xxxThanosxxx @ 2005-11-28 19:31
Anyone know the lowest QL you can roll this for? 107 seems to only get medium....
qwayke @ 2006-06-21 06:54
50+ Very Light Tank armors
75+ Light Tank armors appear
100+ Medium Tank armors appear
125+ Heavy Tank armors appear
noir1991 @ 2006-07-18 17:21
yep , qwayke is totally right
Tontonfranky @ 2007-03-16 08:10
Small correction : this tank armor is not [unique]
Shutroth @ 2009-06-08 00:03
Do other people see it say:
User Modify Nano cost modifier
and nothing after that or is my CPU reading it wrong?
Shadraz @ 2010-02-21 05:30
yes, it's blank, and for a reason I think. This armor is weird. There's a white one and a red one. Both have the same exact name and stats, except the white has "add nano cost 15%" and the red has "add nano cost 12%". I have both, and both the same QL, 139.
Shadraz @ 2010-02-21 07:17
I take that back... the red is "Heavy Tank Armor", not "Omni-Tek". Otherwise the same item except for the nano cost.
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