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Item Database - Phil and the Gofles page 1457

Phil and the Gofles page 1457 Icon #291106 H. No Parking/Tow-Away Zones & Urban Planning
A "no parking/tow-away zone" along a city street may be established where there is an operational problem, collision history, or continued issue regarding traffic flow associated with vehicles parked along a major street. The Omni-Tek Rubi-Ka Transportation Department typically identifies suggested locations.
Omni-Pol Officers may promptly remove an unattended vehicles from a roadway shoulder if it constitutes an obstruction or jeopardizes public safety. Removal procedures include towing, disassembly, and disintegration.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, Unique
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Patch 18.4.6 18.4.8 18.4.11
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thunderdome @ 2012-08-03 18:46
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