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Item Database - Search Results

Nano formulas
A Shirt for You -1 1
A Shirt for You -1 1
A Shirt for You -1 1
A Shirt for You -1 1
A Shirt for You -1 1
A Shirt for You -1 1
A Shirt for You -1 1
A Shirt for You -1 1
A Shirt for You -1 1
A Shirt for You -1 1
Attack Ligaments -1 1
Bane Costume -1 2
Baton of Authority -1 4
Baton of Command -1 35
Baton of Leadership -1 22
Biofreak Costume -1 2
Blackened Legacy -1 1
Blade Whirlwind -1 1
Blanket of Shadows -1 9
Blast Nano -1 50
Blessed and Relaxed from Having your Soul Embraced. -1 1
Blessing of Aztur -1 1
Blessing of Indecision -1 1
Blessing of Khalum -1 1
Blessing of Uklesh -1 1
Boom Ball Pet -1 4 11 11
Boon of the Enigma -1 1
Boooh -1 34
Boooh -1 55
Boooh -1 12
Boooh -1 18
Boooh -1 49
Boooh -1 28
Boooh -1 40
Borrowed Reflect - 12% -1 0
Borrowed Reflect - 15% -1 0
Borrowed Reflect - 18% -1 0
Borrowed Reflect - 20% -1 0
Borrowed Reflect - 22% -1 0
Borrowed Reflect - 24% -1 0
Borrowed Reflect - 3% -1 0
Borrowed Reflect - 30% -1 0
Borrowed Reflect - 6% -1 0
Borrowed Reflect - 9% -1 0
Borrow Reflect -1 30
Borrow Reflect -1 30
Borrow Reflect -1 30
Borrow Reflect -1 30
Borrow Reflect -1 30
Borrow Reflect -1 30
Borrow Reflect -1 30
Borrow Reflect -1 30
Borrow Reflect -1 30
Borrow Reflect -1 30
Braindog Charm -1 58 871 871 871
Brush with Insanity -1 15
Bullseye -1 41 1069 1069 age
Burglar Vision -1 27 397 415 fix
Chant of the Exarch -1 1
Claws of the Magal -1 1
Clearsight -1 1
Cloak of Night -1 16
Clumsy Oaf -1 4 66 66 66
Commanding Presence -1 1
Commanding Presence -1 1
Commanding Presence -1 1
Commanding Presence -1 1
Commanding Presence -1 1
Commanding Presence -1 1
Commanding Presence -1 1
Commanding Presence -1 1
Commanding Presence -1 1
Commanding Presence -1 1
Command Ransack -1 44
Commendation -1 36
Commendation -1 36
Concussion Round -1 20
Concussion Round -1 20
Construct Empowerment -1 6
Construct Empowerment -1 5
Construct Empowerment -1 5 1466 1463 met
Construct Empowerment -1 6
Corporate Protection Transfer -1 65
Crown of Ice -1 55
Curse of Darkness -1 21
Curse of The One -1 35
Cylinder of Speed -1 56
Dance of Fools -1 12
Daring Antidote -1 1
Daring Antidote -1 1
Debilitating Strike -1 1 648 648 648 mar
Decoy -1 5
Deep Six Initiative -1 1
Defense of the Oppressed -1 4
Defense of the Oppressed -1 2
Deflation -1 1
Demotivational Speech: 10 Thumbs -1 34
Demotivational Speech: Administrative Error -1 25
Demotivational Speech: Certainty of Defeat -1 54
Demotivational Speech: Dead Man Walking -1 56
Demotivational Speech: Dead Man Walking -1 61 1913 1471 1913 bur
Demotivational Speech: Factory Recall -1 10
Demotivational Speech: Fumble Fingers -1 6
Demotivational Speech: Let's Make a Committee -1 13
Demotivational Speech: Mourner's March -1 56
Demotivational Speech: Retreat to Glory -1 55
Demotivational Speech: Surge in the System -1 38
Demotivational Speech: Swapdisk Mayhem -1 48
Demotivational Speech: That is not on the Agenda -1 30
