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Item Database - Slayerdroid Transference

Slayerdroid Transference Icon #39274 Transfers the caster into the shell of a slayerdroid, enhancing all ACs and martial arts skill.
Flags Modified Description, Default Target, Buff Nano, Disable Statel Collision
Patch 11.0 14.4.2 15.0.1 15.5.5 16.0 17.8 18.8.53
QL 185
Crystal Nano Crystal (Slayerdroid Transference)
NCU 57
Nanocost 1200
School Space
Duration 1 hour
Attack time 15.72s
Recharge time 49s
Range 1 m
Effect icon Icon 39738
Stacking order 57
Attack skills
Matter creation 50 %
Time and space 50 %
To Use User Visual profession == Engineer and
User Time and space >= 856 and
User Matter creation >= 856
On Use Self Modify Projectile AC 150  
Self Modify Melee AC 150  
Self Modify Energy AC 150  
Self Modify Martial arts 300  
User Change Shape 22821  
killacow @ 2004-03-20 04:53
pretty good if u are a engi that raises his/her martial arts but the ac mods suck!
Supatrue @ 2004-04-26 18:47
the ac mods stack with other ac buffs. It's not meant to be the only buff you wear o.o
Serturos @ 2005-01-29 19:15
LOL that Nano cost...
zyx21 @ 2005-02-12 08:51
Its meant to be a 'coolness' nano...
Syberiath @ 2005-03-11 22:26
also its pre-combat IF it was used in combat in the past .. but as mentioned .. coolness nano.

I wait for the day meeting an engi having his martial arts maxed ... boy .. would u expect an engi jumping on ur face and crushing it ?? best surprise effect ever !!!
Supaneer @ 2005-05-19 23:44
what the HELL does this do
Supaneer @ 2005-05-19 23:45
omg .. makes the caster the shape of a .. no way! a person the shape of a slayerdroid! UBER !!
myststress @ 2005-05-30 14:06
I love this nano just because people have never seen other players in this form.The modest bonuses are nice too. The only drawback is that your to big to see very well inside of cavelike dungeons. (in third person)
skybert @ 2005-06-04 12:24
quote: I love this nano just because people have never seen other players in this form.The modest bonuses are nice too. The only drawback is that your to big to see very well inside of cavelike dungeons. (in third person)

unless of course, you're an agent with ruse of taren3 and some shrink bracers and then you fp: engie for this one. Smallest slayer in teh world, I tell you!
Volkanov @ 2005-06-16 04:51
nah why be small? :P cast this, wait for ages then FP enforcer and be biggest slayerdroid in teh world :) gotta try that with dragon as well ;)
seejin @ 2005-07-10 23:54
Reminds me of that Slayerdroid in forams his huge.
Ryugu @ 2006-09-12 14:40
VERY useful for putting on dragon armor LOL
Rockshox @ 2006-11-20 10:24
slayerdroid with BoB?
akademiker @ 2007-01-10 20:34
yeah best engineer ma buff ever :)
Whitey @ 2007-01-19 12:54
very VERY good nano, met a 220 MA engie for an inf mish, and with all that pet dmg aswell, guess who came out as top DD? :P
Datagutt @ 2007-03-27 17:29
The soldier?
Alceona @ 2007-04-08 19:09
No, I think engi with 2 LE pistols:P
Xxxfatal @ 2007-04-08 20:55
i bet it was the advy's l33t friend
Bluebots @ 2007-11-17 22:23
Found the disc but no nano.. Guess it isn't rollable =)
Shadow4d4 @ 2008-06-20 04:07
thats why you make it!

At some point i'll have to start pouring points into MA...
fly @ 2008-06-27 01:27
it's rollable
Esproc @ 2009-01-31 00:25
Wtb a version that targets other >.>
Timmytank @ 2009-03-01 05:02
any agent try FPing into this then going into FP enfo and see how big u can get it?
hardstyler88 @ 2009-05-21 16:07
User Form ==
Battle suits have this too, where you cannot even use behe. (can't have size chancing nano's active while having this nano active)
hardstyler88 @ 2009-05-21 16:08
*User Form == *
Shutroth @ 2009-06-01 18:26
Well this could come in handy if you're trying to get living dragon flesh armor on.
Ibrokezyou @ 2009-07-09 07:37
This on lvl60 engi twink with 200 slayer ftw!!!
Makes all the noobs cringe!
Shakesbeer @ 2009-12-23 01:20
hardstyler88 @ 2009-05-21 16:07
User Form ==
Battle suits have this too, where you cannot even use behe. (can't have size chancing nano's active while having this nano active)

sigh.. people dont post if you don't know what you talking about, this mean that you can't be in another form (advy morphs, yalms, and whatnot)
Vabla2 @ 2009-12-29 23:08
Froob engie love <3
Vabla2 @ 2009-12-29 23:10
On another note, wish this was more like grid armor than morph. So you'd be REALLY piloting a second slayer :o
jarexxx @ 2010-05-02 13:57
Got it finally, rollable, i like m arts buff, stacks with ma mastery :0, at 200 u can get m arts about 1k :D
imsobored121 @ 2010-09-02 13:22
donno how your only geting 1k martial arts at level 200, even as a froob my lvl 100 engi has that
and thats not including martial arts mastery....
ah well this nano is definately froob love, ma works well with froobie engis that dont like to hide around corners while there pet does everything. MA specials are awsome
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