: 10 7 3 39 39 mar
Give Life: 100 50 16 247 247 mar
Give Life: 25 14 5 70 70 mar
Give Life: 50 27 9 130 130 mar
Greater Cellular Grafting 109 34 473 519 doc
Greater Corporate Insurance Policy 200 20 1901 1401 1901 bur
Greater Encourage Regrowth -1 0
Greater Heal -1 0
Greater Healing Touch -1 0
Greater Healing Touch 99 31 473 473 mar
Greater Health Freeloader 113 35 488 538 tra
Greater Health Funnel 33 11 155 179 tra
Greater Lasting Heal 93 29 418 456 418 doc
Greater Preservation Matrix -1 30 1755 1430 1420 fix
Greater Quick Heal 43 14 196 220 adv
Greater Restore Essence -1 0
Greater Team Healing 76 24 321 371 doc
Greater Team Healing Touch -1 0
Greater Team Healing Touch -1 0
Greater Team Healing Touch 106 33 503 503 mar
Greater Team Quick Heal -1 0
Greater Team Quick Heal 57 18 252 284 adv
Greater Team Restore Essence -1 0
Greater Team Restore Essence -1 0
Grove Curator Blessing -1 1
Grove Custodian Blessing -1 1
Grove Guardian Blessing -1 1
Grove Warden Blessing -1 1
Hacked Diagnosis 37 6 204 149 149 fix
Heal -1 0
Healer's Hands 123 38 528 584 doc
Healing 4 2 36 31
Healing Aura -1 0
Healing Aura 73 23 345 345 mar
Healing Care -1 1
Healing Herbs -1 1
Healing Light 116 36 508 561 doc
Healing Meditation -1 1 599 599 mar
Healing Rays of Sunrise -1 0
Healing Touch -1 0
Healing Touch 43 14 216 216 mar
Healing Touch of the Redeemed -1 29
Healing Touch of the Redeemed -1 11
Healing Touch of the Redeemed -1 27
Healing Touch of the Redeemed -1 2
Healing Touch of the Redeemed -1 26
Healing Touch of the Redeemed -1 30
Healing Touch of the Redeemed -1 1
Healing Touch of the Redeemed -1 34
Healing Touch of the Redeemed -1 4
Healing Touch of the Redeemed -1 13
Healing Touch of the Redeemed -1 36
Healing Touch of the Redeemed -1 16
Healing Touch of the Redeemed -1 13
Healing Touch of the Redeemed -1 7
Healing Touch of the Redeemed -1 15
Healing Touch of the Redeemed -1 20
Heal Mission Reminder -1 1
Health Augmentation -1 2
Health Augmentation 4 2 31 36 31 doc
Health Collection -1 1
Health Collection -1 1
Health Destroyer -1 1
Health Freeloader 86 27 365 410 tra
Health Funnel 20 7 91 109 tra
Health Graft -1 6
Health Graft -1 6
Health Graft 17 6 83 99 83 doc
Heal This 156 1
Health Pump 60 19 267 304 267 doc
Health Seep -1 1
Health Surge -1 10
Health Surge 30 10 134 158 134 doc
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation -1 1
Healthy Manifestation 215 1 2109 2209 met
Hearty Constitution 76 35 578 527 doc
Hercules' Booster -1 1
Highway -1 1
Holy Book Blessings -1 1
Honor Restored -1 1
Honor Restored -1 1
Hostile Program Mission Reminder -1 1
Hurry up -1 1
Ilari Biorejuvenation 1 390 1 5
Ilari Biorejuvenation 2 390 10 154
Ilari Biorejuvenation 3 390 20 318
Ilari Biorejuvenation 4 390 29 445
Ilari Biorejuvenation 5 390 35 491
Immortal Rage 390 12 751
Immortal's Lifeblood -1 35
Improved Ambient Invigoration -1 0
Improved Boot Camp Toughness -1 6 96 91 sol
Improved Combat Hardening -1 11 175 160 sol
Improved Complete Healing 215 1 2154 2154 doc
Improved Healing 1 1 5 5 doc
