18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Item Database - Monofilament Cat-O

Monofilament Cat-O Icon #45183 Lashes the target with multiple monofilament strands, inflicting 863-2,341 points of melee damage.
Flags Default Target, Item Texture Override, Disable Statel Collision
Patch 11.0 14.4.2 15.0.1 15.5.5 17.5 18.8.53
QL 169
Crystal Nano Crystal (Monofilament Cat-O'Nine-Tails)
NCU 52
Nanocost 346
School Combat
Attack time 4s
Recharge time 3.77s
Range 25 m
Stacking order 52
Defense skills
Nano resist 100 %
Attack skills
Psychological modifications 52 %
Matter creation 48 %
To Use User Matter creation >= 730 and
User Psychological modifications >= 803 and
User Visual profession == Bureaucrat
On Use Target Hit Health Melee -863 .. -2341  
Target Taunt 2275  
Yurdle @ 2006-01-28 16:21
bartje @ 2006-06-07 12:44
Tionz @ 2006-07-06 23:38
Cat-o nine tails as in the nine stringed (or whatever they are called) whips. So like there was another crat nuke called monofilament whip, so this is like 9x better i guess :P
Mannystk @ 2006-07-14 21:19
Good Theory :D
Retracnad @ 2006-08-18 12:17
monofilament - single particle
Whip - string used to lash people with to cause pain
1 particle being lashed against you at high speed = sliced person
cat-o-nine = 9 whips together on one handle = chop suey
junkerman @ 2007-07-27 16:45
i like retacnad's explanation. :]
jarexxx @ 2010-09-16 14:17
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