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Item Database - Variable Friction Jelly

Variable Friction Jelly Icon #100310 This gelatinous substance can be sticky or slippery. It seems to change its physical properties when an electrical charge is run through it.
Flags Visible
Can Carry
Patch 15.6.1
Change QL:
Value 500000
syneica @ 2005-07-06 00:06
what is this for ?
Pheros @ 2005-07-13 20:04
broken tradeskill?!
Snakebite @ 2006-01-23 05:46
So... Errr... Anyone know what it's for?
Ignoring the usual "It's lube" jokes lol
peke @ 2006-05-18 20:47
Well, it's usable for SOMETHING. It's target in one tradeskill. No idea what tho.
UBIQUE @ 2006-05-24 16:42
Realuragon @ 2007-10-21 19:18
Actually it's not, Memory of a Good Day can be looted in Hollow Island.
vomitusdk @ 2007-11-10 19:19
Ack been ingame for sooo long and we still donno :(
Taristin @ 2009-07-22 23:55
I was told that it supposedly combines with an empty stim chamber to make a stim that heals robot pets, but I have never seen a stim chamber of high enough ql to try to make one.
Taristin @ 2009-07-22 23:56
trimmer chamber*
akademiker @ 2010-05-27 12:22
combine with this:
and you get this:

not kidding. nobody made it, so funcom decided to drop it as loot
Vladja @ 2022-08-26 10:05
Combine with Battered Low-Tech Armor Boots to create Trick Boots. See here for more details:
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