Demotivational Speech: Who Writes the Minutes? -1 46
Deprive Skills (Advanced) Transfer -1 19
Deprive Skills (Average) Transfer -1 6
Deprive Skills (Lesser) Transfer -1 9
Deprive Skills (Major) Transfer -1 14
Deprive Skills (Minor) Transfer -1 4
Deprive Skills Transfer -1 11
Deprive Skills (Weak) Transfer -1 2
Destructive Signal -1 1
Destructive Theorem -1 1
Dirty Tricks -1 1
Disrupt Ki -1 1
Distant Sight -1 8 101 111 121
Divest Damage Transfer -1 40
Divest Skills (Advanced) Transfer -1 40
Divest Skills (Average) Transfer -1 32
Divest Skills (Lesser) Transfer -1 35
Divest Skills (Major) Transfer -1 38
Divest Skills (Minor) Transfer -1 27
Divest Skills (Nanite Enhanced) Transfer -1 40
Divest Skills (Nanite Improved) Transfer -1 40
Divest Skills Transfer -1 36
Divest Skills (Weak) Transfer -1 23
Draconic Constitution -1 1
Draculeet Costume -1 2
Dragon Scales -1 1
Dreams of the Deranged -1 15
Eagle Eye -1 24
Element of Malice -1 54
Elusive Spirit -1 1
Enhanced Gravity Shift - Allow -1 1
Enough is Enough -1 1
Enveloping Darkness -1 18
Envy of the Xan Fullauto Buff -1 0
Eschew the Faithless -1 1
Eternal Night -1 12
False Redemption: Hai-Tempterus -1 2
False Redemption: Silvertail -1 2
Favor -1 1
Feline Ferocity -1 1
Fortitude -1 5
Frankenleet Costume -1 2
Friendly Nano -1 4
Frozen Flesh -1 75
Furry Precision -1 1
Gaze into the Void -1 50
Giant of Swords -1 55 1244 1244 kee
Giant Stomp -1 20
Gift of the Twig -1 1
Glory -1 1
Glory -1 1
Glory -1 1
Glory -1 1
Glory -1 1
Glory -1 1
Glory -1 1
Glory -1 1
Glory -1 1
Glory -1 1
Grant Us Eyes -1 50
Gravity Shift -1 1
Gravity Shift - Allow -1 1
Gravity Shift - Allow All -1 2 nan
Gravity Shift - Block -1 1 nan
Greater Draconic Constitution -1 1
Gridspace Emissary -1 4
Ground Transport Expertise -1 7 56 53
Harmonize Body and Mind -1 1
Harmonized Interference Field -1 39
Heckler of Celebration -1 4 11 11
Heightened Senses -1 7 83 117 adv
Help From a Friend -1 4
Hemmoraging Shot -1 100
Here Comes the Pain -1 1
Honoring the Ancients -1 1
Horde -1 5
Hostile Nano -1 4
Ignore the Unrepentant -1 1
Imminence of Battle -1 1
Imminence of Bloodshed -1 1
Imminence of Carnage -1 1
Imminence of Conflict -1 1
Imminence of Extermination -1 1
Imminence of Extermination -1 57 1474 1474 kee
Imminence of Havoc -1 1
Imminence of Scrimmage -1 1
Imminence of Slaughter -1 1
Imminence of Warfare -1 1
I'm Not Here -1 1
I'm Not Here -1 1
Improved Authority Figure -1 14 207 207 bur
Improved Demotivational Speech: Administrative Error -1 25
Improved Demotivational Speech: Factory Recall -1 10
Improved Demotivational Speech: Retreat to Glory -1 55
Improved Demotivational Speech: Swapdisk Mayhem -1 48
Improved Demotivational Speech: That is not on the Agenda -1 30
Improved Demotivational Speech: Who Writes the Minutes? -1 46
Improved Focus -1 1
Improved Precognition -1 21 1343 1343 sol
Improved Projectile Magnet -1 23 345 345 age
Improved Psychology Expertise -1 4 61 61
Improved Quick Weapon -1 13 200 200 eng
