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Item Database - Search Results

Nano formulas
Boon of the Immortal 390 1 122
Boost Aggression Subsystem 174 17 963 963 963 eng
Boost Combat Array 77 8 479 479 479 eng
Boot Camp Toughness 17 6 96 91 sol
Bootleg Remedies -1 1
Bot Mass Migration 4 2 36 31
Bot Migration 4 2 25 22
Bot Reproduction 37 22 526 526 bur
Breath of the Immortal 390 1 208
Burning Proximity -1 1
BZMJ Playfield nano -1 1
Capable Health Haggler 34 11 143 167 tra
Cellular Crashcart 146 24 743 564 564 fix
Cellular Grafting 47 15 204 229 doc
Cellular Rebuild 86 27 370 414 doc
Cellular Reformation 83 26 350 398 adv
Cellular Restoration 146 25 492 420 doc
Change Form: Atrox -1 7 95 119 81 age
Change Form: Opifex -1 14 199 223 169 age
Channeling of Notum -1 1
Channeling of Notum -1 1
Channeling of Notum -1 1
Channeling of Notum -1 1
Chant of the Immortal -1 1
Chant of the Immortal 390 1 190
Charge Knockback -1 1
Cloaked Alien Ambush Trigger Nano -1 1
Close Wounds 90 28 394 435 doc
Cocoon Counter Nano -1 1
Coherent Notum Web 90 28 422 422 379 met
Collector Teleport Nano -1 1
Combat Hardening 33 11 175 160 sol
Combat Mission Reminder -1 1
Commonplace Delayed Health Payment 37 12 163 187 tra
Company Policy 37 12 163 187 doc
Complete Healing 169 1 723 795 doc
Composite Attribute Boost 25 4 30 30
Composite Attribute Boost (2 hours) 125 4 61 61
Composite Attribute Boost (4 hours) 201 4 61 61
Composite Attribute Boost (8 hours) 211 4 61 61
Confound -1 2 19 41 met
Coordinated Strike -1 16
Coordinated Strike -1 1
Corporate Insurance Policy 200 20 1501 1201 1501 bur
Counteract Damage 50 16 216 241 doc
Courage Of The Just -1 1
Courage Of The Just 20 20 120 120 kee
Course of Treatment 86 27 375 418 375 doc
Cripple Psyche -1 2
CrunchCom Code Sieve 10 4 64 64 64 nan
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