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Item Database - Angst of the Xan

Angst of the Xan Icon #280920 It adversaries sleep uneasy.
Flags Visible, No Drop
Can Carry, Wear, Fling Shot, Aimed Shot
Patch 18.0 18.0.1 18.0.2 18.8.53
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand, 0x1
Equip time 3s
Attack time 1.6s
Recharge time 1.6s
Range 30 m
Clip 50 - Energy ammo
Damage 300-500 (308) - Poison AC
Attack rating cap 2750
Initiative skill Ranged init
Mass 5kg
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Dodge ranged 100 %
Attack skills
Rifle 100 %
To Equip User Rifle >= 2251 and
User Fling shot >= 1126 and
User Aimed shot >= 1126
On Equip User Modify Max health 600  
User Modify Concealment 120  
User Modify Offense modifier 30  
Agarwaen @ 2009-03-04 00:47
cdogg421 @ 2009-03-04 12:52
Damage 300-286 (308) - Poison AC lol?
Ciekafsky @ 2009-03-10 12:51
Funny weapon. This could be a nice support prof weapon if only it had lower requirements. There is a conflict between AS and rifle clusters so not having artill symbs means that even if you can put it on you wont keep it at 100% with capped AS speed. In that state of it only agents may be interested in using it but dmg is not much better than cobras and dmg type sucks badly. Traders and solds could use it too (maybe fixers and advys too) but hell, all of those profs have better weapon options. So after all ive no idea who would use it. Also I cant understand why some of xan weapons (1hb for example) have so low requirements that they could be put on at tl5 and others like this one still cannot be put on at lvl 220 by people who could be interested (doc, crat etc.)

For those who cant / dont feel like reading to much: OMG LOL CRAP!!11!
Shiare @ 2009-03-11 14:26
hmm, don't know..but I've calculated a froob agent in fp trader that can get 1750ish rifle and 1120ish AS (good for equipping a QL300 revolution/pinpoint rifle). Only problem is once you lose the wrangle, you pretty much have to keep up the trader drains to keep it out of OE. So your limited to trader and very vulnerable to going 50% OE if you get debuffed by someone.

anyway, point here is that without perks and all the extra goodies paid accounts get, if a froob can pull off these numbers I posted, then can't see why a paid player couldn't get this Xan rifle on. However, thing i'm not too sure about is the fling shot.

One thing is really great though, +600 Max Health and +30 AAO is nice...probably not worth the effort for PVP but definitely something nice for PVM (if you don't mind being a fp trader).
kaluchkin @ 2009-04-04 18:25
damn its tough as high lord
WTB now
ruah @ 2009-12-08 16:23
This should be quite easy to put on at lvl 215+ :)
Moniker @ 2010-03-30 01:48
total focus + 50, drain 1 + 210, drain 2 +210, UA + 120, form of the executioner +7, wrangle + 132
50+420+120+7+132= 722 rifle from buffs alone.

Moniker @ 2010-03-30 01:51
Whups math fail, 1529. Still easy as shit to buff rifle.
atacrossroad @ 2011-02-24 00:37
can do it on a 201 lol just takes a little bit
kilafiremage @ 2016-03-15 19:29
ofab cobra mk 6 is poison AC as well and every agent already used that at 220, so idk what youre really complaining about
Hwguy @ 2017-05-17 17:49
Equiped @ 201 with AAO HUD, FP doc, without being OE.
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