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Item Database - Search Results

Nano formulas
Prototype Biotoxin 1 1 5 5 doc
Psychosis Test spell 1 1
Puissant Illusionary Paralysis -1 26
Puissant Illusionary Paralysis 102 26 702 646 bur
Puissant Momentary Daze 23 6 162 141 bur
Puissant Restrict Movement 54 14 351 318 bur
Pulled by the Machine -1 1
Pulse of Hate -1 13
Pulse of Hate -1 13
Pulse Open -1 1
Punishing Blade 10 4 58 48 bur
Puppeteer -1 1
Purifying Flame -1 1
Purple Heart -1 1
Putrescent Flesh -1 31
Pyramid Marketing -1 26
Pyramid Marketing 83 26 394 394 tra
Pyrotechnic Glee -1 11
Pyrotechnic Glee -1 11
Radiation Pulse -1 2
Radiation Pulse 4 2 36 nan
Radiation Scour 76 24 364 nan
Radioactive Cloud 99 31 461 nan
Ragebringer -1 4
Rage of the Immortal 390 6 161
Raging Blow -1 30
Raging Viralbot Cloud -1 34
Raging Viralbot Cloud 390 34 541
Raked Wounds -1 25
Ranged Special Attacks Incompetence 14 20 70 70
Ranged Weapons Incompetence 10 20 66 66
Ransack Skills 50 16 241 241 tra
Ransack Skills (Advanced) 86 27 402 402 tra
Ransack Skills (Advanced) Drain -1 20
Ransack Skills (Advanced) Drain -1 20
Ransack Skills (Average) 30 10 148 148 tra
Ransack Skills (Average) Drain -1 8
Ransack Skills (Average) Drain -1 8
Ransack Skills Drain -1 13
Ransack Skills Drain -1 13
Ransack Skills (Lesser) 40 13 191 191 tra
Ransack Skills (Lesser) Drain -1 10
Ransack Skills (Lesser) Drain -1 10
Ransack Skills (Major) 70 22 324 324 tra
Ransack Skills (Major) Drain -1 17
Ransack Skills (Major) Drain -1 17
Ransack Skills (Minor) 20 7 99 99 tra
Ransack Skills (Minor) Drain -1 5
Ransack Skills (Minor) Drain -1 5
Ransack Skills (Weak) 10 4 58 58 tra
Ransack Skills (Weak) Drain -1 3
Ransack Skills (Weak) Drain -1 3
Rat Flambe! -1 8
Raze of Anger -1 10
Raze of Anger -1 32
Raze of Anger -1 24
Raze of Anger -1 23
Raze of Anger -1 31
Raze of Anger -1 30
Raze of Anger -1 14
Raze of Anger -1 15
Raze of Anger -1 35
Raze of Anger -1 13
Raze of Anger -1 18
Raze of Anger -1 29
Raze of Anger -1 18
Raze of Anger -1 28
Raze of Anger -1 22
Raze of Anger -1 2
Raze of Anger -1 21
Raze of Anger -1 7
Raze of Anger -1 8
Raze of Anger -1 19
Raze of Anger -1 13
Raze of Anger -1 20
Raze of Anger -1 8
Raze of Anger -1 28
Raze of Anger -1 20
Reaper -1 19
Rebate -1 30
Recurring Repairs -1 30
Refinance Loan -1 30
Refined Nano Contagion 66 21 330 289 doc
Reflections of Anger Long -1 1
Reflections of Anger Short -1 1
Regain Focus -1 30
Relapse Into Childhood Terror 1 12 183
Remembered Pain 109 34 526 479 bur
Repair Programming -1 30
Resentment of the Immortal -1 13
Resentment of the Immortal 390 15 279
Respite -1 30
Restraining Device -1 30
Restrain Maneuvers -1 30
Restricted Movement 390 12 187 187
Restrictive Bandaging -1 30
Restrict Movement -1 30
Restrict Movement 24 8 118 100 bur
Revoke Movement License 47 15 233 208 bur
Ribbit ribbit -1 1
Rigid Stance -1 29
Rigid Stance 93 29 452 413 bur
Ring of Fire -1 1
Ritualistic Blow -1 4
Ritualistic Caress -1 13
Ritualistic Embrace -1 20
Ritualistic Grasp -1 9
Ritualistic Touch -1 1
RNA Reaper 63 20 297 nan
Rob Target -1 28 397 429 fix
Rudimentary Dissipation -1 5
Sacrifice. -1 1
Sacrifice. -1 1
Sacrificial Blow -1 35
Sacrificial Touch -1 26
Sanctifier -1 5
Sap Life -1 30
Scythe A Virus 86 27 410 365 doc
Searing Agony 80 25 382 382 nan
Searing Bolt 93 29 440 399 bur
Searing Dioxin Shower 111 28 774 nan
Searing Wave -1 1
Sedative Injectors -1 5
Seethe with Germs 60 19 291 257 doc
Self Reconstruction -1 30
Sepsis -1 30
Shadowed Gift -1 30
Shatter Bone 37 12 191 167 doc