Improved Instill With Malign Intent -1 5
Improved Instill With Malign Intent 215 5 2109 2209 met
Improved Seed Life -1 1
Improved Survivor's Resilience -1 25 656 621 sol
Improved Titan Physique -1 30 533 515 sol
Improved Tough as Nails -1 15 300 274 sol
Improve Health 7 3 47 39
Induced Apathy 200 30 1301 1301 met
Inferior Cleanse Wounds 14 5 70 84 doc
Inferior Wound Bindings 4 2 31 36 doc
Inner Glory 390 1
Instant Rejuvination -1 30
Instant Rejuvination Blocker -1 30
Instill With Enduring Wrath 166 4 766 766 met
Instill With Ferocious Purpose 113 3 526 526 met
Instill With Fury 41 2 191 191 met
Instill With Malign Intent 189 5 874 874 met
Instill With Rage 21 1 104 104 met
Instill With Righteous Frenzy 150 3 690 690 met
Instill With Terrible Anger 74 2 350 350 met
Insurance Hack 47 8 252 182 182 fix
Intelligence Boost 7 3 41 35
Invocation of the Phoenix 159 1 680 751 adv
Iron Circle -1 26
Iron Circle 83 26 355 402 doc
Izgimmer's Wealth 215 0 1820 1820 nan
Kamikaze Self Destruction Discombobulator -1 2
Kamikaze Self Destruction Proc Start -1 1
Kin of Tarasque -1 1
Kitchen-sink Surgery 53 9 294 212 212 fix
Kyr'Ozch Aid 14 0
Kyr'Ozch Prison -1 1
Kyr'Ozch Prison 14 1 501
Kyr'Ozch Protector Drone Defense System -1 1
Kyr'Ozch Protector Drone Defense System AOE -1 1
Lasting Heal 14 5 66 79 66 doc
Lasting Life 205 25 1230 1055 1052 fix
Lasting Ultimatum 211 25 1510 1255 1248 fix
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lay on Hands -1 1
Lend Nano: 100 24 8 104 123 tra
Lend Nano: 250 53 17 236 265 tra
Lend Nano: 50 10 4 53 64 tra
Lend Nano: 500 116 36 503 556 tra
Lesser Bloom of Health 63 20 278 317 doc
Lesser Cellular Grafting 1 1 17 19 doc
Lesser Circle of Renewal 47 15 200 225 doc
Lesser Corporate Insurance Policy 200 20 1301 901 1301 bur
Lesser Delayed Health Payment 57 18 241 271 tra
Lesser Healing Touch -1 0
Lesser Healing Touch 10 4 61 61 mar
Lesser Health Freeloader 80 25 331 382 tra
Lesser Health Funnel 17 6 75 89 tra
Lesser Lick Wounds 119 38 523 578 adv
Lesser Nanite Robot Protection 200 30 1401 1001 1401 bur
Lesser Nano Bandage 17 6 75 89 doc
Lesser Nano Surgery 24 8 112 133 doc
Lesser Policy Payout 109 34 483 532 483 doc
Lesser Restore to Health 21 7 96 114 adv
Lesser Software Hacking Shielding 200 20 1301 1301 1301 eng
Lifeblood -1 1
Lifeblood of Altmus 146 1
Lifeblood of Altmus - 720 390 1
Lifeblood of Altmus - 722 390 1
Lifeblood of Altmus - 724 390 1
Lifeblood of Altmus - 726 390 1
Lifeblood of Altmus - 728 390 1
Lifeblood of Altmus - 729 390 1
Life Bond 208 25 1335 1130 1126 fix
Life Reinforcement -1 16
Life Reinforcement 50 16 226 252 226 doc
Location Achieved -1 1
Location Achieved End -1 1
Looting Armor Mission Reminder -1 1
Magnifying Glass Attunement -1 1
Magnifying Glass Attunement BX11 -1 1
Magnifying Glass Attunement MVCN -1 1
Magnifying Glass Attunement WQEL -1 1
Magnifying Glass Attunement ZLQ6 -1 1
Magnifying Glass Location Achieved -1 1
Magnifying Glass Location Achieved BX11 -1 1
Magnifying Glass Location Achieved End -1 1
Magnifying Glass Location Achieved End BX11 -1 1
