18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Item Database - Illegally Modified Dreadloch Obliterator

Illegally Modified Dreadloch Obliterator Icon #19800 This is a heavy shell grenade launcher that was originally inspired by mining explosive injectors that were used in the old Notum mines. Many Atroxes died before this technology was perfected. Special firing shaft technology allows for much greater accuracy. Think of it as a nail gun but using highly explosive nanite-coated shells instead of nails - hence the number of dead Atroxes during testing. Getting struck by this weapon will occasionally cause the target to become shellshocked by the impact.
This weapon was further modified to allow for a more rapid fire deployment of rounds, which may result in a more potent dizzying effect on targets.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop, Unique
Can Carry, Wear, Burst, Fling Shot
Patch 18.8.55
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand
Value 100000
Equip time 3s
Attack time 1.2s
Recharge time 1.3s
Range 30 m
Clip 40 - Grenades
Damage 360-550 (550) - Projectile AC
Attack rating cap 2700
Initiative skill Ranged init
Mass 0.2kg
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Duck explosives 100 %
Attack skills
Grenade 100 %
To Equip User Grenade >= 2200 and
User Fling shot >= 1200 and
User Burst >= 1200 and
User Level >= 215
On Hit Target Cast Shellshock 15% chance  
Vladja @ 2020-11-24 08:55
Drops from Abmouth Supremus in the high level Subway raid.
houserocker @ 2020-12-09 08:06
Decent, I suppose.
kilafiremage @ 2024-12-05 07:37
great upgrade, 15% chance for a -450 inits debuff that lasts 20 seconds.and now it has burst. major engi lub
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