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Item Database - Phil and the Gofles page 1397

Phil and the Gofles page 1397 Icon #269476 ...and he was very sad indeed. Arnie the Atrox went to the second leet, who was big and strong and had spikes on his back! Arnie was afraid inside but took a deep breath and walked right up to the scary-looking leet! Even though he was scared Arnie smiled biiiiiig and bright at the leet, waving his hand hello! The leet still looked mean, frowning at Arnie! He frowned deeper... and deeeeper... and deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeper... and just as Arnie was about to run away the leet scurried over to his feet and started snuggling up! Even scary leets need love, thought Arnie, who wasn't afraid any more at all.
.... you have the feeling this may not be from the manuscript you're looking for.
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thunderdome @ 2012-08-03 18:45
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