18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Item Database - Detonation Matrix

Detonation Matrix Icon #45190 This nano seeks out specialized nanobots designed to inflict lasting damage on an opponent. Via its unique coding, it crystalizes these nanobots, turning them into very powerful detonation devices and casuing massive damage to the target. Without said nanobots, however, the program fails to do much damage at all.
Hits the target for 500 points of damage. Additional damage will be dealt if Cellular Re-Structure, Poisoned Thorns, Frost Blades, Magma Covering, or Self Illumination are running on the target. Due to the intense power this nano requires it may only be cast every few seconds. This does not interfere with other nanocasts, however.
Flags Default Target, Item Texture Override
Patch 17.10 17.10.1 18.0 18.0.2 18.8.53
NCU 55
Nanocost 1589
School Combat
Attack time 1s
Recharge time 0.1s
Range 40 m
Stacking order 55
Defense skills
Nano resist 53 %
Attack skills
Matter creation 100 %
To Use User Detonation Matrix Recompiler not running and
User Profession == Nano-Technician and
User Matter creation >= 2001 and
User Cyberdeck & 6
On Use Target Hit Health Fire -500 .. -500  
Target Hit Health Energy -4975 .. -8567  
if Cellular Re-Structure running  and
Target type & Monster  
Target Hit Health Energy -8 .. 0  
if Cellular Re-Structure running  and
Target type not & Monster  
Target Hit Health Poison -5791 .. -9874  
if Poisoned Thorns running  and
Target type & Monster  
Target Hit Health Poison -10 .. 0  
if Poisoned Thorns running  and
Target type not & Monster  
Target Hit Health Cold -6582 .. -11423  
if Frost Blades running  and
Target type & Monster  
Target Hit Health Cold -16 .. 0  
if Frost Blades running  and
Target type not & Monster  
Target Hit Health Fire -7983 .. -13580  
if Magma Covering running  and
Target type & Monster  
Target Hit Health Fire -20 .. 0  
if Magma Covering running  and
Target type not & Monster  
Target Hit Health Radiation -12892 .. -17894  
if Self Illumination running  and
2 unknown  
Target Hit Health Radiation -30 .. 0  
if Self Illumination running  and
2 not unknown  
User Cast Detonation Matrix Recompiler  
Subwave @ 2008-09-23 14:22
First!.. muhaha i gonna love it :D thx FC
Retracnad @ 2008-09-23 20:55
very nice nuke to use every 10 seconds if you get self illu up first
Gaiaterra @ 2008-09-26 11:21
mmm, if you got no AI dot running, it only hits for 500 / 2 (pvp scaling) every 10s?
Whitey @ 2008-10-10 07:26
Yes.. as far as i can tell its a PVM only nuke.

Which is good, because this nano is insane... it needs a detaunt, lol.
Shareida @ 2008-10-14 01:49
Nt's Nuking for 50k and higher with it... Sick stuff.
Shadow.ik @ 2008-10-22 11:23
To: Shareida @ 2008-10-14 01:49
Not realy, it nuke for 50k only if you have Nbs running. And this finaly moved Nts back to top10 where they belong.

And this nuke made Nts to be able to kill docs aswell! :)
Dancingrage @ 2009-03-14 13:10
So NTs get their AS at 53% check. Nice, I can't argue with it, oddly enough. 11s AS without having to stuff a weapon on or check conceal, that is awesome. I hope MPs get something similar but gratz to NTs in the meantime.
Darion @ 2009-06-11 13:29
What does "2 unknown" mean?
Hbar @ 2009-10-01 04:51
Xyphos database says "IsNPC" instead of "2 unknown" so DM does different damage on players and NPCs. Also, damage -30... isn't points, it's % of the player's hp. Also, that explains the bug when NTs hit for insane amounts of damage on aliens, for some reason the NPC flag doesn't work correctly and DM hits for 30ish % of the mob's hp, which can be quite huge for an apf general

Btw this is not confirmed information, just my guesses
Hbar @ 2009-11-08 15:11
Btw ARKs at events are now "immune" to self illumination, no more 1mil+ nukes on them for NTs ^^
Whitey @ 2009-12-05 07:40
Aww :p
Hbar @ 2009-12-09 08:18
hits up to 32k with SI + DD setup + Program overload, over 50k with NBS
Feanaro @ 2010-01-12 20:39
"with SI" whats that Hbar?
Calibanos @ 2010-02-11 06:57
SI=Self illumination
Moniker @ 2010-05-09 23:59
Theoretically this could hit for 61734. You would need to find a mob with ac, hit it with self illumination, cast notum overload, cast nanobot shielding, and hit for max damage. I'm pretty sure thats the biggest hit possible by any player ingame.
Moniker @ 2010-05-27 08:58
I was wrong. It can hit even higher- because I was operating under the assumption that nanobot shielding "set" your nanodamage to a specific point- where as it simply just increases it X%. I'll do the math to figure out the maximum possible hit of this baby in a while. My guess is that it is somewhere around 80-90k.
akademiker @ 2010-07-31 00:24
never use it in pvp, doesnt hit harder than 500dmg
Moniker @ 2010-08-09 03:21
@ akademiker cast your dot first or it does almost no damage.
Digitalkillr @ 2011-05-02 08:04
max is more like 5 million
Agarwaen @ 2011-06-06 00:03
Yeah if u get the Artillery Commander bugged with his own nuke Proc, so u must force the Tank to get the proc in his ncu then NT can try.
northroad @ 2011-07-05 22:24
Playing an NT without this is like playing a squishy soldier without FA. Or perhaps more accurately, a Trader without drains/heals.
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