Magnifying Glass Location Achieved End MVCN -1 1
Magnifying Glass Location Achieved End WQEL -1 1
Magnifying Glass Location Achieved End ZLQ6 -1 1
Magnifying Glass Location Achieved MVCN -1 1
Magnifying Glass Location Achieved WQEL -1 1
Magnifying Glass Location Achieved ZLQ6 -1 1
Maim -1 27 381 411 doc
Major Aura of the Immortal -1 1
Major Aura of the Immortal 390 1 913
Major Blessing of the Immortal 390 1 748
Major Chant of the Immortal -1 1
Major Chant of the Immortal 390 1 960
Major Defender of the Immortal 390 11 751
Major Delayed Health Payment 100 31 439 480 tra
Major Gift of the Immortal 390 1 778
Major Health Collection - Blue -1 0
Major Health Collection - Blue Wipe -1 30
Major Health Collection - Red -1 0
Major Health Collection - Red Wipe -1 30
Major Health Freeloader 93 29 403 444 tra
Major Health Funnel 24 8 112 133 tra
Major Health Graft -1 26
Major Health Graft -1 26
Major Health Graft 93 26 413 452 413 doc
Major Presence of the Immortal -1 1
Major Presence of the Immortal 390 1 836
Major Radiance of the Immortal -1 1
Major Radiance of the Immortal 390 1 778
Makeshift Bandaging 74 23 310 357 adv
Mark of Sufferance -1 1
Mark of Sufferance -1 1
Mark of Sufferance -1 1
Mark of Sufferance -1 1
Mark of Sufferance -1 1
Mark of Sufferance -1 1
Mark of Sufferance -1 1
Massive Vitae Plan -1 1
Masterly Health Haggler 116 36 508 561 tra
Master's Bidding 200 30 1101
Matrix of Ka -1 0
Medical Claim 17 3 96 71 71 fix
Medical Sequencer 70 22 305 350 305 doc
Medic's Call 57 18 241 271 doc
Medic's Respite -1 14
Medic's Respite -1 14
Medic's Respite 47 14 208 233 208 doc
Metabolism Booster -1 10
Metabolism Booster -1 10
Metabolism Booster 33 10 151 175 151 doc
Minor Balm 40 13 171 195 doc
Minor Defender of the Immortal 390 9 641
Minor Delayed Health Payment 21 7 96 114 tra
Minor Healing 1 1 19 17
Minor Health Freeloader 60 19 257 291 tra
Minor Health Funnel 7 3 39 47 tra
Minor Lick Wounds 86 27 379 422 adv
Minor Team Healing 7 3 44 52 doc
Minor Team Purification 33 11 143 167 doc
Mission Resolve G83D -1 1
Mission resolveteam 8PW4 -1 1
Mission resolveteam E1PO -1 1
Mission resolveteam JV8Z -1 1
Mist of Life 390 1 3500 3500
Mongo Annihilator! 390 1
Mongo Bash! -1 21
Mongo's Colossus 209 38 1200 1200 enf
Mongo's Cyclops 93 10 441 441 enf
Mongo's Gargantua 201 28 1000 1000 enf
Mongo's Golem 43 5 211 211 enf
Mongo Slam! -1 6
Mongo's Titan 142 20 659 659 enf
Mongo's Troll 4 1 30 30 enf
Monitor Aggression Subsystem 136 14 841 841 841 eng
Monitor Combat Array 37 4 224 224 224 eng
Movement Mission Reminder -1 1
Muscle Booster 70 22 336 336 mar
Muscle Stim 20 7 108 108 mar
Mutate Form: Atrox -1 18 251 289 237 age
Mutate Form: Opifex -1 26 393 403 365 age
My Enemy's Enemy is my Friend -1 0
Nano Bandage 73 23 310 357 doc
Nano Can Buff: Composite Attribute Improvement -1 12
Nano Can Buff: Iron Circle -1 26
Nano Can Buff: Neuronal Stimulator -1 7
Nano Can: Essence of Might -1 8
Nano Can: Essence of the Brave Challenger -1 14
Nano Can: Essence of Titan -1 29
Nano Can: Muscle Booster -1 22