Improved Ranged Energy Weapon Mastery -1 30 1343 1343 sol
Improved Rapid Weapon -1 40 594 594 eng
Improved Total Focus -1 42 635 635 sol
Increase Momentum -1 1
Industrial Sabotage Transfer -1 65
Ineptitude Transfer -1 40
Inflation Adjustment -1 1
Insight -1 1
Insight -1 1
Insight -1 1
Insight -1 1
Insight -1 1
Insignificance -1 5
Inspire Hate -1 1
Instant Grid Conversion -1 1
Insurance Agent -1 1
Insurance Agent -1 1
Insurance Agent -1 1
Insurance Agent -1 1
Insurance Agent -1 1
Insurance Agent -1 1
Insurance Claim -1 1
Insurance Claim -1 1
Insurance Claim -1 1
Insurance Claim -1 1
Insurance Claim -1 1
Ire of the Entvined -1 37
Iskop's Ascendancy -1 1
Keeper of Tortured Souls nano -1 75
Ken Fi -1 1
Ken Fi -1 1
Ken Fi -1 1
Ken Fi -1 1
Ken Fi -1 1
Ken Fi -1 1
Ken Fi -1 1
Ken Fi -1 1
Ken Fi -1 1
Ken Fi -1 1
Kicker of Kell -1 20
Kin of the Tarasque -1 1
Knowledge Enhancer -1 1
Laser Aim -1 1
Learning by Doing -1 35
Legions of the Eyeblighter -1 50
Lesser Corporate Protection Transfer -1 41
Lesser Experience Boost -1 1
Lesser Industrial Sabotage Transfer -1 40
Let it Snow! -1 1
Let it Snow! -1 1
Lifebleeder Costume -1 2
Lil Spider Pet -1 4 11 11
Limber -1 12
Link Nano Slave -1 5
Living Codex of Izgimmer -1 42
Living Codex of Izgimmer -1 42
Living Codex of Izgimmer -1 42
Living Codex of Izgimmer -1 42
Living Codex of Izgimmer -1 42
Living Codex of Izgimmer -1 42
Living Codex of Izgimmer -1 42
Living Codex of Izgimmer -1 42
Living Codex of Izgimmer -1 42
Living Codex of Izgimmer -1 42
Lupine Agility -1 1
Lycanthropic Dexterity -1 1
Machete Flurry -1 1
Mark of Tantrum -1 3
Mark of Tantrum -1 29
Mark of Tantrum -1 50
Mark of Tantrum -1 42
Mark of Tantrum -1 5
Mark of Tantrum -1 55
Mark of Tantrum -1 46
Mark of Tantrum -1 17
Mark of Tantrum -1 10
Mark of Tantrum -1 13
Mark of Tantrum -1 36
Mark of Tantrum -1 24
Mass Claw Eyes -1 7
Mass Cornea Attack -1 34
Massive Detonation -1 100
Mass Pronounce Blindness -1 41
Mech Hack -1 100
Mechpuppy Pet -1 4 11 11
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 9
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 3
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 50
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 58
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 27
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 37
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 30
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 15
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 47
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 43
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 21
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 49
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 53
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 2
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 56
Meld With background -1 21
Meld With Shadow -1 4 57 43 mar
Mental Fortitude -1 21 311 age
Mesmerizing Construct Empowerment -1 6
Mesmerizing Construct Empowerment -1 6
