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Item Database - Entvined Costume

Entvined Costume Icon #293523 From the endless amount of flesh and tissue left behind from the Entvined hoards, it was possible to create a full-body suit!
The realization that there exists a tailor who would work with such "material" is almost as unnerving as the stench and eerie warmth emanating from this outfit.
Wearing such an outfit in public will alert all nearby just how terrifying of a warrior lurks beneath this fetid and decayed exterior.
Flags Visible, Mirror In Left Hand, No Drop, Unique, Has Damage, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 18.4.11
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Back, Body
Value 1
Equip time 0.01s
Mass 0.6kg
On Equip User Texture Legs 18220  
User Texture Body 18221  
User Texture Feet 18222  
User Texture Hands 18223  
User Texture Arms 18224  
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