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Item Database - Hellish Rage

Hellish Rage Icon #39189 Accelerates the body's metabolism to such a rate that the Enforcer actually ignites. This briefly increases movement speed and initiatives. The Enforcer continuously takes damage while this nano lasts, but so do all enemies that hit the Enforcer during this period. The nanobots also attempt to remove combat debuffs currently on the Enforcer, and give a Nano AC boost while they are operational.
If used in the Shadowlands, significantly more damage will be inflicted on the enforcer.
Flags Buff Nano
Patch 17.10 18.8.53
NCU 51
Nanocost 521
School Space: Rage
Duration 42 seconds
Attack time 2s
Recharge time 3s
Range 1 m
Effect icon Icon 39667
Stacking order 51
Attack skills
Matter creation 34 %
Biological metamorphosis 33 %
Time and space 33 %
To Use User Biological metamorphosis >= 1435 and
User Matter creation >= 1435 and
User Matter metamorphosis >= 1235 and
User Profession == Enforcer and
User Cyberdeck & 6
On Use Self Modify Shield projectile damage 120  
Self Modify Shield melee damage 120  
Self Modify Shield energy damage 120  
Self Modify Shield chemical damage 120  
Self Modify Shield radiation damage 120  
Self Modify Shield cold damage 120  
Self Modify Shield fire damage 120  
Self Modify Shield poison damage 120  
Self Modify Melee init 500  
Self Modify Ranged init 500  
Self Modify Physical init 500  
Self Modify Nano init 500  
Self Modify Run speed 1200  
Self Modify Nano resist 1200  
Self Cast Hellish Rage  
if Inside Shadowlands == 0  
Self Cast Hellish Rage  
if Inside Shadowlands == 1  
Self Remove Combat nanos <= 99 NCU 20 times  
John344 @ 2008-09-23 11:47
about time enfo's get a new rage bouta 1.5k dot though :p but still nice
Loveslayer @ 2008-09-23 20:46
In SL its 9 hits with 1458 dmg each hit so total 13122 dmg .In RK its 21 ticks and 162 dmg per tick so 3402 dmg total.Otherwise very nice nano :D
Vabla2 @ 2008-09-23 23:48
It's self damage thus halved. 729 every 2s.
zerogates @ 2008-09-24 06:17
love the duration
prenoud @ 2008-10-17 02:09
sooo does this make enfs really really fast?
Threeze @ 2008-11-21 09:28
faster than fixers... not that enfs already weren't...
Nukeclearia @ 2009-05-06 03:44
Can't find this on the Enf nano list tho... Kinda sucks, But WTB for TL 5 BS. =P
AOmaster @ 2009-07-18 05:25
Yeah and I'd like to see a TL5 Enf meeting those nano skill reqs.
Nukeclearia @ 2009-09-15 13:19
1.2k NR + HHAB and Imped NR ... Tons :o
danglies @ 2009-09-21 16:15
Nukeclearia @ 2009-05-06 03:44
Can't find this on the Enf nano list tho... Kinda sucks, But WTB for TL 5 BS. =P

User Cyberdeck & 6
GL getting cyberdeck on at TL5 ;)
Nukeclearia @ 2009-09-30 17:05
Shush Danglies don't ruin my fun! :P But still... Wonder how high roots this one removes...
buttmuffin @ 2010-01-03 10:55
same as the previous highest rage
it says in the effects...
Nukeclearia @ 2010-10-10 01:41
Then that sucks... Should remove higher roots aswell...
yummytacos @ 2011-08-03 22:35
The higher roots are the unbreakable ones you know the ones NT's use too kill us.....
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