Mesmerizing Construct Empowerment -1 5
Might of the Immortal -1 20
Minor Corporate Protection Transfer -1 20
Minor Energy Overload -1 100
Minor Experience Boost -1 1
Minor Industrial Sabotage Transfer -1 19
Misdirection -1 1
Mongo DeCrush -1 1
Mongo DeCrush -1 1
Mongo Rage -1 1
Morgan Costume -1 2
Motivational Speech: Assassin's Focus -1 0
Motivational Speech: Bravery Overcomes -1 0
Motivational Speech: Glorious Leader -1 0
Motivational Speech: Heroic Measures -1 0
Motivational Speech: Implement Through Iteration -1 0
Motivational Speech: Improved Heroic Measures -1 0
Motivational Speech: Improvise and Adapt -1 0
Motivational Speech: Lead From The Front -1 0
Motivational Speech: Only the Paranoid Will Survive! -1 0
Motivational Speech: Opportunity Knocks -1 0
Motivational Speech: Organizational Opportunities -1 0
Motivational Speech: Triumphant Pose -1 0
Movement Regulation -1 0
Movement Regulation -1 0
Movement Regulation -1 0
Movement Regulation -1 0
Mr. Wheelie - Series 1 -1 4 11 11
My own Fortress -1 1
Nanobot Domination -1 50
Nano Can: Advanced Symbol Manipulation -1 29
Nano Can: Assault Rifle Mastery -1 16
Nano Can: Authority Figure -1 14
Nano Can: Blood Makes Noise -1 36
Nano Can Buff: Computer Literacy Mastery -1 8
Nano Can Buff: Enhanced Senses -1 9
Nano Can Buff: Feline Grace -1 17
Nano Can Buff: Superior First Aid -1 37
Nano Can Buff: Treatment Mastery -1 8
Nano Can Buff: Treatment Transfer -1 1
Nano Can: Chemical Concoction -1 20
Nano Can: Composite Infuse With Knowledge -1 25
Nano Can: Composite Mastery -1 13
Nano Can: Composite Mochams (2 hours) -1 51
Nano Can: Composite Teachings -1 6
Nano Can: Dirty Fighter -1 11
Nano Can: Eagle Eye -1 24
Nano Can: Engineer Composite Specialist Tradeskills (8 hours) -1 55
Nano Can: Enhanced First Aid -1 5
Nano Can: Extreme Prejudice -1 43
Nano Can: Gunslinger -1 5
Nano Can: Headcracker -1 10
Nano Can: Karma Harvest -1 47
Nano Can: Martial Arts Mastery -1 16
Nano Can: Minor Suppressor -1 1
Nano Can: Offensive Steamroller -1 48
Nano Can: Philosopher's Stone -1 17
Nano Can: Pistol Mastery -1 8
Nano Can: Ranged Energy Weapon Mastery -1 20
Nano Can: Return Attack -1 45
Nano Can: Rifle Mastery -1 12
Nano Can: Robust Treatment -1 42
Nano Can: Specialist Treatment -1 11
Nano Can: Survival Aid -1 11
Nano Can: Thug's Delight -1 1
Nano Can: Trader Composite Specialist Tradeskills (8 hours) -1 55
Nano-Enhanced Targeting -1 1
Nature walk with me -1 31
Nature walk with me -1 56
Nature walk with me -1 49
Nature walk with me -1 47
Nature walk with me -1 11
Nature walk with me -1 55
Nature walk with me -1 14
Nature walk with me -1 26
Nature walk with me -1 39
Nature walk with me -1 49
Nature walk with me -1 35
Nature walk with me -1 31
Nature walk with me -1 7
Nature walk with me -1 57
NCU Booster -1 1
NCU Booster -1 1
NCU Booster -1 1
NCU Booster -1 1
NCU Overload 2 -1 1
Nefarious Force -1 11
Nefarious Force -1 18
Nefarious Force -1 5
Nefarious Force -1 48
Nefarious Force -1 55
Nefarious Force -1 41
Nefarious Force -1 51