Shattered Mirror of the Xan -1 1
Shen -1 1
Shen -1 1
Shen -1 1
Shen -1 1
Shen -1 1
Shen -1 1
Shen -1 1
Shen -1 1
Shen -1 1
Shen -1 1
Shen -1 1
Shield of the Voidling -1 1
Shockball -1 5
Shockball 14 5 79 nan
Shock of Anger -1 1
Shock of the tentacle 390 32
Shock of the Tentacle -1 32
Shockwave Slash 66 21 311 nan
Shoot Artery -1 30
Shower With Sludge 40 13 191 nan
Sickening Shock -1 1
Sickening Viral Clampdown -1 29
Sickening Viral Clampdown 390 29 1001 1001
Siphon Being -1 30
Siphon Life -1 15
Siphon Life -1 25
Siphon Life -1 25
Siphon Life -1 25
Siphon Life 390 25 230
Siphon Life 390 25 400
Six arms of fire -1 1
Sleep 43 14 216 216 bur
Sleep Inducing Herbs -1 30
Slime Cascade 93 29 440 440 nan
Slip Them a Mickey -1 30
Slithering Flames 138 35 931 nan
Slow Rot 390 3 120
Slurp -1 1
Smash Feet -1 30
Smashing Fist -1 30
Smiting Missile 24 8 118 nan
Smiting Missile Mk II 57 18 265 nan
Smother Fury 390 9 201
Snared -1 20
Social Services -1 30
Soothing Breeze 24 8 128 108 adv
Soothing Herbs -1 30
Soul of Khalum -1 1
Sow Despair -1 30
Sow Despair -1 1
Sow Discord -1 30
Sow Doubt -1 30
Spark Shower 50 13 320 nan
Spider Venom -1 13
Spider Venom -1 5
Spider Venom -1 29
Spider Venom -1 15
Spider Venom -1 9
Spider Venom -1 21
Spider Venom -1 26
Spider Venom -1 2
Spin Weak Nanoweb -1 30
Spin Weak Nanoweb 96 30 340 479 fix
Sprain Shot -1 30
Stammer Shot -1 30
Stamp of Authority 390 1
Staunch Bleeding -1 30
Steal Item -1 7 77 109 fix
Sticky Eremite Strands 390 35 401
Sticky Ground -1 8
Sticky Ground 24 8 118 118 tra
Sticky Shot -1 30
Stiff Joints -1 5
Stifle Ki -1 30
Stinging Fist -1 30
Stinging Missile 63 20 297 nan
Stinging Reminder 63 20 304 267 bur
Strong Degeneration of Rapidity -1 33
Stumbling Steps 30 10 134 158 bur
Stunned -1 28
Stupor of the Aimless -1 5
Stupor of the Aimless -1 13
Stupor of the Aimless -1 21
Stupor of the Aimless -1 29
Stupor of the Aimless -1 15
Stupor of the Aimless -1 9
Stupor of the Aimless -1 2
Stupor of the Aimless -1 26
Stupor of the Fustian -1 13
Stupor of the Fustian -1 5
Stupor of the Fustian -1 21
Stupor of the Fustian -1 29
Stupor of the Fustian -1 15
Stupor of the Fustian -1 9
Stupor of the Fustian -1 2
Stupor of the Fustian -1 26
Stupor of the Irresponsible -1 13
Stupor of the Irresponsible -1 29
Stupor of the Irresponsible -1 15
Stupor of the Irresponsible -1 9
Stupor of the Irresponsible -1 2
Stupor of the Irresponsible -1 5
Stupor of the Irresponsible -1 21
Stupor of the Irresponsible -1 26
Stupor of the Reckless -1 13
Stupor of the Reckless -1 5
Stupor of the Reckless -1 15
Stupor of the Reckless -1 2
Stupor of the Reckless -1 26
Stupor of the Reckless -1 21
Stupor of the Reckless -1 29
Stupor of the Reckless -1 9
Subsonic Blast 20 7 109 91 bur
Succumb to Childhood Terror 1 12 800
Sudden Chill 24 8 114 nan
Sudden Force -1 13
Sudden Force -1 32
Sudden Force -1 15
Sudden Force -1 25
Sudden Force -1 32
Sudden Force -1 32
Sudden Force -1 19
Sudden Force -1 30
Sudden Force -1 28
Sudden Force -1 13
Sudden Force -1 2
Suicide Bomber -1 1
Summoned -1 34
Summon Trainee -1 1
Summon Trainee -1 1
Super-ego Strike -1 30
Suspicious Death 47 15 237 212 age
Sweeping Force -1 26
Sweeping Force -1 34
Sweeping Force -1 18
Sweeping Force -1 21
Sweeping Force -1 23
Sweeping Force -1 30
Sweeping Force -1 30
Sweeping Force -1 14
Sweeping Force -1 19
Sweeping Force -1 18
Sweeping Force -1 35
Sweeping Force -1 14
Sweeping Force -1 1
Sweeping Force -1 31
Sweeping Force -1 19
Sweeping Force -1 32
Sweeping Force -1 24
Sweeping Force -1 2
Sweeping Force -1 13
Sweeping Force -1 21
