houserocker @ 2006-05-09 23:57
Doesn't actually DO anything, since all nano attacks do a certain type of damage.
deniska @ 2006-06-15 22:53
Got it from mantis queen ZOMG UBAH o.O
Dark1947 @ 2006-09-07 15:11
Maybe reflect unknow damage when you meep with a fixer or hit a fence in apf ... but never tested :p
Whitey @ 2008-10-09 14:20
Test it out with candycane (NT nuke) in pvp. Nuke with candycane, all dmg will be the same, slap this on and nuke again and check for a difference.
Just a thought, but i've never actually seen one of these to test it :s
Corpsecreate @ 2010-02-24 16:04
I've tested it, the bracer does nothing.
Ganiwar @ 2010-10-15 11:52
Because this is a relict of when their concept of nano damage was different (not ordinary damage like now). There even used to be NanoAC, which was visible in the skill tab of the original GUI.
Jawanskelig @ 2010-11-30 20:11
Elian Zuwadza outside rome has had a quite good drop rate of all types of Bracer of Reflection and Bracer of Shielding for TL 3 and TL 4 since the 18.0 patch.
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