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Item Database - Hired Hands

Hired Hands Icon #118027 Increases the projectile, melee and energy damage of all members of the caster's team by 8 points.
Flags Modified Description
Can Carry
Patch 11.0 12.8 13.2 15.0.1 15.5.5 18.8.53
QL 30
Crystal Nano Crystal (Hired Hands)
NCU 10
Nanocost 218
School Space: Adventurer occassional damage boost
Duration 4 hours
Attack time 2.06s
Recharge time 0.5s
Range 20 m
Effect icon Icon 39538
Stacking order 26
Attack skills
Matter creation 54 %
Matter metamorphosis 46 %
To Use User Matter metamorphosis >= 139 and
User Matter creation >= 163 and
User Visual profession == Trader
On Use Team Cast Hired Hands  
Mastaoflimbo @ 2009-07-16 10:57
How Useless is this Unless you like to waste your teams ncu
Spatulatrox @ 2011-10-22 13:34
Oddly, this nano buffs melee damage, while the other projectile/energy damage buffs available via SI-locking hacked boosted-grafts (Damage Amplifier, Damage Multiplier, Balanced Striker) do not.
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