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Item Database - Neural Stunner

Neural Stunner Icon #16248 Attempts to stun the target for a few seconds.
Flags Item Texture Override, Buff Nano, Disable Statel Collision
Patch 11.0 11.4 12.8 13.6 13.8 15.0.1 15.5.5 18.0.2 18.8.53
QL 152
Crystal Nano Crystal (Neural Stunner)
NCU 47
Nanocost 226
School Combat: Calm
Duration 4.05 seconds
Attack time 1.27s
Recharge time 9s
Range 20 m
Effect icon Icon 16426
Stacking order 47
Defense skills
Nano resist 120 %
Attack skills
Biological metamorphosis 50 %
Matter creation 50 %
To Use User Matter creation >= 700 and
User Biological metamorphosis >= 700 and
User Visual profession == Nano-Technician
On Use Target Restrict Action Fighting, Movement  
Target Taunt 4369  
cleo22 @ 2005-02-08 11:22
Very different...
entropy88 @ 2005-06-16 15:36
so what the hell is this useful for? 9s recharge, high reqs only lasts 4 seconds
very weird nano from FC totally useless
Briandmg @ 2005-06-27 15:33
I'd say go for electryfying containment instead. It lasts for 5 secs.
Molotov @ 2005-10-11 14:17
but EC is only 25% chance of stun. this is 100% and instacast. sometimes 4 secs is all you need to get away
Xsonic @ 2006-05-11 04:39
good in teams.....?
Engelen @ 2006-07-06 16:46
This can be a great pvp tool if you get it at a low level.
Shadow.ik @ 2006-11-22 18:42 about ..your target in pvp wanna run and you already got teh ubahzor perks starting to cast...stun and perks done rest :P Also good on docs as ending nano to finish them also with perks and they can't CH
Loethlin @ 2007-02-20 23:50
....if it lands.
regsvr32 @ 2007-07-31 09:31
k lets in shourt work that usefull once u fight big mob to give 4 extra sec for the healer to use it that could be spam with 1.46 or so sec recharge and give good time for the team mates to kill that big mob got it? enjoy
regsvr32 @ 2007-07-31 09:32
jeycihn @ 2008-01-20 18:41
>>buys Reg a decent translator<<
Arendel @ 2008-05-23 01:29
120% NR to resist.. the way TL5 are stacking NR I'm guessing this is hard to land. If only 1 in 4 are landing then EC is better? Gotta try this and do my own stats.
jeycihn @ 2008-08-25 19:36
cut recharge to a useful number and I could find a way to make this work better than EC. chance of landing EC stun is just depressing, but it does happen, and if it doesn't, u don't have to wait 9 years to try again. and don't forget, with EC you're making dmg as well.
Binarybot @ 2009-02-17 22:32
Solo, its useful as a way to stun and run, though usually mezz is better. If you cant mezz it, you usually cant stun it either.

In a team, it can be very useful. Pair up with a MP or Crat or another NT and keep a mob stunned indefinitely (or until someone is resisted). It has its uses, just not in the traditional sense.
Briandmg @ 2009-08-25 15:47
Dang, doesn't work as well as the MP or agent stun. =/
Main difference is that NTs need the nano bar to nuke, but MPs/agents can just stun and continue whacking. This is probably only a utility nano or those kind of situational PvP nanos.
AOmaster @ 2009-08-27 18:22
regsvr32 @ 2007-07-31 09:31
k lets in shourt work that usefull once u fight big mob to give 4 extra sec for the healer to use it that could be spam with 1.46 or so sec recharge and give good time for the team mates to kill that big mob got it? enjoy

I find all your Auno posts to be either gibberish, or unreadable. Please refrain from sharing your pearls of wisdom with us, thanks.
Ladunker586 @ 2009-09-07 23:38
All I can say is the reqs for this are very close to the CB nanoline (hint). So I agree this might be hard to land if you just all of a sudden try to use it on an evenly matched opponent, but if you play smart this is useful. Much more useful if you are not the only one attacking the target.
Hbar @ 2009-12-09 08:11
do the alpha, start chaining starfall and use this as soon as you get to supernova, queue up nano feast, utilize and CA and watch the doc go splat.
Hbar @ 2009-12-09 08:13
btw it is NOT good in teams, taunt is too high, at least at tl4-tl5 without a proper tank, not to mention DD from the NT in that case.
Vladja @ 2010-02-21 18:49
The taunt isn't so bad; if you wouldn't cast this you'd do IEF twice in a row, which taunts twice as much ;-)
Binarybot @ 2012-12-25 07:43
If you cant handle a little agg, you didnt build your NT right ;)
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