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Item Database - Frequent Customer

Frequent Customer Icon #16213 Briefly increases the target's Computer Literacy skill by 55 points in an attempt to gain discounts at shops.
Flags Buff Nano, Disable Statel Collision
Patch 11.0 12.8 13.2 15.0.1 15.5.5
QL 20
Crystal Nano Crystal (Frequent Customer)
Nanocost 65
School Psionic: Computer literacy buffs
Duration 1 minute
Attack time 2.36s
Recharge time 0.5s
Range 10 m
Effect icon Icon 16377
Attack skills
Psychological modifications 54 %
Sensory improvement 46 %
To Use User Psychological modifications >= 104 and
User Sensory improvement >= 87 and
User Visual profession == Trader
On Use Target Modify Computer literacy 55  
Fleadram @ 2005-07-24 15:48
does this stack with experise??
Arrone @ 2005-08-02 03:30
Fleadram @ 2005-08-08 01:10
No good for belts ( this nano's duration < belt equip time ) but awesomer for ncu memory :)
Jefazo @ 2005-08-12 03:55
Belts are equipped anyways, the comp lit check is done in the beginning (i suposse), not an end, i could equip a Guardian Circuit Board on a 30 False Prof Agent with this nano ;)
Fleadram @ 2005-08-28 16:38
ya i just figured that out, got a GCB and ql 100+ memory in a lvl 18 trader :)
Ortus @ 2005-08-29 00:05
Not possible at level 18, Fleadram.... lvl 20 req for the GCB
Fleadram @ 2005-09-01 05:55
I meant the req, now i got the belt in, lvl 21
PeteFox @ 2005-09-05 12:16
The problem is the changing of the belt... Take one off and put the other on...Keep that blackmane belt from noob island i say ;P (20equip)
olezero @ 2005-09-07 00:05
dont need to unequipp the belt u are using.. just hotswap em (rightclick the old belt, takes a total of 140 sec of equipping time, in one big move) :-)
Borby @ 2005-11-10 10:38
I used carb armor to get enough NCU for buff...
I totaly skipped Guardian Board, coz I had 5 slot belt and uber NCU chips installed by that time
AlphaCenta @ 2005-12-30 18:59
Or if you want to get a belt off immediately, you can always delete it :) But only one try then, hehe :)
philip @ 2006-01-09 11:10
except that you cant delete belts since a long time now
Daiceman9 @ 2006-01-18 07:14
All you have to do is remove all your NCU, which will take around 50 or so seconds, then hotswap the belt, if you have longer equiping NCU items, just recast the nano after you've removed a few, if the nano is already running it will not need the extra NCU and will just refresh.
Ulja @ 2006-02-11 13:17
You could delete the NCU memories though, but I hate arguing about twinking even more then twinking! ;P
Whitey @ 2006-04-24 17:42
Its really simple really.. get either a DM or ML or something with decent NCU for low CL, equip blackmanes belt (20 sec equip time) and the dm/ml(10 sec). Cast this nano then remove the dm/ml and the belt (30 seconds altogether) and then put on the GCB.

Simple :P i did it on a level 20 agent, and now has 167 NCU (without cabonum armour) using 2 ML's and 3 DM's..
bartje @ 2006-06-10 16:35
wow really cool but 'real' twinks do 6x belt on lvl 15 so u have at least 200+ ncu cus u use collar from CoH too +30 and use carbonium so 200+ is easy on lvl 15 ;) happy twinking
Thede @ 2006-06-15 01:16
I heared that you don't need the NCU to refresh a buff that is running? So hypothetically you could simply recast this (or higher) buff every 59 secs while you 'do the business'... Not tried this myself though.
kiwifruit13 @ 2006-08-28 15:02
yh thats right
Whitey @ 2006-11-06 14:16
@bartje @ 2006-06-10 16:35

wow really cool but 'real' twinks do 6x belt on lvl 15

twinked up the agent has 210 ish NCU with storm carb and a load of other junk. This nano is used for making 15-25 tower twinks that have so many OSB it makes them seemingly invincible :P
Yakobo66 @ 2007-03-23 17:25
Thede @ 2006-06-15 01:16

I heared that you don't need the NCU to refresh a buff that is running? So hypothetically you could simply recast this (or higher) buff every 59 secs while you 'do the business'... Not tried this myself though.

was getting agg from VH at ely on my nt, adv thought it would be nice to cast team kitty then and i couldnt refresh the absorb i had on myself...
manhunt13 @ 2008-08-11 10:33
they "fixed" the ncu. you have to have the ncu to do the buff
you cannot refresh if you dont have the ncu
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