zyx22 @ 2005-05-27 16:11
aaand GSF overwrites it.
Cheysey @ 2005-07-02 17:42
but not the SL speed buffs ;) great for fixers ;)
IvanRashnu @ 2006-03-13 14:41
too bad, they don't stack
Yakobo66 @ 2006-06-10 17:02
tehe, wtb on a lvl60 ma totw twink
LordDrathu @ 2006-08-21 16:15
beakus @ 2006-08-24 13:20
yes it's rollable.
Vgman @ 2007-12-11 19:06
I gsf overwrites other evade nanos because they dont want an ma fighting a fix then the ma casting this on the fix and boom -720 rs on the fix. thats what i think any way >.>
Datagutt @ 2008-01-13 12:50
Or maybe just because gsf takes up more ncu and they don't want those two stacking.
phlyk @ 2008-04-26 17:40
Also, the team speed buffs should stack with this
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