Sweeping Force -1 26
Sweeping Force -1 34
Tainted Bullet -1 30
Tariffs -1 30
Tattered Flame -1 1
Tax Audit -1 30
Tax Audit -1 1
Tear Ligaments -1 30
Tear of Uklesh -1 1
Telepathic Touch 390 2 601
The Immortal's Anger 390 35 753
Thermal Detonation -1 1
Thermal Detonation 390 1
Thermal Exchange -1 30
The Spider's Secret 120 30 846 nan
Thick Viralbot Cloud -1 19
Thick Viralbot Cloud 390 19 291
Thunderclap 60 19 291 nan
Thunderous Blow -1 14
Thunderous Blow 43 14 216 nan
Ting! -1 1
Tired Limbs 7 3 30 30 doc
Touch of Death -1 1
Touch of Displacement -1 2
Touch of Plague -1 1
Touch of Plague -1 1
Touch of Uklesh 390 6 201
Toxic Field 37 12 179 nan
Toxic Shock -1 1
Toxic Shock -1 1
Toxic Shock -1 1
Toxic Shock -1 1
Toxic Shock -1 1
Toxic Shock -1 1
Toxic Shock -1 1
Tri-Ion Stream 109 34 513 nan
Trinkets and Toys 63 20 317 278 tra
Under Pressure -1 1
Unexpected Bonus -1 30
Unopened Return -1 30
Unsettling Shock -1 1
Unstable Library -1 30
Unstoppable Viral Clampdown -1 29
Unstoppable Viral Clampdown 390 29 1901 1901
Venomous Clouds -1 12
Venomous Clouds -1 12
Venom Smash -1 30
Viral Anti Evade 390 33 494 494
Viral Area Weakener -1 9
Viral Area Weakener -1 18
Viral Area Weakener -1 30
Viral Area Weakener 390 9 401
Viral Area Weakener 390 18 801
Viral Area Weakener 390 30 1201
Viral Assault 66 21 311 nan
Viral Beat 390 12 166
Viral Biotoxin 390 1 5 5
Viral Biotox Infector 390 29 453 414
Viral Blast-Off 390 31 850
Viralbot Cloud -1 8
Viralbot Cloud 390 8 129
Viralbot Pulse 390 2 36
Viral Combination -1 1
Viral Combination -1 1
Viral Combination -1 1
Viral Combination -1 1
Viral Combination -1 1
Viral Definement 390 23 790
Viral Germy Mud 390 19 292 258
Viral Health Tap 220 29 1301
Viral Inactivation -1 29 1701 1701
Viral Inactivation 220 29 1301
Viral Infecting Fretz 390 10 159 135
Viral Nano Tap 220 29 1301
Viral Pet Trapper -1 9
Viral Pet Trapper 390 9 401
Viral Pet Trapper 390 30 601
Viral Pulse 390 2
Viral Self Termination -1 12
Viral Shield Disabler 390 33 494 494
Viral Shower 390 13 641
Viral Specialist Treatment 125 29 1301
Viral Ultimatum 390 11 168
Viral Venom 14 1
Virral Definement 390 23 627
Virral Shower 390 13 320
Virulence of the Immortal -1 11
Virulence of the Immortal 390 11 204
Vital Corruptor 75 19 515 nan
Void Warmth 86 27 406 nan
Vortex of Hate -1 30
Vulcan Flechette 113 35 526 nan
Warr Charge! -1 1
Warr's Destruction -1 1
Warr's Destruction -1 1
Waves of Anger -1 1
Waves of Harm -1 1
Waves of Illness -1 1
Waves of Jarring -1 1
Waves of Numbing -1 1
Waves of Sickening -1 1
Waves of Trauma -1 1
Waves of Unsettling -1 1
Weak Chemical Liquefaction 57 18 278 nan
Weak Corporate Protection 30 10 150 150 tra
Weak Corporate Protection Drain -1 10
Weak Degeneration of Rapidity -1 10
Weaken Threat -1 30
Weak Gravity Collapse 33 11 167 nan
Weak Gravity Pull 40 13 199 199 nan
Weak Industrial Sabotage 25 8 125 125 tra
Weak Industrial Sabotage Drain -1 8
Weak Mutagenic Plague 200 35 1415 1146 doc
Weak Smiting Missile 1 1 19 nan
Weeping Flesh -1 6
Weight of the Guilty 17 6 79 94 bur
Weighty Announcement -1 26
Weighty Announcement 83 26 360 406 bur
Well Made Snare -1 30
Well Placed Shot -1 30
Wen-Wen Shot -1 1
Whirling Blade -1 1
Whirling Blade -1 1
Wilting Flame -1 2
Wind Blade 27 9 133 nan
Winter's Bite 1 1 5 5 bur
Wrathbringer -1 4
Wrath of the Immortal -1 13
Wrath of the Immortal 390 14 262
Wrecked -1 20
Wrong Window -1 30
You stepped on a mine -1 1
You stepped on a mine -1 1
You stepped on a mine -1 1
Zephyr from the Grove 90 29 444 403 adv
Ziana's Energy Wave 83 21 559 nan