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Item Database - Mu-Negative Novictum Enriched Metamaterial

Mu-Negative Novictum Enriched Metamaterial Icon #292759 This is a small, clear box, its top held together by a simple clasp. Within the box you see nothing, but your NCU is, to be quite frank, having a bit of a meltdown attempting to study its interior. One moment it detects insane levels of energy and then the next, nothing. Once or twice you could almost swear seeing a shadow floating within the container, only to be met staring at the same glass-like box a moment later. Something about this just doesn't seem right, on a very base, intrinsic level.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop
Can Carry
Patch 18.4.8
Change QL:
Value 1
Attack time 0.5s
Mass 0.2kg
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