18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Item Database - Giant of Swords

Giant of Swords Icon #16288 Increases the 2-handed edge weapon skill of the Keeper by 170 points, maximum life by 100 points, and close combat initiative by 100 points.
Flags Modified Description, Buff Nano
Patch 17.10 18.8.53
NCU 55
Nanocost 799
School Psionic: Keeper 2h edged buffs
Duration 4 hours
Attack time 4s
Recharge time 1s
Range 1 m
Effect icon Icon 39719
Stacking order 8
To Use User Profession == Keeper and
User Psychological modifications >= 1244 and
User Sensory improvement >= 1244 and
User Cyberdeck & 6
On Use User Modify Max health 100  
User Modify 2h Edged 170  
User Modify Melee init 100  
Mekh @ 2008-09-23 11:32
Yay! :D
Suga_H @ 2008-09-23 15:41
Vabla2 @ 2008-09-24 00:00
Should have been made "3-handed sword expertise"!
semenic @ 2008-09-24 00:20
OmagaDrake @ 2008-09-24 12:15
woot and castable easy by atrox ^^
Luzifer1985 @ 2008-09-24 17:13
its like iGoM^^ very nice and the only thing that i hate is the nanodeck^^
Gaiaterra @ 2008-09-26 11:18
Obtained with the beta matrix build with apf loot.

Gurudee @ 2009-03-01 11:33
Luzifer1985 @ 2008-09-24 17:13
its like iGoM^^ very nice and the only thing that i hate is the nanodeck^^

Yeah...cause swapping in that nanodeck once every 4 hours is soooooo bad :P
Otherwise, very nice :)
katharn @ 2010-10-13 13:41
Transform your nanodeck into stellar nanodeck ( guide : ) then you'll have a nice item in hud and you can cast your Giant of sword ;)
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