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Item Database - NanoCrystal (Jury-rigged NCU Analyzer)

NanoCrystal (Jury-rigged NCU Analyzer) Icon #12258 Nano Crystal - Sets up a basic analyzer in the NCU that continually monitors NCU memory usage and recodes inefficient code, freein up additional space. This increases the maximum amount of storage in the NCU by 60. This nano is uploaded into the NCU of all members of the fixer's team.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, Tell Collision, Has Energy
Can Carry, Use, Eat
Patch 14.4.2 18.0
Change QL:
Value 80836
Energy 1
Mass 0.1kg
To Use User Visual profession == Fixer and
User Time and space >= 237 and
User Sensory improvement >= 331 and
User Matter metamorphosis >= 331 and
User Level >= 50
On Use User Upload Jury-rigged NCU Analyzer  
RuinedAngel @ 2006-02-05 22:56
Where can I find this?
Tekvorian @ 2006-02-21 05:41
Dyna loot
marist @ 2006-11-18 20:20
why it's not buyable? :(
Xsonic @ 2006-11-28 10:38
pretty common dyna drop
Colares @ 2007-07-09 17:45
it always boosts another 20 :D
ruah @ 2009-03-03 09:22
Agents can cast it too now (since xan)
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