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Item Database - Search Results

Nano formulas
Immobile -1 999
Quark Containment Field -1 999
Unable to Move -1 999
Unable to Move -1 999
Unable to Move -1 999
Unable to Move -1 999
Stoneworks -1 998
Grasp of the Fallen Soldier 250 250
Intruder Detention -1 250
Empowered Burden of Atlas 215 215 1800 1800 nan
Specialized Burden of Atlas 215 215 1800 1800 nan
Empowered Feet of Lead 204 204 1350 1350 nan
Specialized Feet of Lead 204 204 1350 1350 nan
Embrace of the Serpent -1 200
Hold Still -1 200
Empowered Gravity Pull 129 129 900 900 nan
Specialized Gravity Pull 129 129 900 900 nan
Empowered Ball and Chain 106 106 500 500 nan
Specialized Ball and Chain 106 106 500 500 nan
ARK events rootnano 390 58 101 101
Burden of Atlas 189 58 865 865 nan
Superior Hold Victim 184 57 862 862 age
Captive Audience -1 56
Captive Audience -1 56
Entrepreneurial Thrall 182 56 845 845 tra
Void Inertia 182 56 859 775 bur
Greater Fear of Attention -1 55
Puissant Total Muscular Command -1 54
Puissant Void Inertia -1 54
Total Musculature Command 175 54 830 752 bur
Fear of Attention -1 52
Greater Detain Customer 169 52 783 783 tra
Feet of Lead 165 51 769 769 nan
Leisurely Interrogation 165 51 770 770 age
Puissant Captivating Speech -1 51
Greater Musculature Command 162 50 775 703 bur
Profit Preoccupation 159 49 738 738 tra
Puissant Inhibit Motion -1 48
Captivating Speech 152 47 730 658 bur
Greater Prolong Encounter 152 47 754 571 fix
Pause for Reflection 250 47
Gravity Pull 149 46 690 690 nan
Greater Embrace of Greed 149 46 684 684 tra
Greater Paralyze with Indecision 149 46 689 689 age
Lesser Fear of Attention -1 46
Greater Illusory Paralysis 146 45 696 624 bur
Entrap Victim 142 44 654 654 age
Greater Delay Retreat 139 43 680 518 fix
Flow of Time -1 41
Greater Hold Victim 132 41 620 620 age
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