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Item Database - Feeble Warbot

Feeble Warbot Icon #44140 The nanobots create the shell of a basic fighting robot for the Engineer.
Flags Modified Description, Default Target
Patch 11.0 13.0 14.4.2 15.0.1 15.5.5 17.6
QL 129
Crystal Nano Crystal (Feeble Warbot)
NCU 40
Nanocost 1190
School Space
Attack time 9.12s
Recharge time 2.24s
Range 2 m
Attack skills
Matter creation 50 %
Time and space 50 %
To Use User Matter creation >= 596 and
User Time and space >= 596 and
User Visual profession == Engineer and
User Credits >= 892
On Use User Hit Credits -892 .. -892  
User Summon Item ENWA  
Reiback @ 2002-12-26 01:42
where can I get this and similar crystals, cant seem to find them anywhere and would apreciate the help
foxhound @ 2003-06-03 13:37
in mission's
RuneGlow @ 2004-05-23 17:54
this is the one is used to solo aztur at TOTW?
brainstew @ 2004-12-07 20:56
brainstew @ 2004-12-10 03:45
from this one and up
Arrone @ 2005-03-29 02:43
that's pretty cool. it's very possible for an engie to use this by lvl 60 or so. all you need are mochams, ql 80-100 imps, and a trader in your team, you'd be doing great, and everyone would admire your skillz :P
bongbong @ 2005-05-23 17:42
pfft, I did this at lvl 41, was pretty easy as well and that was with ql 75 imps, also Atzur after last patch can beat this bot, If oyu attack straight away you have a 50-50 chance of loosing bot, when atzure spawns he is fully buffed, I allways wait 5 mins then attack half his buffs are gone and you see a considerable decrease in his dmg and speed.
Slipknot @ 2005-06-17 12:21
also remember that you have heals as an engineer,so ur bot isnt alone :)
Enginner2007 @ 2005-10-20 22:03
wait a sec i cant find 125+ nanos on dyna bosses?
Glargh @ 2005-10-21 04:05
You might and you might not. :p
Techboy @ 2005-11-12 22:55
this can be done in subway if you have like 90 implants and arith armor.. very smart :)

aztur can own this bot, btw. inferior is the lowest that'll solo aztur.
Kplayona @ 2006-01-20 02:08
bongbong @ 2005-05-23 17:42
pfft, I did this at lvl 41, was pretty easy as well and that was with ql 75 imps,

lmao its impossible to cast this at level 41 when level 60 have trouble unless u got ql like 150 imps or something witch is impossible at level 40 anyways next time dont lie please ;) at level 41 if u have skill like 300 even with mochie and Wrangle u still get 570 and i dont belive u can get that much anyways if im wrong id lovely appreciate it if u could prove it to my face thx.
Stick.AO @ 2006-02-02 13:28
Kplayona @ 2006-01-20 02:08
lmao its impossible to cast this at level 41 when level 60 have trouble unless u got ql like 150 imps or something witch is impossible at level 40 anyways next time dont lie please ;) at level 41 if u have skill like 300 even with mochie and Wrangle u still get 570 and i dont belive u can get that much anyways if im wrong id lovely appreciate it if u could prove it to my face thx.

lets asume that you have 300 mc&ts with the implants at lvl 41. 140 from mochie + 20 from expertise + 140 umbral wrangler =300mc&ts . you do the math. 300+300=600 so you can cast it without any alien armor or different items to add to mc&ts, and without any perks. so please do a little math before you speak, since you're supposed to be an engi and know how to add 1 and 1.
Jippo @ 2006-02-13 23:09
Wrangle casts 4 min. After that Bot doesn't regonize you as a master :) Lol, useless... That happened to me middle of Azures fight. Ukulesh and 2nd incranations gone fine.
genius71 @ 2006-03-18 01:02
can this bot solo got? looking for that GTA =D
Zuoxi @ 2006-03-29 23:44
If it can solo Aztur sometimes... Definatly genius
rico648 @ 2006-04-16 21:15
lol i dunno...Zuoxi's comment just makes me laaugh
Pwnded @ 2006-05-03 18:36
"lets asume that you have 300 mc&ts with the implants at lvl 41. 140 from mochie + 20 from expertise + 140 umbral wrangler =300mc&ts . you do the math. 300+300=600 so you can cast it without any alien armor or different items to add to mc&ts, and without any perks. so please do a little math before you speak, since you're supposed to be an engi and know how to add 1 and 1."

Funny, premium umbral has a target level of 205, gatta learn the facts ;p
christy10 @ 2006-05-07 18:24
anyone know what price these would normally go for?
Cheysey @ 2006-05-10 01:08
Funny, premium umbral has a target level of 205, gatta learn the facts ;p

Lissen to yourselfs... ofcorse this bot can be done at lvl41.. add perks and alien armor it can be done way earlyer.. when u can run a slayer in totw.. wich u can.. I know that for a FACT
Cheysey @ 2006-05-10 01:10
you dont need umral.. just normal one to cast the bot
noir1991 @ 2006-05-14 17:16
getting a slayer in totw , thats gotta be easy to breeze through the bosses o_o
genius71 @ 2006-05-16 21:57
Here's the story on how i got my styg (Dont say this isn't related to this item, it is =) )

i find a lvl 60 engie with 'feeble' warbot. heh heh.... brings me down to kill aztur. We get to aztur, but engie has to /terminate cause of xp. we try again, this time we get through without engie dinging. aztur drops 2 stygs. just so happens my friend is down there too and he needs styg, so he loots one too.
just to prove feeble can get through aztur

PS bot had half health left after fight, engie had no heals
Cebrail @ 2006-05-26 11:09
Ok for the noob Cheysey who don't think this can be done at 41 lemme give you a quick runthrough.

