18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Item Database - Healer's Hands

Healer's Hands Icon #44233 Heals the target of 524-929 points of damage.
Flags Modified Description
Patch 11.0 14.4.2 15.0.1
QL 123
Crystal Nano Crystal (Healer's Hands)
NCU 38
Nanocost 194
School Healing
Attack time 2.94s
Recharge time 3.82s
Range 20 m
Attack skills
Biological metamorphosis 53 %
Matter metamorphosis 47 %
To Use User Biological metamorphosis >= 584 and
User Matter metamorphosis >= 528 and
User Visual profession == Doctor
On Use Target Hit Health 524 .. 929  
iginite @ 2004-11-16 13:36
were can this be found?
Jeff120 @ 2005-09-19 23:04
this can outheal azure so twink this on at lvl 50
Keex @ 2005-09-25 20:52
superior shops i think
Jeff120 @ 2005-09-29 14:14
a must have for totw
Ofex @ 2006-01-25 06:47
not a must have for totw Lesser Bloom of Health outheals aztur if u init debuff and have a decent enf. i used Thorough Examination and healed enfs,keepers, MAs and believe it or not docs from dying against azzy.
Slainna @ 2006-03-09 19:27
no this is not in superior shops,so you gotta do a mish for it or find it in a player shop
buttmuffin @ 2007-05-19 08:56
with the right setup self cast at 60 i think
buttmuffin @ 2007-05-19 08:57
implant ql's need tweaking, threw this together quick
Killik @ 2009-03-03 18:14
selfcasting at 60 with dual tears in hands
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