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Character Database

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Last update: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 06:18:09 +0000
Light background: data changed in latest update - Bold: currently online
(online status only available for level 200+ characters on Atlantean)
Character listing
# Name Profession Breed Gender Level AI Faction RK Guild Rank
401 Fleshpuppet Doctor Solitus Female 152 2 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
402 Adeptsballs Meta-Physicist Nano Female 151 10 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
403 Puppeguri Engineer Solitus Female 151 4 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
404 Xirki Doctor Solitus Female 151 3 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
405 Lechooooom Agent Opifex Male 151 1 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
406 Legacynt Nano-Technician Nano Male 151 0 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
407 Bubbaspark Adventurer Atrox Neuter 150 20 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Unit Member
408 Dolores Keeper Solitus Female 150 20 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
409 Fixaintm Fixer Solitus Male 150 20 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Squad Commander
410 Grolag Soldier Atrox Neuter 150 20 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
411 Howlingstar Bureaucrat Solitus Male 150 20 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
412 Mickymouse Martial Artist Opifex Male 150 20 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
413 Mifunejnjr Martial Artist Opifex Male 150 20 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
414 Muaythai Martial Artist Opifex Male 150 20 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
415 Naska Martial Artist Opifex Female 150 20 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
416 Patibaby Doctor Solitus Female 150 20 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
417 Ruleofthumb Martial Artist Solitus Male 150 20 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
418 Slowburnn Martial Artist Opifex Male 150 20 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
419 Suzane Martial Artist Opifex Female 150 20 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
420 Wildjr Adventurer Opifex Male 150 20 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
421 November26 Enforcer Atrox Neuter 150 19 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
422 Billywizzzz Fixer Solitus Male 150 18 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
423 Adeptcrit Martial Artist Atrox Neuter 150 17 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
424 Babyrifle Agent Solitus Female 150 17 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
425 Bbqking Enforcer Atrox Neuter 150 17 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
426 Jacksoul Soldier Atrox Neuter 150 17 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
427 Redbro Soldier Solitus Male 150 17 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
428 Chilliking Fixer Opifex Male 150 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
429 Darkrapture Adventurer Opifex Female 150 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
430 Lodonan Martial Artist Solitus Male 150 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
431 Shizzlehands Trader Opifex Male 150 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
432 Theogrim Fixer Atrox Neuter 150 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
433 Weldox Fixer Opifex Male 150 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
434 Wippitguud Martial Artist Opifex Male 150 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
435 Woooooosh Fixer Opifex Male 150 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
436 Jonskvadron Adventurer Atrox Neuter 150 15 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
437 Naturesown Adventurer Solitus Female 150 15 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
438 Pudakapala Martial Artist Atrox Neuter 150 15 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
439 Tigertankz Soldier Solitus Male 150 15 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
440 Bubutank Enforcer Atrox Neuter 150 14 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
441 Rudess-1 Doctor Solitus Female 150 14 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
442 Adeptheal Doctor Solitus Female 150 13 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Unit Member
443 Bigswordzplz Fixer Solitus Female 150 12 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
444 Flavya Martial Artist Opifex Female 150 12 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
445 Nolongrfroob Martial Artist Atrox Neuter 150 11 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
446 Antonette Martial Artist Solitus Female 150 10 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
447 Telemachus Soldier Solitus Male 150 10 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
448 Zippinby Fixer Opifex Male 150 10 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
449 Dreadforce Enforcer Atrox Neuter 150 9 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
450 Gatorman Doctor Solitus Male 150 9 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
451 Suzanjr Enforcer Atrox Neuter 150 9 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
452 Vipezed Martial Artist Solitus Male 150 9 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
453 Pizzakingjr Enforcer Atrox Neuter 150 8 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
454 Cookiespawn Trader Opifex Male 150 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
455 Lordh Nano-Technician Opifex Male 150 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Unit Member
456 Nitrometan Agent Solitus Male 150 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
457 Traaderr Trader Atrox Neuter 150 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
458 Planecrash Trader Opifex Male 150 6 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
459 Coolgun Soldier Solitus Male 150 5 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
460 Pavo Soldier Solitus Male 150 5 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
461 Corinthy Enforcer Nano Female 150 4 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
462 Deserted Meta-Physicist Solitus Female 150 4 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
463 Judelaw Nano-Technician Solitus Male 150 4 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
464 Tuxxen Adventurer Atrox Neuter 150 4 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
465 Ayan3 Nano-Technician Nano Male 150 2 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
466 Blackcabnt Nano-Technician Nano Male 150 2 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
467 Broncosenf Enforcer Atrox Neuter 150 2 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
468 Klekt Agent Opifex Male 150 2 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
469 Matsuda Enforcer Atrox Neuter 150 0 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
470 Naesilc Adventurer Solitus Female 149 9 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
471 Kavkazec Fixer Atrox Neuter 148 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Unit Member
472 Harriet Doctor Opifex Female 148 6 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
473 Svenlana Engineer Solitus Female 147 0 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Unit Member
474 Blondeenfo Enforcer Solitus Female 146 4 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
475 Legehatt Doctor Nano Male 145 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
476 Taintedluv Agent Opifex Female 145 4 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
477 Imaginary Keeper Opifex Female 144 15 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
478 Darkrapid Meta-Physicist Atrox Neuter 143 12 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Unit Member
479 Shagmaster Agent Opifex Male 143 12 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
480 Suisses Agent Solitus Female 142 2 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
481 Engiegorge Engineer Solitus Male 141 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
482 Nachtmares Agent Atrox Neuter 141 2 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
483 Piesize Nano-Technician Solitus Female 140 8 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
484 Zambe Nano-Technician Atrox Neuter 139 3 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
485 Grandpax Keeper Atrox Neuter 138 8 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
486 Stevejr Soldier Solitus Male 138 4 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
487 Delvina Nano-Technician Solitus Female 137 4 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
488 Isabellaa Nano-Technician Solitus Female 135 5 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
489 Redsdoc Doctor Nano Male 134 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
490 Popimp Enforcer Atrox Neuter 132 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
491 Freakayx Adventurer Atrox Neuter 132 8 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
492 Unimusha Soldier Solitus Male 132 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
493 Nanovein Nano-Technician Nano Female 132 5 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
494 Wtkill Agent Solitus Male 132 5 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
495 Brasta Enforcer Atrox Neuter 130 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
496 Knokle Soldier Atrox Neuter 130 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
497 Suzyka Nano-Technician Nano Female 130 3 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
498 Bigfixcz Fixer Opifex Male 130 0 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Unit Member
499 Smallbasher Enforcer Solitus Male 126 15 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
500 Ynoss2 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 126 15 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
