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Item Database - Computer Literacy Tutoring Device

Computer Literacy Tutoring Device This fancy piece of Cognitive Transference Machinery (CTM) enables you to increase your skill in a specific field of 'Trade and Repair'. When using the device, the temporary knowledge of the CTM occupies a part of your brain for 2 minutes. You can then utilize this information only by teaching it to yourself - and you need a certain skill in tutoring to do so.
Flags Visible, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Use
Patch 11.0 11.3 12.5 13.6 13.8 15.0.1 18.8.53
Change QL:
Value 50000
Attack time 0.1s
Range 3 m
Mass 2.8kg
To Use User Tutoring >= 1000 and
User Inside Shadowlands == 0
On Use User Temporary Computer literacy for 120s 50  
Target Graphics Effect #47349  
User Lock Tutoring 180s  
Float Text Hello Al..  
On Activate Self AddSkill Tutoring 3  
catalyste @ 2003-11-14 09:18
50? 50!??? Sigh I was hoping for more, that is a LOT of tutoring for so little a help...bleah
Sypiken @ 2004-12-06 00:06
=P Enugh
qwayke @ 2006-09-11 05:13
Check out if ya wanna see it the way it was ment to be.
rattjamann @ 2006-10-29 00:22
holy crap! no wonder they changed it..
prenoud @ 2008-06-17 04:17
So here's what you do (and this advice is comming from ody) you only need 34% skill lock modifier to make this double up for 1 second... or, get up to 50% and it'll double up for 30 seconds. That's a total of +100 comp lit w/ a ql 200. Get someone to use the Redeem Last Wish perk on you, which is 20%, get a crat to cast Improved Cut Red Tape on you for 3%, then get some of the symbs which have skill lock modifier... so it's really easy to double up the effects of tutoring devices even at low levels. I know that, if you get everything you need, these professions can do it at level 59: trader, crat, mp, engineer.
Zinrax @ 2008-10-28 19:00
Is it possbile to use it on others? like have 5 people use it on me at the same time for +250CL just from friends? =P
sniperz25 @ 2008-11-07 05:55

You sir are a twinking mastermind. :D
Vxrniss @ 2009-01-04 17:48
As twinking mastermind you might have wanted to do some more research. :P
QL 51+ Control Crepuscule -2% skill-lock and equippable by a TL2, 6 parts have it. (No head) :)
12+3+20 = 35% on toons as low as 15-21 without any implants/symbiants.
zerogates @ 2009-02-10 22:55
level 22 can also get an additional 1 point of skill lock modifier from leg symbiants, trader engie MP and crat.
Kinsqo @ 2013-02-05 03:13
A cpl years later question is @ Vxrniss. lvl 12-21 may get these skill-lock to double the effect of a ql 200 cl device, but 1k tutoring?!! 'are pioneer backpack stackable ?:P
mr_no_skill @ 2013-11-01 03:17
@Kinsqo although no, u definitely can't use a ql 200 device, however u can use the parasite helm + pioneer backpack plus some tutoring implants and the comp buff, u can get well over 450 tutoring this way, double tap the device for around +46 CL, that's quite significant at low levels.
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