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Item Database - Search Results

Nano formulas
False Redemption: Hai-Tempterus -1 2
False Redemption: Silvertail -1 2
Fangs of the Snake 93 25 450 450 adv
Fast Attack Expertise 10 4 66 66
Fast Attack Incompetence 14 5 70 70
Fast Attack Inexperience 7 3 39 39
Fast Attack Proficiency 4 2 35 35
Faster than your Shadow 150 39 750 750 sha
Favor -1 1
Fearsome Shout 37 12 174 174 enf
Feline Ferocity -1 1
Feline Ferocity 125 5 400 400 adv
Feline Grace 53 17 252 252 age
Feline Rage 146 0 708 637 637 adv
Fervor of the Devotee 57 14 309 309 sha
Fervor of the Disciple 144 36 790 790 sha
Fervor of the Henchman 14 4 82 82 sha
Fervor of the Minion 97 24 556 556 sha
Field Quantum Physics Expertise 10 4 61 61
Field Quantum Physics Knowledge 79 20 489 489 eng
Field Quantum Physics Mastery 131 33 826 826 eng
Field Quantum Physics Proficiency 4 2 31 31
First Aid Expertise 10 4 61 61
First Aid Proficiency 4 2 31 31
First Strike 96 30 444 444 mar
Fleet Foot 83 26 384 384 mar
Fling Shot Expertise 10 4 66 66
Fling Shot Incompetence 14 5 70 70
Fling Shot Inexperience 7 3 39 39
Fling Shot Proficiency 4 2 35 35
Focused Anger 60 19 284 284 enf
Followers Darkness 390 15 229 229
Footpad Apprentice 22 6 142 124 sha
Force of the Thunderclap 63 16 320 320 enf
Fortitude -1 5
Frankenleet Costume -1 2
Free Movement 43 14 216 192 adv
Frenzy of Fur 179 0 862 777 777 adv
Frequent Customer 20 7 104 87 tra
Friendly Nano -1 4
Full Auto Expertise 10 4 66 66
Full Auto Incompetence 14 5 70 70
Full Auto Inexperience 7 3 39 39
Full Automatic Targeting 159 37 761 761 sol
Full Auto Proficiency 4 2 35 35
Furry Precision -1 1
Furry Precision 125 5 400 400 adv
Fury 50 30 266 291 kee
Giant Stomp -1 20
Giant Stomp 390 20
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