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Item Database - Health and Nano Spindle

Health and Nano Spindle Icon #290998 A sophisticated piece of first-aid Spirit-Machinery. Using this on a friend or yourself heals a small amount of damage and restores a small amount of nano.
NOTE: You cannot First-Aid anyone for a brief period after previous use.
Flags Visible, Use Empty Destruct, Has Energy, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Use, Eat, Stackable, Apply Friendly
Patch 18.4.8
Change QL:
Value 25
Range 5 m
Clip 25 - 0
Mass 0.01kg
To Use User First aid >= 8 and
User Target type not & Monster and
User Inside Shadowlands & 1
On Use Target Hit Health 10 .. 10  2 hits, 2s delay
Target Hit Current nano 10 .. 10  2 hits, 2s delay
Target Graphics Effect #13600  
User Lock First aid 40s  
Chat Text Your body tingles with energy.  
On Activate Self AddSkill First aid 3  
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