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Item Database - Viral Targeting Subunit

Viral Targeting Subunit Icon #99272 A targeting computer which uses viralbots to make calculations, calibrate weapons settings, and transmit targeting data to the user. It is much more efficient than conventional targeting scopes.
Flags Visible, No Drop
Can Carry, Wear
Patch current
275 (interpolated between QL 260 and QL 300)
Change QL:
Type Utility
Slot Hud 3, 0x1
Value 475000
To Equip User Expansion sets & Alien Invasion and
User Perception >= 956
On Equip User Modify Melee init -431  
User Modify Ranged init -431  
User Modify Physical init -431  
User Modify Nano init 6  
User Modify Critical chance 12  
User Modify Weapon range 17  
Ironhood @ 2005-08-16 06:58
Does this even drop.. ? After 50 raids, nothing. :-/
Veilingmeat @ 2005-08-18 11:36
Yup they certainly do, but like all Phat Loot the Higher the Mob the Phatter the Loot... I got one 2 days ago. Dropped on a 260+ General at a Raid in our City. Sexy piece of kit (see an Adventurer for Perception buffs) Buffed with MoP I'm landing stoopid amounts of Criticals now. (in a Hi Pen Mish (lvl240 Mobs 10 of 15 were Critical).
Talan @ 2005-10-12 02:59
Its a bit uneven on the drop rate, I got one last night, 237, and we had a 201 drop as well. Its only 1% better then the QL250 VE I had before, but less of an init nerf.

Anyway sometimes you go dozens of raids without seeing them, and all of a sudden each boss will drop 2/3 of them.
ShadowSin @ 2005-12-16 12:43
I got one last night, first AI raid off a lvl 80 General
alienzkilla @ 2006-02-26 03:08

Veilingmeat @ 2005-08-18 11:36
Yup they certainly do, but like all Phat Loot the Higher the Mob the Phatter the Loot... I got one 2 days ago. Dropped on a 260+ General at a Raid in our City. Sexy piece of kit (see an Adventurer for Perception buffs) Buffed with MoP I'm landing stoopid amounts of Criticals now. (in a Hi Pen Mish (lvl240 Mobs 10 of 15 were Critical).

hmm let me guess........ 2 of 3 where crits that's 75%crit you got there
stanton @ 2006-04-21 21:21
uhmm 2 in 3 is 67% not 75% :)
Forek @ 2006-09-20 12:56
Don't forget that your AR and their evades also come into the crit calcuations so it's not solely dependant on your crit chance modifer.

Go try on Back Yard leets and I'd wager you can get a 100% crit chance :P
maren1 @ 2009-11-28 22:03
As talan said, you go countless of raids without one, then suddenly 2 of 'em drops ;)
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