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Item Database - Illegally Modified Dreadloch Remodulator

Illegally Modified Dreadloch Remodulator Icon #264837 This bizarre creation was the brainchild of a drinking club that met every Friday evening at the Dreadloch Weapons division mess hall. This version of their famous, or rather infamous, remodulator was a little more refinded with the specific purpose of using the accidental technology of the original to harness a very specific effect. While this version does even less damage than the original it has the effect of consistently reducing its target's evade skills.
This version has been modified to do even less damage, but with a more potent effect.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop, Unique
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 18.8.55
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand
Value 10
Equip time 45s
Attack time 0.02s
Recharge time 0.02s
Range 32 m
Clip 20 - Energy ammo
Damage 10-30 (5) - Projectile AC
Attack rating cap 2500
Initiative skill Ranged init
Mass 0.4kg
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Time and space 100 %
Attack skills
Mechanical engineering 100 %
To Equip User Mechanical engineering >= 2300 and
User Electrical engineering >= 2300 and
User Level >= 215
On Hit Target Cast Nanite Interruption 75% chance  
Vladja @ 2020-11-24 08:54
Drops from Vergil Aeneid in the high level Subway raid.
houserocker @ 2020-12-09 07:54
Honestly questionable if this is actually an improvement. Adding NR debuff is nice, increase in evade debuff negligible. Proc chance reduced by 25%.
Hwguy @ 2021-02-04 09:15
I think the proc. chance reduction is completely irrelevant, it will always be on.
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