ox1de @ 2002-09-11 03:05
Anyone know what drops this?
Jasira @ 2003-08-21 18:18
I think, it is a special Price for a great Event.
Firkraag @ 2004-06-19 03:20
No, the weed in HI raids drop 'em.
Luto @ 2005-08-29 16:07
lpx @ 2006-09-20 17:54
other then the nano pool "ring of presence" beats the stuffing out of this and a lot easier to get.. and not nodrop
Threeze @ 2007-04-15 08:22
im trying to figure out why you would waste an alien probe to make this piece of junk xD
Javawarrior @ 2007-07-09 07:32
hmm Variable friction jelly alien probes damn its just like that dream i had....Yay!
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