18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Item Database - My own Fortress

My own Fortress Icon #16428 Your AC's has been increased from a My own Fortress special.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, Buff Nano
Patch 15.6.1 18.8.53
Nanocost 0
School Psionic
Duration 20 seconds
Range 1 m
Effect icon Icon 39425
Stacking order 5
On Use Self Modify Projectile AC 4000  
Self Modify Melee AC 4000  
Self Modify Energy AC 4000  
Self Modify Chemical AC 4000  
Self Modify Radiation AC 4000  
Self Modify Cold AC 4000  
Self Modify Poison AC 4000  
Self Modify Fire AC 4000  
Self Modify Run speed -100  
Self Modify Offense modifier 50  
4c00h @ 2005-11-22 04:08
snare ftw
dJinN @ 2006-05-17 16:13
Yakobo66 @ 2006-08-24 21:28
:o wtb permenantly :D
Engelen @ 2006-11-04 18:26
This really should be a permanent action. ^^

Like, sacrefice speed for Armor at big bosses. This + SL ess = - in runspeed.
lpx @ 2006-12-20 03:15
wts: snare..

seriously ac is nice and the AAO is very nice.. but the snare has got to go.. i could just see using this in pvp.. you perk up.. beat the hell out of your opponent.. but on their death bed they run away and you just sit and look silly. of course gsf would solve some of that problem. can't decide if i wanna bust my hump getting more ai levels for this.
Solostron @ 2007-01-10 12:39
Ok, it's not so cool for pvp, but in pvm -1k run speed for 30 seconds hardly matters.
Ivorice @ 2008-03-28 09:48
Solostron @ 2007-01-10 12:39
Ok, it's not so cool for pvp, but in pvm -1k run speed for 30 seconds hardly matters.

Yea, but in pvm 3k AC and 120 AAO hardly matter :D
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