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Item Database - Search Results

Nano formulas
Elementary Damage Booster 1 1 3 3
Element of Corrosion 194 24 948 948 enf
Element of Flame 52 7 278 278 enf
Element of Ice 149 19 818 818 enf
Element of Impact 220 35 1355 1360 enf
Element of Poison 213 27 1285 1282 enf
Element of Radiation 218 30 1315 1320 enf
Encode DNA Sequence -1 1
Encode DNA Sequence 80 25 378 378 378 doc
Endurance of the Last Samurai -1 1
Energized Fists 20 7 104 104 mar
Energize Rubi-Ka Grid Tunnel 220 1 1755 1420 fix
Energize Shell 40 10 239 239 eng
Energy Damage Modifier -1 7
Energy Spike 37 12 175 175 eng
Energy Transfer -1 1
Enervate Bindings -1 1
Enervate Bonds -1 1
Enervate Bonds 41 10 220 220 kee
Enervate Constraints -1 1
Enervate Constraints 71 18 397 397 kee
Enervate Impediments -1 1
Enervate Impediments 109 27 630 630 kee
Enervate Imprisonment -1 1
Enervate Shackles -1 1
Enervate Shackles 141 35 781 781 kee
Enforced Loan -1 13
Enforced Loan 40 13 195 195 tra
Enfraam's Inverted Restrainer -1 1
Enfraam's Inverted Restrainer -1 2
Enfraam's Inverted Restrainer 93 23 570 570 nan
Enhance Nano Cohesion 20 7 109 109 109 nan
Enhance Nano Communication 4 2 30 30 30 nan
Enliven Outfit -1 1
Enliven Outfit (Team) 150 1 888 888 tra
Eruption -1 1
Eruption -1 1
Eruption -1 1
Eruption -1 1
Eruption -1 1
Eruption -1 1
Eruption -1 1
Eruption -1 1
Eruption -1 1
Eruption -1 1
Eruption -1 1
Escape Captivation 73 18 409 354 fix
Escape the System -1 1
Evade the Chase 110 28 637 637 age
Evasive Stance -1 0
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