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Item Database - Hastily Scribbled Shopping List

Hastily Scribbled Shopping List Icon #154677 William Barnes quickly threw together this shopping list of items he would like to present his wife for dinner:
1) New Giovan--No, she hates New Giovanni Drink, don't get that for her! Buy a bottle of "Wooha." I think that new space bar may have some.
2) Cheryl loves "Mix Salad," so please find her one. Food vendors should have some around.
3) Maybe something spicy...oh wait, NO...the last time we had a Red-Hooot Pizza, she ended up in the clinic. Please find her a "Crab Surprise." Perhaps you can find one when looking for the salad.
4) Finally, please find me some mood-lighting. She likes orange, so please find me a "Volcano - Rocket Lamp." I think I saw one of these in a furniture shop.
That should be it! Please bring me those 4 items...ignore the ones I crossed out.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop, Unique, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry
Patch 18.4.15
Change QL:
Mass 0.1kg
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