18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Item Database - Alpha and Omega

Alpha and Omega
Flags Modified Description, Want Collision
Patch 11.0 13.2 14.9 15.0.1 18.8.53
Nanocost 0
School Healing: Complete heal
Range 30 m
Stacking order 1
On Use Target Hit Health 9999 .. 9999  
cleo22 @ 2005-02-08 10:09
What's the difference between 11.0 13.2 14.9 15.0.1
cleo22 @ 2005-02-08 10:11
the ninth gate perhaps...
Happyhippo @ 2005-02-21 01:22
A&O got stacking Order 1
Blacknuker @ 2006-11-05 12:44
the describtion of 11.0 is DO NOT PUT IN HASH SYSTEM. The effect part of the Doctor's Alpha and Omega spell. and 15.0.1 doesnt have 1
MetalSlugIV @ 2009-03-22 09:29
Hash is probably referring to a Hash Code. It's a computer science thing used in programming. NOT the hash you are thinking about.
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