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Item Database - Flurry of Blows

Flurry of Blows Icon #12664 This 'booster' should be placed in the utility inventory slots, and used when you want to hit very fast with your melee weapons! It boosts Aggressive-Defensive and Close Combat (melee) Initiative for 20 seconds - plus 5 percent of a second per Quality Level of the booster. After using the Flurry of Blows, you must wait two and a half minutes before using it again. The amount boosted varies with the Quality Level of the Booster.
Flags Visible, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear, Use
Patch current
160 (interpolated between QL 25 and QL 200)
Change QL:
Type Utility
Slot Utils 1, Utils 2, Utils 3
Value 733086
Mass 0.42kg
To Use User Flurry of Blows equipped
User Flurry of Blows equipped and
User Fast attack >= 797 and
User Wielded weapons not & Ranged
To Equip User Flurry of Blows not equipped and
User Flurry of Blows not equipped or
User Fast attack >= 797 and
On Use User Temporary Agg/Def for 27.71s 50  
User Temporary Melee init for 27.71s 806  
User Temporary Physical init for 27.71s 806  
User Temporary Critical chance for 15s 18  
User Graphics Effect #43454  
User Lock Agg/Def 150s  
Float Text Flurry  
On Activate Self AddSkill Agg/Def 3  
On Equip User Modify Melee init 40  
User Modify Physical init 40  
Sikanzia @ 2004-01-31 06:29
needs to equip a ranged weapon and gives you Melee init? so what???
sinistral @ 2004-04-13 15:55
No, it's a bug. You must have a melee weapon equipped to use :)
melonhead @ 2004-08-15 07:27
ahhhh, god bless this beutiful item, so much damage so fast *drools*
Orgy @ 2005-02-17 01:16
love it
budderswing @ 2005-04-11 21:36
Where can you find this?
fenek @ 2005-05-11 08:34
Madsmekker @ 2005-06-05 17:01
I just bought it in a regular shop
Fleadram @ 2005-08-07 16:27
no good for the majority of MAs tho, who never use melee weapons. :(
wolfclaw @ 2005-10-08 20:00
But shades may find it useful.
Aurielle @ 2005-10-16 14:00
Crit chance is always a good thing for MAs
dzzirt @ 2005-11-07 18:52
reqs - 1000 fast attack is nothing for 205+ MA. At least it cost +20% crit chance for 15 sec :)
0xigen @ 2006-01-22 09:27
what is mean : Agg/Def for 30s 50 ??
caxcabr @ 2006-02-16 00:40
Attack speed... doesnt matter if you use melee or fists your attacks will becoe a bit faster
bartje @ 2006-03-04 13:56
ouch abit? 1000 melee init is a lot use infernal rage + 350 init and the base u have is about 1,5k so do the math 8)

1000+350+1500=2850 there u go =) ( the 2850 is enfo only )
Yetti @ 2006-03-14 17:35
I want to know also, what does "Temporary Agg/Def for 30s 50" do? Sets your agg/def bar to 50(middle?), if so dose it effect your evades like it would if you had your bar at 50?
Derishen @ 2006-03-14 19:14
Yes, Yetti I belive that is what it means
Wizardi @ 2006-06-05 01:01
Aggdef does not affect your evades, it only affects how fast you hit/cast, so if your agg/def bar is at 0% (full def), you'll be hitting as fast as if it would be in the middle (50%) yet evading as much as at 0%
Whitey @ 2006-11-09 18:48
got mine today... <3 it..
Manicmouse @ 2007-02-12 02:50
Aggdef does affect evades, to quote from another forum: "a lower setting will increase the effectiveness of your evades and add a small 'AddAllDef' modifier on top of that, with the effect that you can counter most crits (and later on evade even normal attacks quite often). A setting more towards AGG decreases the effectiveness of evades a bit so naturally there's a higher chance of mobs landing crits on you."
Pung @ 2007-05-24 01:00
One of the better reasons for going melee
Pung @ 2007-05-24 01:00
One of the better reasons for going melee
buttmuffin @ 2007-08-07 14:25
manic that has nothing to do with what the FoB affects, Wizardi is right so if you are full def and you hit flurry youll be hitting as fast as you would at 50/50 but evading the same as at
and yes i have tested it
Mohamed @ 2007-10-16 11:10
Only bonuses! It's great, it's cool, it's just for melee. Ans it's always in trend, you NEED one, like now
prenoud @ 2008-02-07 10:21
*This is about Agg/Def 50* I did multiple tests, timing horde w/ and w/o FoB running, and at different agg bar %, and from those tests I can say that there's no effect on nano cast (attack) time... I wouldn't be surprised if agg/def has no effect on weapons then, but that's harder to test.
Vgman @ 2008-02-12 23:27
cause of the agg def it even makes ma's hit faster :P
gergiskoo @ 2008-08-09 16:19
wts needing fast attack on an MA, though
Binarybot @ 2009-05-06 21:09
Get ql 25. 111 fast attack is amazingly easy to get, 10% crit chance for 15 seconds, basically for free. When you get the 1k fast attack needed, upgrade to this for 20%, very nice.
Vigos @ 2011-03-24 06:56
I max Fast Attack on my Soldier. *GASP* Did you hear right?! Yes you did. I've geared him for crit setup using shotguns. *GASP* Can you believe your eyes, shotgun?! Yes you can and he is, "Krutt Assault 219 Waltzing Queen Special" ;) Simply unequip your weapon activate and requip your shotgun and you have 19% extra crit for 13sec (it lasts 15sec but requipping takes 2sec), then simply open up with Fling Shot. He's a froob soldier 150 and the longest streak I've managed is 4, or was it 5, crits in a row. Alittle over 4.3k each. Shooting at 1/1 with 30% crit chance, 49% with Flurry for 13 sec. Never looked back after I went with Krutt crit setup. I like the erraticness of combat this way. Keeps me not bored. Dont know if I'll crit and kill before I die or "OMGosh" killed a lvl 180 borg in 4 hits no specials xD
lpx @ 2022-01-03 13:44
Heads-up they changed it in18.8.53

you can no longer have more than one equipped.. if you remove it.. you will not be able to put it aback on.. and the client will not tell you why.. you get no msg.. I had to come here to look at it to see it.
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