18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Item Database - Total Mirror Shield Mk V

Total Mirror Shield Mk V Icon #39141 The Soldier's true friend in battle, a Total Mirror Shield deflects 75% of all damage back onto the attacker. This formula cannot be executed on other people. It has the drawback of effectively shutting down your nano capabilities for 2 minutes.
Flags Default Target, Buff Nano
Patch 11.0 12.5 14.4.2 14.6 15.0.1 15.5.5 18.8.53
QL 86
Crystal Nano Crystal (Total Mirror Shield Mk V)
NCU 27
Nanocost 867
School Protection: Reflect shields
Duration 41 seconds
Attack time 0.25s
Recharge time 20s
Range 1 m
Effect icon Icon 39745
Attack skills
Matter creation 57 %
Time and space 43 %
To Use User Time and space >= 333 and
User Matter creation >= 434 and
User Visual profession == Soldier
On Use Self Modify Reflect projectile damage 75  
Self Modify Reflect melee damage 75  
Self Modify Reflect energy damage 75  
Self Modify Reflect chemical damage 75  
Self Modify Reflect radiation damage 75  
Self Modify Reflect cold damage 75  
Self Modify Reflect fire damage 75  
Self Modify Reflect poison damage 75  
Self Cast Nano skills inoperative  
bartje @ 2006-06-04 21:22
soldier use it to tank aztur? ( twinks )
Russm @ 2007-03-17 14:39
i doubt you can put out enough dmg at that level as a soldier to kill azzy in 41 sec
Ytinirt @ 2007-04-09 06:32
look at the nanocost -_-
rico648 @ 2008-08-28 18:05
old comment i know, but of course you couldn't put out enough damage to kill him in 41 secs. point is, to kite after it is down, then restart again.
antsquasher @ 2008-11-30 03:21
tbh if your casting this, surely you could take a few wacks from azture anyway?
Dagger @ 2009-12-20 06:57
OMHH is better than this garbage at low levels anyways.
imsobored121 @ 2011-02-06 05:38
or mix omhh with tms
heal till you have just enough nano for a tms and youve extended that 41 seconds to a minute or more
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