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Item Database - SSC "Bastion" Back Armor - Inactive

SSC "Bastion" Back Armor - Inactive Icon #291379 The Star Steel Corporation has long been known as a rather secretive organization, very self-reliant and often seen as a mystery to outsiders; The SSC has long eschwed the notion of utilizing other companies for its transportation and equipment, instead preferring to utilize their own technology where-ever possible. Their invention of 'living steel' many years ago has enabled the company to stay afloat despite a seemingly low yearly gross revenue.
Truth be told it's been many years since the last SSC export to Rubi-Ka, and even now some are wondering if this is actually a product of the fabled corporation; the branding seems correct, logos in place, security DNA locks verified, and even a deep scan reveals trademark details in the system's components that are hallmarks of the SSC brand. But with their last product for Rubi-Ka marketed over twenty years ago, some can't help but wonder if this is the real deal.
There are three slots near the rear where this item may receive upgrade plates, to activate and further enhance its strength.
There is a small place near the back for an SSC Bastion NanoPaint chip.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop, Unique, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 18.4.11
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Back
Equip time 0.2s
Mass 0.2kg
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