Nano Can: Muscle Stim -1 7
Nano Cauterization 109 18 574 410 410 fix
Nano Growth 37 2 179 179 bur
Nano Heal -1 1
Nano Heal -1 1
Nano Heal -1 1
Nano Restoration Escalation 90 12 426 426 bur
Nano Surgery 93 29 403 444 doc
Natural Cure 34 11 151 175 adv
Natural Healing 76 10 378 327 doc
Natural Remedy 90 28 384 426 adv
Neuronal Stimulator 28 7 194 194 nan
Next Window Over -1 1
Non Organic Molecular Recompiler 390 1
Notum Attunement 60 19 284 284 252 met
Notum Detonation 390 6 201
Novice Health Haggler 11 4 53 64 tra
Omni-Med Incursion 149 24 759 574 574 fix
Omni-Med Superior Healing 14 1 1 1
Omni-Pol Pacification Logic System 200 20 1047 1047 1047 eng
On Battlestation -1 1
One Foot in the Grave 180 6 913 830 sol
On-The-Fly Compression 73 23 350 350 350 nan
Orbital Strike -1 1
Orbital Strike Resolve Mission -1 1
Ottous Trigger Nano -1 1
Overdrive Aggression Subsystem 193 19 1026 1026 1026 eng
Overdrive Combat Array 96 10 594 594 594 eng
Parasite Removal -1 0
Patch Wounds 41 13 171 195 adv
Patchy Delayed Health Payment 14 5 66 79 tra
Patchy Health Freeloader 50 16 226 252 tra
Patchy Health Funnel 4 2 22 25 tra
Patchy Repairs 34 11 147 171 171 eng
Path to Elevation 1 -1 1
Path to Elevation 2 -1 1
Path to Elevation 3 -1 1
Periodic Checkup 27 9 121 143 121 doc
Personal Healing -1 1 35 35 mar
Pet Cleanse -1 0
Pet Program Mission Reminder -1 1
Pet Program Mission Resolve -1 1
PF Racing Nano Dummy -1 1
PF Racing Nano Eigth -1 1
PF Racing Nano Eleventh -1 1
PF Racing Nano End -1 1
PF Racing Nano Fifth -1 1
PF Racing Nano First -1 1
PF Racing Nano Fourteenth -1 1
PF Racing Nano Fourth -1 1
PF Racing Nano Nineth -1 1
PF Racing Nano Ninth -1 1
PF Racing Nano Second -1 1
PF Racing Nano Seventh -1 1
PF Racing Nano Sixth -1 1
PF Racing Nano Tenth -1 1
PF Racing Nano Third -1 1
PF Racing Nano Thirteenth -1 1
PF Racing Nano Twelveth -1 1
Phasefront Race -1 1
Phasefront Race Game Over -1 1
Phasefront Race Winner -1 1
Physician's Skill 33 11 151 175 doc
Playfield Nano: Open PvP - On Player -1 1
Playfield Nano Start Phasefront Race -1 1
Plus One -1 1
Plus One - Cash -1 1
Plus One - Cash -1 1
Plus Ten -1 1
Policy Skim 119 20 618 444 444 fix
Practiced Health Haggler 27 9 121 143 tra
Practiced Stitching 93 29 413 452 adv
Pre-Combat Conditioning -1 36
Pre-Combat Conditioning -1 36
Pre-Combat Conditioning 139 36 594 663 594 doc
Premium Cover 37 12 159 183 doc
Presence of the Immortal -1 1
Presence of the Immortal 390 1 149
Prisoner Quest First Mission Spawn Nano -1 1
Prisoner Quest Second Mission Spawn Nano -1 1
Professional Care 93 29 408 448 doc
Professional Health Haggler 87 27 375 418 tra
Proficient Health Haggler 41 13 184 207 tra
Psychic Boost 7 3 41 35
Pulse of Sanoo 77 1
Pulse of Sanoo - 720 390 1
Pulse of Sanoo - 722 390 1
Pulse of Sanoo - 724 390 1
Pulse of Sanoo - 726 390 1
Pulse of Sanoo - 728 390 1
Pulse of Sanoo - 729 390 1
Quality Delayed Health Payment 87 27 370 414 tra
Quick Fix 14 5 70 84 84 eng
Quick Heal 1 1 5 5 adv
Racing Player Counter -1 1
Radiance of the Immortal -1 1
Radiance of the Immortal 390 1 122
