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Item Database - Volcanic Eruption

Volcanic Eruption Icon #16345 All enemies within a wide area are hit for 649-1402 points of damage.
Flags Item Texture Override, Disable Statel Collision
Patch 11.0 13.8 15.0.1 15.5.5
QL 182
Crystal Nano Crystal (Volcanic Eruption)
NCU 56
Nanocost 177
School Combat
Attack time 3.72s
Recharge time 1.54s
Range 20 m
Defense skills
Nano resist 130 %
Attack skills
Matter creation 100 %
To Use User Matter creation >= 836 and
User Visual profession == Nano-Technician
On Use Target AOE 50m Health Fire AC -649 .. -1402  
Nukeaway @ 2004-03-10 00:21
The Quicker Heckler Killer! 8D
SquirrelyB @ 2004-03-24 21:06
One must consider the possibilites one might have at around say... level 110 with this nano and a symb or two and comp infuse you can kill mass quantities of girders in scheol and gain 12 levels in one day like I did ;)

have fun you guys
estboy @ 2004-05-31 19:48
uhm...why CI? get Mochie .. sooner the better eh? :) with mochie ya'll get soo many lvls n you'll be able to cast with CI..maybe? :)
Erikomei @ 2004-06-11 13:39
CI , lasts for 4 hours
geargrinderx @ 2004-07-30 14:13
I'm 100 and I easily can cast this at 100.
geargrinderx @ 2004-07-30 14:14
With only CI that is. *too early*
norana9 @ 2004-08-22 08:47
Hey there just hit 88 and can cast it if i had it. Anyone know where this nano can be found.

Willing to buy for an absorbent amount of credits.
Sypiken @ 2004-08-28 15:02
Well, my lvl 100 NT can easely cast this. And for NT's symb's are shit uintill lvl 150.. =| Unfortinantly you need the MC desperately..
Talien @ 2004-10-19 05:36
you cant kite till 120ish anyway due to run screw it wtb kels....who cares about ve
Xardass @ 2004-11-04 17:27
Hey "Talien" u can kite at lvl 90 if u have 390 runn speed wolf,100 and 30 runn speed buff u just need 2 cast it instantly.

So have funn at ely hek's :D
Rmby @ 2004-12-29 22:00
I can cast this at level 100 does that count? :) atleast I ahve to have MC Mocham and a few other thigns *shurgs*
evilprince78 @ 2005-01-05 15:36
where do you get this nano???
Rastaoppy @ 2005-02-18 16:11
rolled in a 190ql solo mish in milky-way...evil..evil nano ;)
humberic @ 2005-04-07 19:53
great nano look up Oposs to see if u can tell when he got it :P like to try kels but as far as kiting goes i believe this be the best5 nano, was casting with CI then too :)
Dworkin @ 2005-04-26 23:00
the best kiter nano and the most useless nano now!
nimarq @ 2005-05-13 16:59
Dworkin and why is that?
humberic @ 2005-05-18 22:31
they nerfed the ingot for good...o well was fun getting 30 lvls in bout 5 hours of actually play, haven't played since either
Topedd @ 2005-06-23 07:59
Wish i had this at 83 when i was kiting ely hecklers. "You hit heckler of stones for 367 points of chemical dmg." Toxic spill takes to long.
seejin @ 2005-07-11 07:18
NT roxxor, only need one skill so head, right hand, eye implants are the best way to go untell you get enough skill to cast the best nanos and then some. Haveing like 600+ MC on a 70 NT is nice but I think 700+ would be ez. Just make sure to max out that treament.
Jeff120 @ 2005-09-30 01:55
this is good at AI raids
devilkin @ 2005-10-08 12:06
Talien >> you cant kite till 120ish anyway due to run screw it wtb kels....who cares about ve

I say your an idiot dear sir. Ive just kitied my way to level 50 in about 5 hours.
triggerzer0 @ 2005-10-24 03:47
is it just me or is this way too damn easy to counter past Scheol? I tried kiting mobs in the Ado redeemed temple, 9/10 times they counter this, and 3/5 times they counter kels
swank @ 2005-11-17 02:55
nope, try kiting the spirits in inferno spirit room upto 50 at once.. they don't DoT and it gives much better xp..

i feel sorry for all those 190+ nt's still pissing people off in ely, and getting fuck all xp per heckler.

move on, there is much more to kiting than hecklers.
Jantophis @ 2006-01-11 22:47
yes - its more intresting to kite other than the stupid hecks ^^
Mergai @ 2006-02-08 16:54
triggerzer0 - the sided mobs counter a lot, but if you want to kite them try beeing closer to them and nuke on yer self, i got them killed quite easily that way in Ado. Though exp in them is not that good, its fair faction :)=
Pyros_15000 @ 2006-02-26 06:14
w00t my level 100 fr00b NT just had this uploaded :D
wilcyd @ 2006-02-27 21:25
Hmmm, where can i get this nano? Is it rollable?
jammajam @ 2006-03-27 10:05
kited hecks with this at lvl 108
bartje @ 2006-04-06 18:15
devilkin @ 2005-10-08 12:06
Talien >> you cant kite till 120ish anyway due to run screw it wtb kels....who cares about ve

