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Item Database - Yatamutchy Movement Predictor -X7B

Yatamutchy Movement Predictor -X7B Icon #99267 This nice Head-Up Display installment helps to eliminate range distortion by projecting a predicted movement pattern, like a ghost image, on top of what you see. This can increase the range of your weapon as you know where your target will be.
Flags Visible, Modified Description
Can Carry, Wear
Patch current
100 (interpolated between QL 5 and QL 200)
Change QL:
Type Utility
Slot Hud 1
Value 1500
Equip time 0.01s
Mass 0.3kg
Max health 500
To Equip User Weapon smithing >= 250 and
User Perception >= 404
On Equip User Modify Weapon range 25  
MrWise @ 2004-05-24 06:01
I hate not being able to have this equipt at the same time as my yalm >:(
zyx21 @ 2005-03-03 01:46
still cool
kuza55 @ 2005-04-14 08:54
why would you need it when your in your yalm? - fighting is restricted when you're inside, only thing is getting it on is quite a bitch at higher QL's...... stupid weapon smithing......
Pegasus @ 2005-09-27 02:06
Not sure if this thing works properly...
houserocker @ 2005-10-12 06:26
"only thing is getting it on is quite a bitch at higher QL's...... stupid weapon smithing......" Which is exactly why it is a problem that it shares the equip location with a yalm, you can't buff it on and switch freely.
Wyoh @ 2005-12-22 22:39
I'm currently using a QL166 (modify weapon range 41) with a pair of blinded blackbirds (range 20m) and am wondering if I would see any benefit upgrading to a QL200 as I understand that Range in AO is capped at either 50m or 60m.
RainFrost @ 2005-12-25 20:43
thought range was capped at 40m anyways
Voriuste @ 2006-01-12 11:21
Nano range is capped at 40m... Guns can go higher though, not sure of the cap, 50 or 60 perhaps... dunno...
dJinN @ 2006-02-26 10:57
Does it work on Melee weapons? I cant find anything that says ranged weapon only.
Terrif @ 2008-03-31 14:46
well, i afk the same question to a friend and he told me that whith this item his normal attack had more range than his brawl maybe it's work :)
Loso @ 2008-04-09 22:05
Got bored one day and id=088373 (this item), is lowest I could find, ps great for hotswapping when you need that extra range.
Ladunker586 @ 2013-07-10 07:43
It would be a benefit to equip the highest ql possible, because this increases the stated percentage of the base range of your weapon, not directly to your range in metres. So if u use a craphander (12m), a ql 200 would make its range 12*1.5=18m. Also put on a ql 200 targeting scope that adds another 6m, still not even close to range cap. now if we're talking some 32m base range rifle then its a different story.
Ladunker586 @ 2013-07-10 07:44
ql 300 scope*
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