Radiant Heal 123 38 523 578 doc
Rage Eternal 250 12 751
Rage Immortal 250 1
Raze of Acrimony -1 13
Raze of Acrimony -1 8
Raze of Acrimony -1 23
Raze of Acrimony -1 29
Raze of Acrimony -1 30
Raze of Acrimony -1 36
Raze of Acrimony -1 4
Raze of Acrimony -1 35
Raze of Acrimony -1 1
Raze of Acrimony -1 6
Raze of Acrimony -1 18
Raze of Acrimony -1 4
Raze of Acrimony -1 13
Raze of Acrimony -1 10
Raze of Acrimony -1 2
Raze of Acrimony -1 7
Raze of Acrimony -1 15
Raze of Acrimony -1 25
Raze of Acrimony -1 38
Raze of Acrimony -1 32
Raze of Tantrum -1 11
Raze of Tantrum -1 26
Raze of Tantrum -1 27
Raze of Tantrum -1 36
Raze of Tantrum -1 2
Raze of Tantrum -1 13
Raze of Tantrum -1 15
Raze of Tantrum -1 23
Raze of Tantrum -1 2
Raze of Tantrum -1 7
Raze of Tantrum -1 1
Raze of Tantrum -1 38
Raze of Tantrum -1 4
Raze of Tantrum -1 16
Raze of Tantrum -1 20
Raze of Tantrum -1 6
Raze of Tantrum -1 34
Raze of Vexation -1 2
Raze of Vexation -1 11
Raze of Vexation -1 27
Raze of Vexation -1 4
Raze of Vexation -1 16
Raze of Vexation -1 13
Raze of Vexation -1 8
Raze of Vexation -1 36
Raze of Vexation -1 23
Raze of Vexation -1 20
Raze of Vexation -1 38
Raze of Vexation -1 2
Raze of Vexation -1 35
Raze of Vexation -1 4
Raze of Vexation -1 26
Rebate -1 1
Rebinding Sutures 24 4 134 99 99 fix
Rebuild Casing 84 26 360 406 406 eng
Recall Beacon -1 1
Reconditioned -1 1
Recondition Parts 50 16 221 246 246 eng
Reconstruct DNA -1 1
Reconstruct DNA -1 1
Reconstruct DNA -1 1
Reconstruct DNA -1 1
Reconstruct DNA -1 1
Reconstruct DNA -1 1
Recovering Sanity -1 8
Recurrent Remedy 40 13 188 211 188 doc
Redeem Last wish -1 1
Regeneration 14 5 74 61
Regenerative Boost 390 1
Regrowth 1 1
Regrowth 1 1
Release Me Now 25 0 100 100 enf
Relief from Pain 20 7 91 109 doc
Relieving Salve 7 2 57 43 43 fix
Remedy Inhibitor 200 5 1251 1251 sol
Renewal of Belief -1 0
Renewal of Mortificant 390 1
Renewal of Mortificant - 720 390 1
Renewal of Mortificant - 722 390 1
Renewal of Mortificant - 724 390 1
Renewal of Mortificant - 726 390 1
Renewal of Mortificant - 728 390 1
Renewal of Mortificant - 729 390 1
Restorative Boost 40 13 184 207 doc
Restorative Slime 390 1
Restore Essence -1 0
Restore Essence 20 7 112 112 mar
Restore to Health 64 20 267 304 adv
Restore Vigor -1 1
Restore Vitality 107 33 455 500 adv
Restrictive Bandaging -1 1
Rollerrat Psych Up Start -1 1
Rough Stitching 7 3 44 52 adv
Run-Time Recompiler 33 11 163 163 163 nan
Sacred Text of the Immortal One -1 1
Sacrifice Combat pet 200 20 1501 1501 1501 met
Scooplet Location Attunement Start -1 1
Scooplet Location Attunement Stop -1 1
Scorching Flames -1 16
Sedative Injectors 200 30 1301 1301 eng
Seed of Life -1 0
Self Preservation -1 1
Self Reconstruction -1 1 1195 1195 mar
Sense Boost 7 3 41 35
Shovel Attunement -1 1
Shower of Life 390 1 3750 3750
Siphon of the Source -1 8
Skilled Health Haggler 47 15 208 233 tra
Slipshod Bandaging 14 5 70 84 adv
Software Hacking Shielding 200 20 1501 1501 1501 eng
Solve Mission 91X7 -1 1
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