Nefarious Force -1 35
Nefarious Force -1 29
Nefarious Force -1 14
Nefarious Force -1 8
Nefarious Force -1 2
Nefarious Force -1 25
Nefarious Force -1 46
Nefarious Resolve -1 11
Nefarious Resolve -1 2
Nefarious Resolve -1 48
Nefarious Resolve -1 55
Nefarious Resolve -1 46
Nefarious Resolve -1 41
Nefarious Resolve -1 51
Nefarious Resolve -1 35
Nefarious Resolve -1 29
Nefarious Resolve -1 14
Nefarious Resolve -1 8
Nefarious Resolve -1 5
Nefarious Resolve -1 25
NipponTech M3H-Rho "Mizuni" Life-Like Robotic Catgirl Companion -1 4 11 11
Notum Rocket -1 20
Notum Rocket -1 20
Notum Rocket -1 20
Notum Rocket -1 20
Numbing Toxin -1 0
Numbing Toxin -1 0
Numbing Toxin -1 0
Numbing Toxin -1 0
Obstructed Vision -1 21
Offensive Juggernaut -1 53 1343 1343 sol
On the Double -1 1
Optic Plague -1 60 1781 1781 nan
Overrule -1 1
Pet Nano -1 4
Plunder Skills (Advanced) Transfer -1 41
Plunder Skills (Average) Transfer -1 34
Plunder Skills (Lesser) Transfer -1 35
Plunder Skills (Major) Transfer -1 39
Plunder Skills (Minor) Transfer -1 29
Plunder Skills (Nanite Enhanced) Transfer -1 65
Plunder Skills (Nanite Improved) Transfer -1 71
Plunder Skills Transfer -1 37
Plunder Skills (Weak) Transfer -1 25
Presence of the Master -1 15
Presence of the Overlord -1 15
Presence of the Overlord -1 15
Pulsing Xan Artifact -1 20
Quick Escape -1 19 273 295 279 fix
Ransack Skills (Advanced) Transfer -1 20
Ransack Skills (Average) Transfer -1 8
Ransack Skills (Lesser) Transfer -1 10
Ransack Skills (Major) Transfer -1 17
Ransack Skills (Minor) Transfer -1 5
Ransack Skills Transfer -1 13
Ransack Skills (Weak) Transfer -1 3
Reaper Costume -1 2
Recalibrate -1 1
Reciprocation -1 5
Regain Focus -1 1
Relaxed State -1 4
Relaxing -1 1
Reward Pulse -1 75
Robotoy Pet Series 1 -1 4 11 11
Sabrekitty Pet -1 4 11 11
Sacrifical Shield -1 30
Sacrificial Bond -1 50 met
Sanity Check -1 15
Saved from False Redemption -1 2
Saved from False Redemption -1 2
Scream of Yidira -1 58
Screech Of The Shadowy Wing -1 100
Shade Costume -1 2
Shadow Filter -1 3
Shameless Force -1 3
Shameless Force -1 10
Shameless Force -1 13
Shameless Force -1 36
Shameless Force -1 24
Shameless Force -1 50
Shameless Force -1 5
Shameless Force -1 55
Shameless Force -1 46
Shameless Force -1 17
Shameless Force -1 29
Shameless Force -1 42
Shijima's Cloak -1 27 409 397 fix
Shutdown Removal -1 1
Silence of the Hills -1 2
Silence of the Light -1 2
Silence of the Mountains -1 2
Silence of the Ocean -1 2
Silence of the Peeks -1 2
Skill Wrangler -1 100
Skill Wrangler (Advanced) -1 100
Skill Wrangler (Advanced) - Nano Can -1 35
Skill Wrangler (Commonplace) -1 100
Skill Wrangler (Commonplace) - Nano Can -1 11
Skill Wrangler (Exceptional) -1 100
Skill Wrangler (Exceptional) - Nano Can -1 54
Skill Wrangler (Greater) -1 100
Skill Wrangler (Greater) - Nano Can -1 46
Skill Wrangler (Inferior) -1 100
Skill Wrangler (Inferior) - Nano Can -1 22
Skill Wrangler (Lesser) -1 100
Skill Wrangler (Lesser) - Nano Can -1 17
Skill Wrangler (Lossy) -1 100
