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Item Database - Inferior Warbot

Inferior Warbot Icon #44140 The nanobots create the shell of a basic fighting robot for the Engineer.
Flags Modified Description, Default Target
Patch 11.0 13.0 14.4.2 15.0.1 15.5.5 17.6
QL 139
Crystal Nano Crystal (Inferior Warbot)
NCU 43
Nanocost 1285
School Space
Attack time 9.21s
Recharge time 2.26s
Range 2 m
Attack skills
Matter creation 50 %
Time and space 50 %
To Use User Matter creation >= 651 and
User Time and space >= 651 and
User Profession == Engineer and
User Credits >= 964
On Use User Hit Credits -964 .. -964  
User Summon Item ENWA  
bongbong @ 2005-05-23 17:43
BEst bot to take int emple, this can be got easier at lvl 60, plus the previous 2 warbots are not right on the OE req's there actualy lower than helpbot suggests.
genius71 @ 2006-05-16 21:59
can solo aztur
genius71 @ 2006-05-16 22:00
plus it says "enter attack mode" :-D
Scoville @ 2006-10-14 18:24
I didn't notice anything unusual about lower bots' OE requirements. But Bong's post is a year and a half old, maybe things have changed. I'm sure I've gone OE on the last couple of bots before this one, and cast expertise to make them stop ignoring me.

OE is under 80% of casting req. as usual. Maybe the first few bots are still buggy but other than that they've been consistent. I was saving money by only getting every 2nd or 3rd bot through about QL110, but still, every one I've had was OE at under 80%.
Scoville @ 2006-10-17 02:29
Anyway...Makes a level 121 pet.
Ciekafsky @ 2007-01-29 19:37
Hm strange, it got wiped out by Aztur once. I strongly suggest better one for soloing in totw although its doable with this one. You can also wait a moment when Azzy spawns for better results; its told that he spawns buffed. Anyway, you dont need any twinking to cast this one. Ql 100 shop implants will be fine if youre lazy and dont feel like putting higher :)
Heltfeil @ 2008-01-10 02:23
Ciek, its all about trimming when using low bots on azzy. This is also top one a 60 engie can selfcast, with towers. Next one done if neut ;)
Shadraz @ 2010-02-18 02:36
You're joking, right? I've soloed Aztur many times with just a Guardbot. And also many times with the lowest Warbot (Feeble Warbot).
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