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Item Database - Electrifying Containment

Electrifying Containment Icon #45178 A massive electric blast shocks the target for 1,020-2,498 points of damage and has a chance of stunning the target for a few seconds.
Flags Item Texture Override, Disable Statel Collision
Patch 11.0 12.5 13.8 15.0.1 15.5.5
QL 185
Crystal Nano Crystal (Electrifying Containment)
NCU 57
Nanocost 359
School Combat
Duration 5.73 seconds
Attack time 3.85s
Recharge time 3.92s
Range 30 m
Effect icon Icon 46265
Stacking order 57
Defense skills
Nano resist 110 %
Attack skills
Matter creation 100 %
To Use User Matter creation >= 850 and
User Visual profession == Nano-Technician
On Use Target Hit Health Energy -1020 .. -2498  
Target Cast Electrifying Containment 25% chance  
Target Taunt 6183  
Notumsurrrge @ 2004-09-03 18:42
probably one of the best nanos for a TL4-5 NT to use. Combine this with IEF and you will absolutely own.
Sypiken @ 2004-09-09 12:20
You gotta be crazy to say that. Really? 6183 Taunt is ALOT! Only thing that may be good with this nano is stun..
Omikurita @ 2005-01-12 07:12
nice 4 pvp i'd say
Doublezer0 @ 2005-02-08 05:55
at lvl131 I equipped this with help of some implants + mocham for MC.
Found it quite useless to use because its dot exceeds anything similar lvl teamm8s will be hitting. The stun is nice tho.

Bear in mind if I was kiting with it pulling single borgs for eg. it would own. taunt city tho
triggerzer0 @ 2005-10-28 14:40
I was *highly* dissapointed with this nuke. Chance to stun? yeah... like that ever happens
Limuni @ 2006-01-02 01:04
is it rollable?
Msauss @ 2006-03-02 14:57
at lvl 100 with the cyberdeck this should be too easy to cast with mochies and a decent set of imps
Astrozombie @ 2006-04-21 21:15
i have 870 mc at 88.. im hardly uber tweinked just decently...
Moniker @ 2006-06-23 17:01
mezzes are absolutely deadly in PVP, so this nano owns.
Engelen @ 2006-11-02 19:33
to triggerzero:
25% chance to stun for 6 secounds is alot. Once that stun hits in you have enugh time to kill near any target before stun wears off.

(presuming your using this nuke at its appropriate lvl range (75-150))
TheRenegade @ 2006-11-26 12:13
I have this on at level 81, if you got this on at 100+ with MC mochams...YOU SUCK.
bartje @ 2006-12-17 00:04
lol now i know why i always got aggro using thisone... 6k taunt is hellalot :P
triggerzer0 @ 2007-01-04 05:20
6 seconds? an NT killing something in that time? get real.
Shadow.ik @ 2007-01-31 20:31
Learn read Trigg
Rdord @ 2007-08-25 15:09
Learn to type/write proper English shadow
Submateria @ 2007-08-30 21:28
actually works nice on docs.. just wait till it stuns then Nanobot Guard + LE Tripple and watch corpse under your feet
mahdi007 @ 2007-09-21 10:39
Submateria @ 2007-08-30 21:28
actually works nice on docs.. just wait till it stuns then Nanobot Guard + LE Tripple and watch corpse under your feet

and the 500ish pvp damage from this nuke is going to make a difference? docs dont need to be stunned to be owned with triple.. triple is instant.. (as in no time to heal between hits..)

Also the fact that you posted this AFTER 30% caps were implemented makes me fear for your mental health.
Shadowstrik3 @ 2008-01-21 06:47
all of you people seem to be missing the fact that this nano has close to 4 second recharge which means if the stun lands you then have only 2 seconds left to cast your next nuke. would require some pretty good timing against a doc to kill with this + reg nukes
Shadowstrik3 @ 2008-01-21 06:47
all of you people seem to be missing the fact that this nano has close to 4 second recharge which means if the stun lands you then have only 2 seconds left to cast your next nuke. would require some pretty good timing against a doc to kill with this + reg nukes
GruzzyFunt @ 2008-03-14 02:44
"probably one of the best nanos for a TL4-5 NT to use. Combine this with IEF and you will absolutely own"

tl4? tl5? Pfft tl3 :-)
I know many 75 NTs that use this
Terrif @ 2008-04-18 20:07
all of you people seem to be missing the fact that this nano has close to 4 second recharge which means if the stun lands you then have only 2 seconds left to cast your next nuke. would require some pretty good timing against a doc to kill with this + reg nukes

true, tu best think to do is to cast a Ferocious Impactor Missile which is the last nuke with a low recharge time so if you stun with that you can cast 2 Ferocious Impactor Missile, maybe i m wrong, but i think it's a good way to use those 2 sec of stunning ^^
Whitey @ 2008-08-21 07:11
This nano is great for tanking. I hadn't really noticed until recently that NT's are pretty good tanks at TL5 - spam this+absorbs to hold agg and not get hit for -too- much(the chance to stun is an added bonus to give you a sec to recast absorb), throw in that NT's have pretty decent evades at around TL5 + blinds and you dodge most stuff too. Also if things start to look grim, use NS2 and get everything together.

I was tanking ado hecks recently with just an MA and MP pet for heals.. Was fun :)
Binarybot @ 2009-02-25 20:28
Was tanking Ely hecks at 100 with IEF. Wish I had this, though, less recharge means faster absorbs. More taunt means you definitely wont lose aggro :)
imsobored121 @ 2012-04-23 19:40
25% my ass
cool when it does land though
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