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Item Database - Transcendent Wrath Incarnation

Transcendent Wrath Incarnation Icon #96172 The nanocloud briefly takes on a semi-physical manifestation of the caster's anger.
Flags Modified Description, Default Target
Patch 11.0 12.8 14.2.1 15.0.1 15.5.5 18.0 18.5
QL 106
Crystal Nano Crystal (Transcendent Wrath Incarnation)
NCU 33
Nanocost 294
School Space
Attack time 4.95s
Recharge time 2.52s
Range 5 m
Attack skills
Matter creation 50 %
Time and space 50 %
To Use User Time and space >= 494 and
User Matter creation >= 494 and
User Visual profession == Meta-Physicist and
User Pets <= 0
On Use Self Spawn Pet PT53  
Jeff120 @ 2005-07-23 18:04
You can cast this at lvl 50,140+131= 271, 519-271 = 248 .tra buff 131, mp buff 140= 271 points, 494- 271= 224 nano skills too use, at lvl 50.
Jeff120 @ 2005-07-23 18:09
I mean..... You can cast this at lvl 50,140+131= 271,tra buff 131, mp buff 140= 271 points, 519-271= 248 nano skills too use, at lvl 50.
spikeq2 @ 2006-05-10 07:51
U can use it at lvl 50 Self buffed with ql 100-110 implants easily
Neik @ 2006-05-25 04:00
self buffed at lvl50 with ql100 imps? I can barely do it at lvl60 with ql150 imps, thats including neleb, both ring types, jess for trickle down, SL and AI perks.
Agent2500 @ 2006-06-06 21:27
*sighs* self buffed at level 53. nano skills maxed, animated brain/eye/hand, CM, and a comm relay... simple as pie.
Agent2500 @ 2006-06-06 21:27
oh, dont forget SL/AI perks ^^
Datagutt @ 2007-03-27 17:33
Bah i self this at 41....
Legalruler @ 2009-10-15 19:12
froob 39 trox mp with moch and wrangles
GoliatPL @ 2010-07-07 15:41
froob 35 trox on moch and wrangl and imps ql 73
dynahunter38 @ 2010-10-09 22:31
this is my self meat ball at lvl 60 w/ nm froob with shades, blackshirt, vte x2, ql130 miys nano sleeves, 130ish imps, 115ish eye and head. it sucks. i log my agent and fp mp and get mochs from her and a wrangle from my trader and get up lesser enmity and pwn totw. for all the dissing on of froobs that happens, being able to multi log multiple accounts for buffs has its benefits, no buff hunting, just logging in/out :)
Spatulatrox @ 2012-03-11 00:20
Makes a level 95 attack pet
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