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Item Database - Search Results

Nano formulas
Like a Rock -1 50
Limited Bodyguard 162 50 747 747 bur
Luck's Lost Twin 200 50 846 960 fix
Pay Bail 199 50 1044 957 bur
Purr of the Kitten 390 50
Sacrificial Embrace 199 50 1052 1148 1052 sha
Sickening Shock 201 50 1196 1196 1089 age
Slayerdroid Annihilator 201 50 1096 1095 eng
Solicit Freedom 200 50 1047 960 bur
Strip Notum 201 50 1090 1089 tra
Summon Ettu the Cursed 201 50 1301 1301 met
Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK VI 201 50 1090 954 954 fix
Superior Enmity Personification 162 50 754 754 met
Tap Notum Vein: Inferno 200 50 1055 1055 1055 fix
Teeth of the Leet 390 50
Wrathbringer 200 50 960 960 enf
Writ of the Errant Salesman 200 50 960 960 tra
Aberrant Force -1 49
Basic Bodyguard 159 49 737 737 bur
Calia's Form: Sabretooth 159 49 692 763 692 adv
Calia's Form: Wolf (Other) 159 49 683 754 683 adv
Coma of the Charmed -1 49
Coma of the Possessed -1 49
Corporate Leadership: Exoneration 194 49 945 1029 bur
Energized Casing of the Faithful Servant 197 49 1038 1038 eng
Enervate Imprisonment 194 49 945 945 kee
Enmity Personification 159 49 742 742 met
Enter the Grid -1 49
Inferior Enmity Personification 159 49 730 730 met
Lesser Warmachine 159 49 738 738 eng
Meld With Grid Stream 159 49 741 741 741 fix
Neural Interfaced Augmentation Cloud 159 49 733 733 fix
Patchwork Warmachine 159 49 729 729 eng
Primordial Dissipation 196 49 1044 1138 1044 sha
Quintessence of Petrification 197 49 1047 1141 1047 sha
Rapid Palsy 159 49 740 740 doc
Relentless Slayer 159 49 683 754 tra
Reverential Sanctifier 197 49 952 1038 kee
Stupor of the Shiftless -1 49
Summon Buckethead Technodealer -1 49
Summon Grid Armor Mk V 215 49 1895 1502 1502 fix
Summoning of Distral 159 49 732 732 met
Summon Urolok the Rotten 195 49 1151 1151 met
Team Beacon Warp 159 49 743 743 743 eng
Team Fold Time and Space: Borealis 159 49 736 736 736 nan
Team Fold Time and Space: Rome 159 49 736 736 736 nan
Team Fold Time and Space: Tir 159 49 736 736 736 nan
TESTLIVEITEM: CoT Calia's Form: Wolf 220 49 age
Waves of Illness 195 49 1135 1135 1042 age
Boooh -1 48
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