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Character Database

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Last update: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 06:18:09 +0000
Light background: data changed in latest update - Bold: currently online
(online status only available for level 200+ characters on Atlantean)
Character listing
# Name Profession Breed Gender Level AI Faction RK Guild Rank
301 Smurfking Agent Opifex Male 199 19 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
302 Malmo Meta-Physicist Solitus Male 198 0 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
303 Ironsangel Engineer Opifex Female 197 24 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
304 Ddreamkill Soldier Atrox Neuter 196 10 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
305 Dilek Doctor Solitus Female 195 15 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
306 Chemiture Adventurer Solitus Male 191 5 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
307 Sirion Doctor Opifex Male 191 1 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
308 Dressmann Bureaucrat Nano Male 187 3 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
309 Legacyma Martial Artist Opifex Male 185 13 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
310 Makkucrat Bureaucrat Solitus Male 185 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
311 Zeemek Enforcer Atrox Neuter 185 4 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
312 Olbitty Agent Solitus Female 184 22 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
313 Maffgnakz Shade Atrox Neuter 184 11 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
314 Zerolux Agent Opifex Male 182 11 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
315 Facefisted Meta-Physicist Atrox Neuter 182 9 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
316 Kasparov Agent Atrox Neuter 181 3 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
317 Profeth Trader Atrox Neuter 180 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Unit Member
318 Volutek Agent Opifex Male 180 15 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
319 Techscorpio Nano-Technician Nano Male 180 12 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
320 Pizzabil Nano-Technician Nano Male 180 10 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
321 Kmfdm Nano-Technician Nano Male 180 8 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
322 Venvidivici Trader Opifex Male 180 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
323 Xylazinist Doctor Solitus Male 180 2 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
324 Zambee Enforcer Atrox Neuter 178 12 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
325 Youre Nano-Technician Opifex Male 177 20 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
326 Nachoking Adventurer Atrox Neuter 177 18 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
327 Graviton Engineer Nano Male 177 13 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
328 Blitzburden Shade Opifex Female 177 11 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
329 Sequentia Adventurer Solitus Male 177 2 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
330 Adeptdrain Trader Solitus Male 176 18 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
331 Zonak Fixer Opifex Male 176 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
332 Rethy Fixer Opifex Female 176 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
333 Zusanjr Meta-Physicist Nano Male 176 5 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
334 Ingella Doctor Solitus Female 176 3 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
335 Maitrize Martial Artist Opifex Female 174 24 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
336 Malnourished Enforcer Opifex Male 174 23 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
337 Duskfall Keeper Atrox Neuter 174 19 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
338 Agenteneo Agent Opifex Male 174 14 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
339 Splaat Nano-Technician Opifex Male 174 12 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
340 Emonegarand Soldier Solitus Male 174 6 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
341 Aintcz Meta-Physicist Nano Male 174 0 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Unit Member
342 Bigmz Doctor Nano Male 174 0 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Unit Member
343 Duskvy Adventurer Opifex Male 174 0 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
344 Patient957 Soldier Solitus Female 173 17 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
345 Mecestie Trader Solitus Male 173 15 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
346 Cherne Nano-Technician Nano Male 173 8 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
347 Itheriana Bureaucrat Solitus Female 173 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
348 Bigbiz Bureaucrat Solitus Female 173 2 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
349 Jnengi Engineer Solitus Male 173 2 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
350 Inoelion Soldier Atrox Neuter 172 22 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Unit Member
351 Yazy Enforcer Atrox Neuter 172 19 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
352 Puipetee Doctor Solitus Female 172 15 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
353 Sparcles Enforcer Atrox Neuter 172 13 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
354 Cakeattack Nano-Technician Solitus Female 172 2 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
355 Doctor187 Doctor Solitus Male 171 18 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
356 Arcaneont Nano-Technician Nano Male 170 23 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
357 Aryuna Nano-Technician Nano Male 170 17 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
358 Redcabnt Nano-Technician Nano Male 170 14 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
359 Whoopzi Nano-Technician Solitus Female 170 14 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
360 Juniornt Nano-Technician Nano Male 170 9 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
361 Breedopifex Shade Opifex Male 170 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
362 Thecerberus Keeper Solitus Female 170 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
363 Tuxen Enforcer Atrox Neuter 170 5 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Unit Member
364 Vikron Enforcer Atrox Neuter 169 8 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
365 Systemx86 Doctor Solitus Female 168 3 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
366 Kreep-2 Agent Opifex Male 167 9 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
367 Germinator Agent Opifex Male 167 2 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Unit Member
368 Stiammy Martial Artist Opifex Male 166 17 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
369 Inoll Adventurer Opifex Male 166 13 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
370 Delisol Soldier Solitus Male 166 9 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
371 Engerhaii Engineer Solitus Male 166 4 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
372 Amenadiel Soldier Solitus Female 165 23 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
373 Missynano Nano-Technician Nano Female 165 20 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
374 Twocoins Trader Opifex Male 165 20 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
375 Lyderyan Fixer Opifex Male 165 19 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
376 Davidbowie Nano-Technician Solitus Male 165 18 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
377 Horrorstorm Nano-Technician Nano Male 165 9 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
378 Cometcatcher Adventurer Solitus Male 165 8 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
379 Leonr4 Enforcer Atrox Neuter 165 8 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
380 Shantom Adventurer Atrox Neuter 165 8 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
381 Nanosilence Nano-Technician Nano Female 165 5 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
382 Sakayuri Bureaucrat Solitus Female 165 4 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
383 Telenukes Nano-Technician Solitus Male 165 2 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
384 Dynamo Nano-Technician Nano Male 164 3 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
385 Cripta Nano-Technician Nano Male 164 2 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
386 Renren Bureaucrat Solitus Male 164 2 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
387 Alittleblack Trader Solitus Male 162 8 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
388 Fort Fixer Atrox Neuter 162 4 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
389 Hellsdemons Enforcer Atrox Neuter 161 10 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
390 Wildnano Nano-Technician Nano Female 161 3 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
391 Nimbooo Bureaucrat Solitus Male 161 2 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
392 Fallsmoe Shade Atrox Neuter 160 8 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
393 Wildstylez Adventurer Atrox Neuter 160 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
394 Toxiicmage Nano-Technician Nano Female 159 4 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
395 Imkat Engineer Solitus Female 157 21 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Unit Member
396 Mossca Nano-Technician Nano Female 157 10 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
397 Gersimi Fixer Solitus Female 154 10 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
398 Arcolux Trader Atrox Neuter 154 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
399 Musehull Bureaucrat Solitus Female 154 5 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
400 Medivo Engineer Solitus Male 153 2 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
