18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Item Database - Lesser Anger Manifestation

Lesser Anger Manifestation Icon #96173 The nanocloud briefly takes on a semi-physical manifestation of the caster's anger.
Flags Modified Description, Default Target
Patch 11.0 12.8 14.2.1 15.0.1 15.3 15.5.5 18.0 18.5 18.8.53
QL 1
Crystal Nano Crystal (Summon Anger Manifestation)
Nanocost 11
School Space
Attack time 1s
Recharge time 2s
Range 5 m
Attack skills
Matter creation 50 %
Time and space 50 %
To Use User Time and space >= 8 and
User Matter creation >= 8 and
User Visual profession == Meta-Physicist and
User Pets <= 0
On Use Self Spawn Pet PT50  
Lleets @ 2004-07-09 15:34
such uber... :P
Casiru @ 2005-05-27 22:57
This pet is... unreal! Its just so uber! /sarcasm off
Baronn @ 2005-07-03 04:59
guys.....uber isnt the half of it! This pet is better than The Rihwen!! :D
kungfu @ 2005-07-15 18:00
cant wait until i am able to cast this=D
Mannystk @ 2005-08-18 00:15
Just about managed to Spawn at Lvl 220 - Jeez it was hard , But i just about did it , WOO hits teh Borgs for 1dmg !!1!!
Jeff120 @ 2005-09-17 17:46
omg noobs
Maxdog420 @ 2005-10-23 03:03
Casted this in a lvl 180ish mission while Tumulten was holding a mob down,I set this lvl 1 pet to attack mob. This thing was not even trying to hit mob it just looked at it as if it was going to. Was watching for about 5 mins then terminated it. "Just did cuzz I was bord"
tegrere @ 2005-12-05 06:44
omgzzor! this pet pwned a widowmaker in 1 hit!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!
Shojumaru @ 2006-01-21 12:58
Pffft, saw it pwn Carlo AND a Widowmaker together. This thing is just... Too ubah to describe.
bartje @ 2006-03-04 17:06
yeh.. only weakness is the lifetime it lives for like 5 MIN =@
Yakobo66 @ 2006-05-15 16:28
User Pets <= lol, you cant cast while you got other pets, more uberness!
genius71 @ 2006-06-04 17:08
jeff, its called sarcasm ;)
Jedrox @ 2006-12-06 21:14
Magrichian @ 2006-12-29 22:00
I can cast it with mochams! =D
lanather @ 2008-04-04 17:56
Dagger @ 2008-09-20 12:32
Pretty fun when you buff it too.
Someperson1 @ 2010-05-26 06:56
teh pet is so uber i cant cast it w/ composite mochmams 131wrangle various bufing mc/ts armor/rings ql 300imps w/ shining mc an bright/faded ts
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