Right now my 41 engie is using it, i'll even let you come see on RK 1, look for Azracc.

He is almost completely untwinked and can keep it non-oe with just Comp + Mochams, meaning he has 1 hour to use it in.

Ql 100 Head, Eye, R.hand imps, Nelebs Robe, Shades of Lucubration and no other buff items.
not a single perk giving mc/ts (they are in Bio)
Unbuffed, 318 MC 320 TS
Buffs - Comp +20, Mochams +140, Wrangle + 131 = 609 MC - 611 TS
Once wrangle goes that is 478/480
Requirements to keep bot non-oe 476 MC/TS.
Now I could have perked and done it without Shades, I could have gotten high ql imps in, I could use AI armor, I could get SL ring, or the + MC/TS Notum ring.
Now STFU you little noob, I could have cast this at 35 if I bothered twinking
noir1991 @ 2006-06-21 19:59
lol cebril , cheysey DIDNT say it cannot be done , he said it could
noir1991 @ 2006-06-21 19:59
opps , Cebrail*
trollbasher @ 2006-07-10 16:43
ROFLMAO since the shades of lubrication are NanoMage only i doubt you are wearing them
trollbasher @ 2006-07-10 17:26
Ok sory ignore last post was thinking nanotechnition not nanomage.

Ok let sort this once and for all

My lvl 60 Nanomage Engi wearing Nelebs Robe and Ql 125 imps has 433 TS - MC + 140 Mochams + 131 Wrangle = 433+140+131= 704 TS - MC, meaning he can summon an Upgraded Warbot which needs a skill of 556 not to be OE, 704 TS - MC take away the 131 Wrangle leaves 573 TS - MC, so you can easly run the 8th type of warbot in ToTW never mind the first type which is the feeble.
leite @ 2006-08-05 23:08
Warbot is awsome for low levels, make a awsome dmg, pwnz in pvp and solo loads of stuff :) ofc can be made @ 41 but.. unless you have a pocket MP you will need to ask for mochies T&S & MC every single hour.
Warbot is the best bot in game !
For only one reason!

Is the only one that talks rofl !
Oltcit @ 2006-09-22 16:53
hey, people cast the slayerdroid at 60, so what's all the fuzz about?
Yakobo66 @ 2006-11-19 23:27
fun seeing trox engys with slayer own people in pvp at 60 ^^
Twinkywinky @ 2006-12-24 16:03
just the problem with casting it at subway, the ncu... it was pretty easier when the trader cl buff wasn't self only:)
acrocrash @ 2007-02-07 07:13
lol.. if you need to overkill with a warbot in the subway, you need to look at your ability to kill a 5 year old boss.
And back in the day people just warped high lvlers into subway, was the easiest way to kill abmouth.
alesicis @ 2007-04-03 05:04
yeah, my mid lvl guardbot could solo aztur. and my 46 engi is using this without any special twinking
Sundiver @ 2007-04-22 20:17
Who cares.
fly @ 2007-05-09 18:50
Just to end all about if this bot can solo aztur....YES!!!! I just took out azzy with this on my lvl47 engi. If you want to know what to do...first you buff your bot with all your shields, reflects, and ac's. Then you trim your bot with a posative agressive trimmer. And the last buff you need is your combat array. It was very close and i do not say you should just use this bot to solo him with. Do about 10 lvls higher so you have a little more insurance so you wont die if anything bad happens.
Philosophem @ 2009-05-13 17:20
What's so tough about azzy... You can easily solo him with (Lesser Guardbot). Right trimmers, right buffs, right tactic.. You don't even have to wait ~30 mins for azzy debuff.
Ciekafsky @ 2009-10-13 18:34
It hits for 300-500 dmg inside shadowlands so dont expect miracles. A nanomage with shades of lucubration, ql 100 implants and 4 perks in CoNC can cast this at lvl 35 but he is unable to keep it out of OE without a trickledown from NS and JESS pistols, unless he has some special equipment. It can solo Nasc hecks without any troubles. Once ive seen it kill 3 of em at one time.
Anarchangelx @ 2010-02-17 09:04
Pet level observed to be 112.
n3othebest @ 2011-03-13 04:55
This one solos azzy without problems. With buffs, trimmer and heals it was at 100% after fight. and not constantly healing at all.
tazerboy @ 2011-06-28 01:42
is this easy to use at lvl 50-60 for a froob? id like to get it so he can run n mastery's (but my engi is lvl 5atm...)
Owari @ 2012-02-13 15:15
i was able to use it on my lvl 60 froob engi , with some mochams and ql 100 imps it's easy as a froob, gonna try it on a paid account .
Kuingar @ 2013-06-11 21:03
This pet is usable selfed, castable with a wrangle, on a froob 60. Working on said twink.
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