18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Item Database - Summon Fiend

Summon Fiend Icon #96170 The nanocloud briefly takes on a semi-physical manifestation of the caster's anger.
Flags Modified Description, Default Target
Patch 11.0 12.8 14.2.1 15.0.1 15.5.5 18.0 18.5
QL 182
Crystal Nano Crystal (Summon Fiend)
NCU 56
Nanocost 526
School Space
Attack time 5.91s
Recharge time 3.05s
Range 5 m
Stacking order 56
Attack skills
Matter creation 50 %
Time and space 50 %
To Use User Time and space >= 847 and
User Matter creation >= 847 and
User Profession == Meta-Physicist and
User Pets <= 0
On Use Self Spawn Pet PT56  
wooshell @ 2005-11-14 23:33
Still a meatball, not a demon-type creature as the name suggests?
Montiy @ 2005-12-13 07:13
its a demon
Yakobo66 @ 2006-05-15 16:09
if it is a demon, twink it on for totw and run outside with it called Uklesh the Frozen XD
Benjamn @ 2006-09-16 00:13
no, u run inside shouting: "TRAIN!!! RUUUUN!!!" =P
Jinzost @ 2007-02-03 05:15
what pet lvl is this?
syneic @ 2007-08-02 13:50
an 60 opi mp with combined scout who manage to cast Odin's Missing Eye can spawn this with a little help from mp and trader friend :D
fly @ 2007-08-15 07:22
I actually just cast this on my lvl60 mp without any ai armor whatsoever(except devalos). Pure pwnage in totw.
tazerboy @ 2011-12-04 07:20
wtb rk1 tazersmeta
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