Skill Wrangler (Lossy) - Nano Can -1 13
Skill Wrangler (Major) -1 100
Skill Wrangler (Major) - Nano Can -1 30
Skill Wrangler (Minor) -1 100
Skill Wrangler (Minor) - Nano Can -1 7
Skill Wrangler - Nano Can -1 26
Skill Wrangler (Patchy) -1 100
Skill Wrangler (Patchy) - Nano Can -1 5
Skill Wrangler (Premium) -1 100
Skill Wrangler (Premium) - Nano Can -1 58
Skill Wrangler (Sophisticated) -1 100
Skill Wrangler (Sophisticated) - Nano Can -1 48
Skill Wrangler (Superb) -1 100
Skill Wrangler (Superb) - Nano Can -1 50
Skill Wrangler (Superior) -1 100
Skill Wrangler (Superior) - Nano Can -1 39
Skill Wrangler (Weak) -1 100
Skill Wrangler (Weak) - Nano Can -1 3
Skincrawler Costume -1 2
Slithering Chaos -1 20
Spit of Tarrasque -1 44
Spit of Tarrasque -1 23
Spooky Leet Pet -1 4 11 11
Square of Attack Power -1 56
Squeaking from the Darkness -1 1
Steaming Hot Cup of Enhanced Coffee -1 1
Stunned by Brawl -1 100
Stunned by Gartua's Giant Stomp -1 20
Stunned by Kicker of Kell -1 20
Stunned by Put up or Shut Up -1 20
Stunned by Sawed-Off Kiss -1 20
Stunned by Thy Flesh Consumed -1 20
Stunned by Wrecking Ball -1 20
Stunned with Pleasure -1 0
Stunned with Pleasure Anim -1 0
Stupor of the Weak -1 8
Stupor of the Weak -1 18
Stupor of the Weak -1 5
Stupor of the Weak -1 48
Stupor of the Weak -1 55
Stupor of the Weak -1 46
Stupor of the Weak -1 51
Stupor of the Weak -1 35
Stupor of the Weak -1 14
Stupor of the Weak -1 2
Stupor of the Weak -1 41
Stupor of the Weak -1 29
Stupor of the Weak -1 25
Stupor of the Weak -1 11
Subtlety -1 5
Surgery Nanobots -1 1
Symbiotic Bypass -1 1
Tainted Force -1 3
Tainted Force -1 13
Tainted Force -1 29
Tainted Force -1 36
Tainted Force -1 24
Tainted Force -1 50
Tainted Force -1 5
Tainted Force -1 17
Tainted Force -1 10
Tainted Force -1 55
Tainted Force -1 46
Tainted Force -1 42
Take the Bait -1 100 120 120 tra
Targeting Android Disguise -1 2
Target Marked - caster -1 1
Target Marked - remove -1 1
Team Free Movement -1 14
Team Heightened Senses -1 10 127 161 adv
Team Skill Wrangler -1 29
Team Skill Wrangler -1 100
Team Skill Wrangler (Advanced) -1 38
Team Skill Wrangler (Advanced) -1 100
Team Skill Wrangler (Commonplace) -1 15
Team Skill Wrangler (Commonplace) -1 100
Team Skill Wrangler (Exceptional) -1 52
Team Skill Wrangler (Exceptional) -1 100
Team Skill Wrangler (Greater) -1 47
Team Skill Wrangler (Greater) -1 100
Team Skill Wrangler (Lesser) -1 24
Team Skill Wrangler (Lesser) -1 100
Team Skill Wrangler (Lossy) -1 19
Team Skill Wrangler (Lossy) -1 100
Team Skill Wrangler (Major) -1 33
Team Skill Wrangler (Major) -1 100
Team Skill Wrangler (Minor) -1 12
Team Skill Wrangler (Minor) -1 100
Team Skill Wrangler (Patchy) -1 9
Team Skill Wrangler (Patchy) -1 100
Team Skill Wrangler (Premium) -1 58
Team Skill Wrangler (Premium) -1 100
Team Skill Wrangler (Sophisticated) -1 49
Team Skill Wrangler (Sophisticated) -1 100
Team Skill Wrangler (Superior) -1 43
Team Skill Wrangler (Superior) -1 100
Team Skill Wrangler (Weak) -1 6