I say your an idiot dear sir. Ive just kitied my way to level 50 in about 5 hours.
Hehe LAME 50 lvl's in 5 hour.. join a ubah kiter and u get 100-150 in 2,5-3 hour easaly

Zuoxi @ 2006-04-20 22:13
My lvl 84 NT friend just cast this today, Symbiants, Neleb's robe, Moochies, and a few more items
Yakobo66 @ 2006-05-10 22:45
if you can cast slayerdriod in totw then surely you can cast this too
Sarouka @ 2006-07-02 16:56
Talien @ 2004-10-19 05:36
you cant kite till 120ish anyway due to run screw it wtb kels....who cares about ve

dude put on LFT lookin for fixer for kite team. guarantee within 15 minutes youll have a few replies. or if you dont have a friendly fixer, go to pw borgs at south camp. they run slow and are stupid i kited those at lvl 75 with isotope waves. just stack the south camp and bring em out to the road and pick up a few more there. sure takes a bit to make em drop but they drop. plus borgs actually have money and items. if you can get to pen go. pretty good kite places in pen on preds and spiders. or hell nuke arctic leets all day. and i would pay to see someone try to kite underwater in ado. that would be something to brag about if you didnt die.
Trollkarl @ 2006-09-05 13:05
120 selfbuffed without any trouble. QL 200 implants, maxed sta&int and some trickdown items. Augmented cyberdeck. And suitable perks.
Runspeed maxed, 1k board and symbiograft playfull cub, quickness (gives around 800)
No more MP, advy, fixer harrasments ever =)
TheRenegade @ 2006-11-25 02:31
My level 75 NT, with MC mochams can cast this with ease.
TheRenegade @ 2006-11-26 03:12
AI armor on.
TheRenegade @ 2006-11-26 03:12
NO AI armor on. that is.
Selkies @ 2007-01-08 07:42
ok, so is it just me, or does this nano have no AC modifier, so hecklers ACs do shit to lower the damage correct?
Whitey @ 2007-01-15 03:57
no this hits for min on heks last time i checked (not long ago)
sinistral @ 2007-02-06 17:29
You may do only min damage because of the high AC of hecklers and such, but nano damage itself is never reduced by AC like normal weapon damage.
Yakobo66 @ 2007-02-17 12:59
20M effect is ubah too ^^
Mohamad @ 2007-02-17 23:12
Uh...I kited at level 54 and it wasn't hard...max speed, level 110 implants, wolf graft, mat crea mochi, with leet spines in both hands. ( Almost gimped ) Attacked first one in line, if I started to attack to often with blades, just had to run a slightly bigger circle.
regsvr32 @ 2007-07-31 08:46
k if i see it right with 28% of nano cost reduct that will cost me 49.56 nano point each nuke lets sey 50
Jakobian @ 2007-11-14 18:29
No regsvr32, that would be with 72% cost reduction. with 28% it would be 177 - 49.56.
acgeek2 @ 2009-01-30 19:04
My 75 NT can self this and insta-cast on full-def XD
Binarybot @ 2009-02-26 18:28
This is the better choice for grinding down a heckler stack with an outside tank. Still prefer Kel's while doing a nuke n run, but VE will do 30% more dd than Kel's when using OST.
Ibrokezyou @ 2009-05-09 21:59
Can cast this at lvl60 on my NT with mochies and a mid range rangle
Backstabber @ 2009-05-17 04:10
wrangle kiting thats a new one...
Ofab @ 2009-08-06 06:47
Hi Phaz
AOmaster @ 2009-08-31 18:25
regsvr32 @ 2007-07-31 08:46
k if i see it right with 28% of nano cost reduct that will cost me 49.56 nano point each nuke lets sey 50.

Where did you learn maths? it costs 177 base nano to cast this, a 28% reduction in cost will work out at 127.44...a bit higher than the 50 you worked it out to be. (I do see where you got 50 (49.56) from, but you didn't subtract it from the original 177 to get the reduced figure).
Chartax @ 2010-11-24 11:57
Backstabber @ 2009-05-17 04:10
wrangle kiting thats a new one...

Assuming he means umbrals :p
Cratattak @ 2011-03-14 20:19
can agents kite with dis? with mimc prof nt?
AO_TON @ 2011-07-21 18:02
I can cast this at lvl 100 easily with just MC Mochams :)
tazerboy @ 2011-09-16 21:21
yea need to get lvls for my nt :'( wtb lvls lvl 37 rk1 :D
thebubble @ 2012-04-08 11:30
86 froob with mc moch castable easily,
got 849 mc atm, didnt get a collar of amplification, no filigree rings, only miy's nano armor, and i shud be able to get a better soft pepper pistol on but that wud cause skill reset :s
(RK2, Capnt)
Nimthrax6 @ 2015-04-28 22:31
What type of damage does this do Fire or Energy?
Evenhb @ 2021-04-20 23:51
Rollable. Used 5 minutes to find it with clicksaver, rolling ql 181 mission.
Evenhb @ 2021-04-21 00:42
And easily castable at lvl 100 for a froob =) (with mc mochams)
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