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Item Database - Phil and the Gofles page 1209

Phil and the Gofles page 1209 Icon #291106 ...and aeons were no more, and the sun was no more, and time and love and all things were now lost under the haze and fog of the red that filled his sight. The death of all things surrounded him and he was at its epicenter, the breathing core of all that had once been and all that was to be, encompassed by the swirling vortex of eternity's caress. He realized The Truth, the hidden sciences of the universe, the dark tongues of those who lay beyond, the calming song of entropy, the light and hope of death. His mind was theirs, and theirs was his, and all lay within his grasp. Eyes closed he raised his sword. From somewhere beyond the never-ending coil of time he heard a scream. He smiled, and hefted his blade.
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thunderdome @ 2012-08-03 18:46
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