Team Skill Wrangler (Weak) -1 100
Team Terrain Knowledge -1 4
Terrifying Leet Pet -1 4 11 11
TESTLIVEITEM: Sassy Friend -1 4
Test of Faith -1 56
The First Sun -1 20
The Second Sun -1 20
Thy Flesh Consumed -1 20
Torus of Aim -1 56
Tradeskill Nano -1 4
Treatment Transfer -1 1
Treatment Transfer -1 1
Trials of the Immortal One -1 56
Triangle of Nano Power -1 56
Triangulate Target -1 1
Triple Wall -1 39 1430 1244 sha
Tri Plumbo Costume -1 2
Turret Heal -1 37
Turret Heal AOE -1 37
Turret Nuke -1 37
Turret Taunt -1 37
Twilight's Murder -1 24
Twisted Force -1 3
Twisted Force -1 10
Twisted Force -1 29
Twisted Force -1 36
Twisted Force -1 24
Twisted Force -1 50
Twisted Force -1 42
Twisted Force -1 5
Twisted Force -1 55
Twisted Force -1 46
Twisted Force -1 17
Twisted Force -1 13
Umbral Wrangler -1 32
Umbral Wrangler -1 32
Umbral Wrangler -1 32
Umbral Wrangler -1 32
Umbral Wrangler (Advanced) -1 43
Umbral Wrangler (Advanced) -1 43
Umbral Wrangler (Advanced) -1 43
Umbral Wrangler (Advanced) -1 43
Umbral Wrangler (Commonplace) -1 20
Umbral Wrangler (Commonplace) -1 20
Umbral Wrangler (Commonplace) -1 20
Umbral Wrangler (Commonplace) -1 20
Umbral Wrangler (Exceptional) -1 51
Umbral Wrangler (Exceptional) -1 51
Umbral Wrangler (Exceptional) -1 51
Umbral Wrangler (Exceptional) -1 51
Umbral Wrangler (Greater) -1 50
Umbral Wrangler (Greater) -1 50
Umbral Wrangler (Greater) -1 50
Umbral Wrangler (Greater) -1 50
Umbral Wrangler (Lesser) -1 26
Umbral Wrangler (Lesser) -1 26
Umbral Wrangler (Lesser) -1 26
Umbral Wrangler (Lesser) -1 26
Umbral Wrangler (Major) -1 37
Umbral Wrangler (Major) -1 37
Umbral Wrangler (Major) -1 37
Umbral Wrangler (Major) -1 37
Umbral Wrangler (Minor) -1 14
Umbral Wrangler (Minor) -1 14
Umbral Wrangler (Minor) -1 14
Umbral Wrangler (Minor) -1 14
Umbral Wrangler (Patchy) -1 6
Umbral Wrangler (Patchy) -1 6
Umbral Wrangler (Patchy) -1 6
Umbral Wrangler (Patchy) -1 6
Umbral Wrangler (Premium) -1 53
Umbral Wrangler (Premium) -1 53
Umbral Wrangler (Premium) -1 53
Umbral Wrangler (Premium) -1 53
Umbral Wrangler (Superior) -1 47
Umbral Wrangler (Superior) -1 47
Umbral Wrangler (Superior) -1 47
Umbral Wrangler (Superior) -1 47
Unseen Assailant -1 3 43 31 fix
Viewing Reference -1 5 81 81 81
Wall Hugger -1 2 27 15 fix
Weak Corporate Protection Transfer -1 8
Weak Industrial Sabotage Transfer -1 6
Weekend Volunteer -1 20
Weird Tasting Candy -1 2
Weird Tasting Candy -1 2
Weird Tasting Candy -1 2
Weird Tasting Candy -1 2
Weird Tasting Candy -1 2
Weird Tasting Candy -1 2
Weird Tasting Candy -1 2
Weird Tasting Candy -1 2
Weird Tasting Candy -1 2
Weird Tasting Candy -1 2
Weird Tasting Cherry -1 2
Weird Tasting Cherry -1 2
Weird Tasting Cherry -1 2
Weird Tasting Cherry -1 2
Weird Tasting Cherry -1 2
Weird Tasting Cherry -1 2
Weird Tasting Cherry -1 2
Weird Tasting Cherry -1 2
Weird Tasting Cherry -1 2
Wen-Wen Ability Used -1 75
Wierd Tasting Cherry -1 2
Wild Eye Gouger -1 12
Winter Leet Pet -1 4 11 11
Wit of the Atrox -1 1
Wrong Window -1 1
Zap Nano -1 45